
Chapter 2: Preparation time

----- 1st Jan, 2024 ,

Somewhere in Banglore, India,

Alex's POV -----

" Ahh, my head, fuck it hurts so damn much. Ugh."

"Where am I now? What the fuck even happened? It all feels unrealistic."

"Uhh, are these.... Memories? Whoa!!"

Alex's mind was bombarded with foreign memories. Memories belonging to the body he had been transmigrated to. Though they were incomplete but he got a gist of who this person was and what was his situation. Then his own memories came gushing down to him, memories of what had happened in that mysterious space. It all seemed for him to go on for a long time, but in reality , it only took a few moments.

He now knew the name of the person whose body he had occupied, but it didn't matter to him. He would not have to take over his identity. He was a 23 years old man born and raised in India and had graduated from IIT Madras. His parents had died, leaving behind a big inheritance for him, and in a country like India, with weak inheritance laws, all of that was truly his. He didn't have to give a major part of it as taxes, like in France or Japan. His relatives were also few in number and they were too busy in their businesses to care about him.

He, the one in control, was still Alex, and that's all that mattered.

"First, I have to find out the world in which that bastard transmigrated me to."



> Reminder!

You will be transported to the god space of "terror infinity" in 1 year's time. This time is given for your soul to fully acclimate to the laws of this world.

Time left : 365 days 23 hours 55 minutes

> You have been given a message!

" Child, this is no system to help you like in these novels you read in your previous life. You are on your own. This system is just a reminder for you and serves the purpose of helping me to communicate with you, when I wish to. Entertain me well, I will be watching. "

> You have received a temporary blessing " Death is prohibited ". By virtue of this blessing, you shall not die under any circumstances.

Time left : 365 days 23 hours 55 minutes

> You will be given a temporary blessing after the period of 365 days 23 hours 55 minutes.


" Well, shit! "

" This bastard has really left me with no choice huh. Fine, I should begin preparing for the D-Day. And in Terror infinity at that. It is not the worst that could have happened , but is no fairy tale either. This world is a fucking mess."

" But this is strange, I do not usually get this jumpy and curse so much. This is a new experience for me. Is this the result of suddenly getting those genetic constraints?"

"Whatever, but first of all I have to return to New York. I doubt I can condition myself for that place in a country like this. Yeah, let's just do that. "

Then he went outside to eat some food in a restaurant while booking a flight which was on 3rd Jan to New York. Language was not a concern because he was in the place known as the "silicon valley of India ", and English was very common here. He ate out at a good restaurant and enjoyed the food. Though it was a bit too spicy for his taste but the original body was adapted to the spicy food and he quite liked it as well.

Then he returned home and dozed off because he was feeling a bit too tired due to the transmigrating experience. He slept for a long time while his body adapted to his mind and got more and more efficient. After waking up, he did not get the jitterish and laggy feeling that he was getting earlier and felt his body was more in-tune with his mind. Then he spent the rest of the day and the next planning about what to do in the future.

---- 3rd Jan, 2024,

A beautiful evening in New York ----

Alex checked in a hotel and went outside to search for a house he could rent that was in a good location where everyone is always busy in work and almost no person remained in their houses in day-time, in the locality of the house. After searching for a while, he found such a nice place and rented it. But he once again felt the pain he had also felt in his previous life.

"No matter how rich you are, houses in America will be always expensive."

He then went around the place to get a gist of his surroundings and finally returned to the hotel at night. He had dinner but it was too bland for the taste buds of this body and hence didn't quite like the food. He then went online and searched for ways to survive and beat some major horror films, if at-all possible, on reddit and some similar forums including 4chan. After reading some theories which can be described as 'really interesting and intriguing' and meditating for 30 minutes did he finally sleep in preparation for the next day. The days to follow would be very busy from now, so he had to sleep well whenever he can.

In the morning of the next day, Alex checked out of the hotel and arrived at his new rented house. He prepared and cleaned the house and went outside to exercise after eating breakfast. He first purchased a second hand gaming laptop from eBay and payed a bit more to get the fastest delivery possible. He then went outside with the Central Park as his destination. He then exercised a bit and warmed up his body before he started jogging then very shortly he started running. He ran to the point where it was difficult for him to even walk anymore.

" Huff...Huff... ,It was very difficult.., but at least..hah... it would be...uhh... helpful for the future. " Alex said while panting heavily and gave his body some rest by supporting it by a tree. He didn't wish to die like those small-fry characters in the beginning of the terror infinity novel because they couldn't keep up with the targets they were supposed to follow and got left behind the group.

He had to get back at that bastard who trapped him in this place, but truthfully speaking, he was scared of dying. He had lost the calm collectedness and his cold rationale which only followed logic to inhumane levels. It was majorly suppressed by the genetic constraints and thus everything felt like a new and surreal experience to him.

