
Chapter 3: The Deal with the devil. Or so I thought

[Batman POV]

The figure and I move a little bit away from my parents as he began his tale.

"You can call me Venom. I am what you can consider, an outworlder or an alien. My species generally need hosts to survive in a planet foreign to our kind. Or rather, inhospitable to our kind. We can survive without a host but not for long if we want to continue existing. Like how you humans would need an oxygen tank to breathe underwater"

Makes sense so far. While it doesn't feel like he's telling me everything, I let it go for now.

"I could find some random creature or some other person to attach to but I feel you would be a very good host" He stated.

"Why?" I asked. "I cant imagine being a very good host considering I risk my life night after night. I could very well die so where does that leave you?" 

"That's exactly why." He chuckled. "Because I can offer you some kind of additional....protection in exchange for being my host. Like me paying rent if you will."

I was a little confused since I don't have much information yet so I let him continue.

"I'd rather not beat around the bush so I'll simply state my terms and what I can offer so here it goes:"

I wish to remain inside your body and have you as my host. Before we go any further, let me tell you that simply means I will exist inside you and attach to your body so I can survive in this world. I may also consume some of your body's nutrients so you might want to eat more than normal. Normally that would be it, and then you get some benefits.

But I would ask a bit more than that. 

I wish to be in charge of your body when you use your Bruce Wayne persona. I can see that you are mostly batman and this means a lot to you. So I wish to be your.. shall we say... autopilot when you appear as Bruce, while you mentally sleep, I will be in charge of the body and BE Bruce.

Once night falls, I will sleep mentally speaking and you can go back to being the Batman without being mentally exhausted."

That statement alone already kept me on guard with alarm bells ringing at the back of my head. And yet.. I felt, intrigue. 

"This sounds extremely questionable. How can I not be tired if you, as you say, Pilot my body as Bruce? Is it not still MY body and therefore tire me out?" I asked.

"Not really, since my very biology can enhance your physical abilities. You will have better stamina and will not tire easily. I can enhance your strength and flexibility. You can fight better and more efficiently. I can give you a bit of healing so you don't tire easily or break down on me. I can even cover your skin to be bullet proof since you clearly love being shot at. " He smirks.

"And best of all, I can give you a [Danger Sense] giving you a heads up and time to avoid said danger, courtesy of a certain arachnid hero from another world haha. This means you would have an alarm of certain dangers around you and avoid possible death that way. Making you a better and stronger, safer batman.

All I ask is that you give me your life as Bruce Wayne."

I Have to admit, considering what I'm getting out of this, It seems a very advantageous deal for me. Though I had to ask... " Why exactly do you want to be Bruce Wayne that you would give me these benefits?"

He laughs like the answer was simple and obvious.

"Because You're rich!" He chuckles.

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