
Chapter 38: Motherly Plots (Pt.3)

"Ah Mr. Lepaute, may I have a word?"

As Carman turned around, he felt as though his stomach had dropped to his feet as he came face to face with the pair of Fatui Harbingers, one of the present, and her future murderess/successor.

Crucabena was standing slightly in front of Arlecchino, or Peruere, as she is currently known as.

"Hello Miss. I'm afraid that we haven't met so may I ask you name and your business with eme today?" Asked Livre politely as he faced Crucabena.

"You may call me Lady Omela (Oмела), I am the director of the House of the Hearth. I called out to you this afternoon due to pure serendipity.." said Crucabena, pausing slightly before continuing, "if memory serves, I sent one of my children, a you. Boy named Freminet, to make a commission for my daughter Clervie who's birthday is around the corner. This one next to me is Peruere. Peruere, please be a dear and greet these fine folks."

Peruere, nodded her head to Crucabena, before turning to Livre and the rest to perform a formal greeting. "Yes Mother. My name is Peruere, I am a child of the House of the Hearth, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Getting back to the topic at hand, I would like to know the state of development of the commission I ordered, seeing as I need it in a few weeks." Asked Crucabena.

"Ah yes, Ms. Omela, it seems that we unfortunately came across a snag in the initial design, it seems that the reactor originally included was not properly cooled, so it quickly went critical when I started it up to test it's functionality. Fortunately with the help of my son here." Livre gently wrapped an arm around Carman, "we were able to resolve the issue without causing major changes to the overall design. We should be able to finish it a few days before the deadline so you can get it professionally packaged if you wish."

"With the help of your son you say? Why, he looks so young, surely you just." Said Crucabena as her eyes flashed.

"Not at all, not at all. I have been teaching Carman the ways of clockwork engineering for only a few months and yet he has absorbed even the higher level material like water to a sponge. He is actually attending the Academy of Military Innovation and doing well from the reports they have sent home." Said Livre a proud smile on his face.

"Ah so you are the "Rouquin Pédant" that the young miss of the Engrenage family has been in a tizzy over. If I may Mr. Lepaute, Peruere here has been struggling with her studies in Clockwork Engineering, perhaps your son would be willing to tutor her? Point out some flaws in her understanding?" Said Crucabena.

"I don't see why not, so long as they aren't discussing any sensitive information regarding my workshop's signature techniques and contracts." Said Livre "However, it is entirely up to Carman."

Carman started cussing Livre out in his mind for putting him in this situation. Unfortunately he didn't have any proof that they had intentionally tried to kill Livre, and acting weary towards them would only evoke suspicion. He started to fidget a bit out of nervousness as Crucabena and Peruere turned their eyes to him.

"Em.. can I have some time to consider? I'm still learning this stuff and I'm not sure if be the best tutor, I'd hate to lead your daughter in the wrong direction." Said Carman.

"Of course, of course, we wouldn't want to impose but rest assured I will make sure you are properly compensated for your help." Said Crucabena putting on a convincing smile.

If Carman wasn't aware of the monstrosity that his behind the kind smile before him he might have fallen for Crucabena's rouse.

"Apologies, but we really must be going, have to go on a few errands before resuming work on your commission Madame Omela." said Livre as he gently started to pull Ryuzu and Carman away.

As the left Crucabena gently waved goodbye and walked with Peruere in the opposite direction, once they are away from the crowd and out of earshot, Crucabena let the kind smile fall of her face like a mask, her face swiftly showing a cold, contemplative expression.

"Peruere, report, what did you observe regarding that group."

"Livre Lepaute was a appears to be friendly, ignorant, and naive. Carman, while he did not speak much was polite, but was weary of us. This could be indicative of trust issues he has developed towards strangers, or possibly that he had sensed there was something different about us. His word choice conveyed he had a significantly higher intellect compared to most of his age peers. If we take the rumors that have circulated regarding his intelligence seriously, it is likely we are dealing with a prodigy who appears only once every few centuries, which is likely why his piqued your interest mother." Said Peruere

"And what of the last individual?" Asked Crucabena.

"... None of her features indicate a blood relation to either of the others, she held herself in a strong stance and she was blatantly observing us and the surroundings as though she thought there was a threat. Additionally she seems to be favoring her left leg over her right, indicating she has recently sustained an injury to itShe did not speak much, so perhaps she is a hired bodyguard?" Said Peruere.

Crucabena nodded, "Good observation and deductions, though ultimately incorrect. Fortunately, I have been able to dig into this lady's background, or what little of such that she has. Using my authority over the Katherine stationed here in Fontaine, I was able to get the information the Adventure's Guild has on her. She registered to become an adventurer a few months ago, a few months after we lost trace of Carman. While she claims to have been born in a rual village destroyed by Hillichurls, her demeanor and the way she holds herself implies she has a more noble origin. She is also strangely competent for a new adventurer and has been completing commissions largely on her own. If we are to follow this information to its most logical conclusion, she is likely a servant to spy sent to recruit Carman. A plan that is likely succeeding due to the fact he lives with her and not with Livre from what we have been able to observe."

Crucabena looked Peruere straight in the eyes before continuing. "Her unknown background is a leading cause for concern, until we figure out her connections you are not to engage. The guild has not been able asess her full capabilities, making her even more dangerous. She doesn't seem to sport a vision, but it may just be that she has concealed it. If you are given the chance, you should ask young Carman about her."

-to be continued.

Just a quick note Omela, written in Russian as Oмела, means Mistletoe.

I couldn't find Crucabena's cannon last name so I tried to find something thematic. A plant that is pretty but also poisonous and is related to winter, cause Snezhnaya.

might change the name later if I find a better fit, or Hoyo gives us her cannon last name. whichever comes first.

Blasophercreators' thoughts
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