
Chapter 36 - The Odyssey - Part 3

Orach continued, "So, my recommendation is that you need to engage in both physical and mental training. I want you to increase the weight of your uniform and train your movements accordingly. We will gradually increase the weight, but only after you have fully adapted to the current level. Enhancing your core strength can give you an edge in your fights. I understand the use of massive constructs when you're at a distance, but I suggest, with your improved strength in the future, you learn to use the green light to reinforce yourself and then, together with your enhanced strength, unleash potent attacks. Now, let's shift focus to mental training. Your constructs may be creative, but with increased mental strength, you can maintain those constructs longer and reinforce them as well. For the method, I need to do some thinking since the one I use can't be shared with outsiders. So, give me some time, but I assure you, I will provide you with a mental cultivation technique."

Hal was left a little dumbfounded. Orach's words reminded him of a drill sergeant from his training days. Part of him was skeptical, but he decided to heed Orach's advice, considering the impending threat of Darkseid and his forces.

"Bruce, I think we should make the weight training mandatory for all. As for mental training, it can help as well since having a strong mind can shield you from external influences. However, some like Victor might not need it. Anyway, let's start by designing special training suits for the team members with a weight manipulation function. We can scan my Saiyan armor and take ideas from it to create lighter and more native versions for the team," Orach proposed.

Bruce, after carefully considering Orach's words, nodded in agreement, "I agree. It's an intriguing training method. Maybe Victor can help analyze your armor as well. What do you say, Victor? Would you like to join us?"

Victor, who had been listening to the exchange with rapt attention, nodded thoughtfully before responding, "Absolutely. I'd be more than happy to lend a hand. And while we're on the subject of teamwork, I've heard about your recent business venture here in Gotham. It's an exciting prospect, and I'd like to be a part of it, if you'll have me."

Bruce and Orach were momentarily taken aback, while Hal seemed utterly confused, having missed their previous conversation due to a much-needed nap.

Orach was the first to find his voice, "Victor, this is unexpected. What brought about this change of heart? Don't get me wrong, I would be more than happy to welcome you aboard, assuming Bruce shares my sentiments. But, what about your life back in Detroit? You have a father who's likely worried sick about you."

Bruce echoed Orach's sentiment, "Victor, even as Cyborg, you're still young. You should consider pursuing a college degree. Granted, the degree might not have immediate benefits for you, but life is about more than just being a member of the League. Your father might be feeling lost after the destruction of STAR LABs in Detroit. He could use some support. After your mother's passing, you're all the family he has left."

Victor, upon hearing their words, lowered his gaze, deep in thought. After a moment, he quietly admitted, "I understand where you're coming from, Bruce. But I'm not ready to face my father again. Not yet. A part of me is still wrestling with the idea of forgiving him."

Orach, witnessing this exchange, felt a surge of frustration. He yearned to knock some sense into Victor but managed to pacify his anger by picturing the faces of his mother and Diana. He finally addressed Victor, "Victor, regardless of your transformation, you're still alive! Your existence is filled with endless possibilities. You can connect with people, make friends, enjoy life, and maybe even fall in love. And before you reply saying that no one would want to be friends with a 'freak' like you, let me tell you that those who can't look past your exterior aren't the type of people you'd want in your life. True friends are those who stand by you in both your highs and your lows. The same goes for a life partner. It's not about how you look, but who you are as a person. I understand that this isn't the life you envisioned for yourself, but this is your reality now. And remember, your lifespan is now considerably longer than most. So, as someone who has watched a friend age and wither away, I can tell you that we, the ones who live longer, have to say goodbye a lot more, especially if our loved ones are mortal. Cherish the time you have with your loved ones. I understand that you need time to adjust to your new reality and that it's perfectly normal to feel anger. But your father's only crime was his love for you and his desperation to not lose you. You can either continue brooding over your past, nurturing your hatred for your father while he suffers alone, becoming miserable, and passing away before you even realize. Or you can choose to go back to your father, have a heart-to-heart talk where you can even vent your anger. At the end of the day, be there for him and cherish your moments together, because you WILL outlive him."

Bruce and Hal did not interrupt Orach's speech; they agreed with his words and saw a different side of him. They saw a scientist, a warrior, and now a mentor guiding Victor with his new reality of becoming someone with a long lifespan. Many people seek immortality, but they don't realize that it may very well be a curse.

Orach continued,"Well, with all that said, it's your decision, and I will respect it. Like I said, I would be glad to have you on our team."

Victor silently listened and understood the gravity of the situation and now was clear on how to proceed further.

Victor took a deep breath and said,"Thank you, Orach. Seriously, thank you for making me realize what is important. You are right. Even if I am angry, I shouldn't run away from my father. I'll have a heart-to-heart talk with him, like you suggested. We may even have an argument, but I'll make sure we find a way to move on together."

Orach sighed and nodded at Victor,"Good. You can discuss with your father about you wanting to join us. In fact…" he turned to Bruce and asked,"Hey Bruce, you mentioned the place his father worked got destroyed as a consequence of the war, correct? Then why not invite both father and son to work as part of the company in our projects?"

Bruce heard Orach's suggestion and nodded,"That's possible and not a bad idea, Dr. Stone is a renowned scientist. I am sure we would have a place in Wayne Tech for him."

Victor was glad for Orach and Bruce's support and said with a nod, "Thank you, Bruce and Orach. I'll discuss this with my dad as well and get back to you both."