He returned to his house by the evening when the sun had begun to set and bathed in hot water so that his body could relieve itself from the exhaustion and to prevent any major muscle cramps. He then prepared dinner for himself and started searching online for clubs nearby, where he could get some shooting experience. He then did some light stretching and meditation before finally falling to sleep.

The next day, while still feeling his body to be very sore, he went to a club he had found out and got its membership. He practiced shooting and got experience with guns, starting with the most common pistol. He was initially very bad with guns and aiming, and thus wasted many bullets. But slowly he got the hang of it. He then left the club and went on to continue his routine exercise.

This same routine of running, meditating and shooting continued for 3 months. He had also received his laptop within a week and thus he also spent his night time watching horror movies and speedruns of the horror games he had previously played. He followed the content of "Survival Horror Network (SHN) " on YouTube for that purpose. He also re-read many works of fiction he had previously finished or given up on because he clearly remembered that the 'God' also utilised the world of 'Lord of the rings' which did not exactly come under the horror genre and was more focused on fantasy genre. He didn't wish to take unnecessary risks when he could avoid them.

-----7th April, 2024,

Alex's house ------

After having felt that his physical fitness had reached an adequate level and that further improvements would require a very long time, he broke his daily routine of running and exercising and instead joined a martial arts club. He went there and practiced martial arts while also getting real - life experience with fighting. He had requested to be allowed to fight without any safety gear and was allowed to do it after paying a hefty sum. Thus he was also developing his battle sense. By this time he had gotten proficient in shooting as well. He had adjusted to most of the weapons that are commonly available and hence reduced the time he spent there. He utilized this time and the remaining time after he had quit his running schedule to instead delve into traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and in studying ancient languages. He also started learning hypnosis and thus made full use of his time.

----- 15th August, 2024,

In Alex's martial arts club -----

" I would like to quit the club now, thank you for teaching me all this. " Alex left the club after setting all his dues. By this time he had developed his pectoral and leg muscles and had stronger than he was before. He had learned to ignore his pain in combat and had gotten the basics of martial arts ingrained in his body. But he had rejected the more advanced forms because he knew it would be useless and just a waste of time. In the god space, he would either die quickly or gain additional powers which would make those 'advanced techniques' obsolete very quickly. Hence now he quit the club and just visited sometimes to ensure that his body had not forgotten what it was rigorously trained in.



> Reminder!

You will be transported to the god space of "terror infinity" in 5 months time.

Time left : 138 days 12 hours 30 minutes

> Your temporary blessing " Death is prohibited " will expire in 5 months time.

Time left : 138 days 12 hours 30 minutes


"Well that was sudden, I didn't expect that reminder. "

" Now that I have prepared my physical body, healing skills by TCM, battle awareness, shooting skills and some ancient languages as well as have caught-up on the horror movies, games and novels as well, how do I utilise my time? Should I try some risky things? I am not going to die anyway. "

Then after thinking about what else to do, he decided to first try some martial arts techniques that would actually help him in the future, he decide to try and copy "Jeahbongchim (limiter removal)" and "mugotong (no pain)" from the webtoon " god of highchool ", his study of TCM helped him in figuring out the rough location of the acupoint but he also had to figure out the pressure with which he had to strike the acupoint. He tried it out on himself, but much to his embarrassment, it did not work.

" Well, that was to be expected. Who knows if this is real or not. But I should continue my attempts, maybe it is actually possible to recreate those techniques in this world. It wouldn't take much time as well. " Alex was embarrassed thinking about what had happened. But he didn't dwell on this and instead thought about developing some immunities.

He left new York and booked a flight to Australia instead to train up his immunities. The flora and fauna of Australia should be helpful in doing that.

--------- A/N ----------

Well , this chapter was a long one. 2000 words. Alex is trying to make the best use of his time and blessing (which he thought was like a curse in the beginning) to prepare for the madness when he finally reaches the god space. We will be dealing with a lot of chaos and madness after that.

I did not include a lot of conversations because I wanted to neither stretch this preparation/training arc, nor did I wish to just skip all his work that he had done before becoming what he is in the god space. So I did a little time skip, hehe.

And about that speedruns and forums thing, well if the MC didn't even think of that, then he would be truly stoopid. The collective human imagination can defeat most horror movies, so why take unnecessary risks? Though the 'god' doesn't play like that. He changes things from how they used to go previously, only for Alex's team to make him evolve, cause that what it ultimately wishes : evolution

Don't worry, this won't go for much longer. Within the next 3 chapters, he would be in his 1st world, and believe me, you wouldn't have ever thought that specific world could ever be used in a terror infinity setting.

So keep patience and drop those power stones.

Author out

------------- A/N end -----------------------------------

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