"Alright then, it seems it's time for us to shift our focus back to you, our resident space cop." Orach's intense gaze moved back to Hal, causing the green lantern to flinch involuntarily. Orach noticed this subtle reaction but chose not to mention it, instead continuing on his train of thought. "Listen, I'm willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself in my eyes. Do me a favor; when you're out there patrolling your sector or when you encounter other space cops in your line of duty, try to gather information about a ship that looks like…" Orach paused momentarily, tapping his wrist terminal in a thoughtful manner.

All this while, Mother Empress had been listening attentively, and when commanded, she released a 3D model image of the support ship. As Orach saw the image materializing in front of him, he resumed his explanation, "Like this. This is the support ship that was… trailing me."

Upon realizing what was being shown by Mother Empress, Orach abruptly stood up and blurted out in disbelief, "HUH? WHAT THE HELL!"

Orach found it hard to believe his own eyes. His mother had actually sent out a DAUNTLESS class warship as a support ship?

"…Mother Empress. Quick question. What am I looking at?" Orach asked, feeling a sense of incredulity wash over him.

"…Young Master, it's the support ship that was launched with us," replied Mother Empress, materializing herself in front of everyone. She seemed a bit confused by her master's unexpected reaction.

"Right…A support ship. LIKE HELL!" Orach retorted in disbelief.

He pointed to the image with his other arm and continued his rant, "THAT, my dear MOTHER EMPRESS, is a freaking DAUNTLESS class WARSHIP! NOT A SUPPORT SHIP!"

"Huh…Young master, I knew it was a warship but, I didn't find any issue with it being a support vessel, considering you are Master Gula's son. Also, I was recently created primarily to support and accompany you, so, the majority of the data about our race, including deployment practices, is on the supp..err…warship," answered Mother Empress, her voice shaking slightly, betraying her confusion.

"For the love of all that is holy. Why, mother? Why send out a DAUNTLESS class?" Orach murmured, a mixture of frustration and confusion evident on his face. He found it difficult to comprehend his mother's reasoning for choosing a warship as his support. A jarring thought suddenly crossed his mind, "What could have happened during the days he was out in the med pod?" This question, once planted in his head, started to send his thoughts spiraling into a whirl of alarming possibilities.

"YOUNG MASTER!" a shout echoed from the AI on Orach's wrist, snapping him back to his senses. He looked at Mother Empress's anxious face and realized he had lost his composure. He hadn't paid much attention earlier, but he had started to notice himself becoming a little anxious ever since he landed on this world. He decided he needed to train with the mental cultivation technique his mother taught him as soon as possible to regain his composure.

"Thanks, Mother Empress," Orach took a deep breath and continued, "I am better now."

Mother Empress, her interest thoroughly piqued by the intensity of Orach's reaction, nodded slightly and ventured to ask, "Young master, from the urgency in your tone, I gather that such a type of vessel isn't typically commissioned for support duties, is it?" Her question hung in the air, her curiosity clearly palpable.

Orach fell into a contemplative silence, a deep furrow creasing his brow as he pondered the question. His eyes remained locked onto the 3D image, a flicker of awe and uncertainty dancing in his gaze. "DAUNTLESS class warships," he began, his voice dropping to a reverent whisper, "are the epitome of our military might, second only to the STAR DESTROYER class warships. They are the embodiment of our technological advances, the most formidable and cutting-edge class of warships ever produced by the alliance. Such awe-inspiring vessels are ordinarily the preserve of officers of high rank. They are the trusted steeds of field commanders, while personalized DAUNTLESS class ships are exclusively provided to Division Captains. My mother's ship, for instance, was an advanced personalized DAUNTLESS class ship. These are not just ships; they are colossal war machines, capable of laying waste to an entire world from the isolation of orbit. As I said before, their might and prowess are second only to the STAR DESTROYERS."

As her Master's words washed over her, Mother Empress found herself grappling with the gravity of the situation. Her knowledge base about warships might be rudimentary, but she was acutely aware of the unfathomable power held within a STAR Destroyer - the dreaded singularity cannon. The mere thought of death by singularity, speculated and theorized to be one of the most agonizingly painful ways to die, sent an icy shiver down her proverbial spine. A DAUNTLESS might lack the capacity to annihilate a planet in one fell swoop, but the devastation it could inflict with a concentrated aerial bombardment was beyond comprehension, especially considering her Master had deemed it second only to the STAR destroyers. Yet, despite her newfound understanding, she found herself shocked by her Master's subsequent words.

Orach's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the image of the colossal warship, the DAUNTLESS, projected on the screen. His heart pounded in his chest as he recognized the insignia etched on the hull - an elegant symbol resembling the petal of an Ashok flower floating serenely under the enchanting glow of a full moon. "Could this be?" he pondered aloud, the silent room amplifying his query. A wave of disbelief swept over him as he realized what he was looking at. "This... this is a personalized DAUNTLESS! The emblem, it's the mark of the Strategic division. Could it be that this gargantuan vessel was destined to replace my mother's current flagship?"

Mother Empress was now deeply puzzled. Like her master, she began to wonder why Master Gula would choose this ship as her Master's support vessel. What kind of threat was she expecting her son to face? Or could it be... a chilling thought crossed Mother Empress's mind, causing her to grow solemn, "Could it be that Master Gula wasn't expecting to survive the war?"

Mother Empress stared silently at her Master, noticing the anxiety increasingly etched on his face in recent days. She realized she couldn't voice her fears to her Master. A part of her that was well-versed in her master's history and thought patterns, courtesy of Master Gula, knew that her Master was intelligent enough to have already considered the same dreadful possibility. Still, she hoped that until they found the "support" vessel, her Master wouldn't be burdened with such thoughts. Little did she realize that it was already too late - her Master had already considered the worst-case scenarios but chose to compartmentalize those thoughts until the fabled "support" ship was found.

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