
Broken future

It was rather funny actually as Guy made a bet with me where I'd leave him and Lee alone about the stress they put their bodies through if he could withstand my full strength for a least five minutes. The man was confident that he had nothing to worry about in this regard and I was more than happy to teach him the error of his thoughts. Even before my growth spurt I matched my sensei in strength but after? It wasn't even close anymore. Don't get me wrong she was WAY more skilled at using that power than I was but I now had a considerable amount more than her.-

The spar started out nice and easy as I kicked Guy through a few trees immediately. The look on his face was hilarious though as he no longer had that confident smile but a concerned expression as his forearms that he used to block the kick with bruised horribly.

"That was only about twenty five percent by the way!" I called over to him before stomping on the ground to rocket towards him.

"Gate of opening, Open!" Guy immediately burst open the first of the eight gates but it accomplished nothing as I slammed my palm into his stomach and threw him into the air before crouching and launching myself up at even greater speeds.

He blocked my rising kick but hastily opened the second and third gates when I started kicking off the air itself to chase him in mid air. At the third gate Guy was able to withstand roughly half my full physical strength which was quite the achievement in itself. I meant it when I said withstand and not "retaliate". He could block at this level but as the pressure I exerted on him was so overwhelming that was all he could do.-

Not wanting this to continue he opened the fourth gate and that was where the fun really began. He could finally retaliate and I upped my percentage to seventy percent putting him back in an even worse passive position that before he opened it. Before he could block most of my attacks but now I landed them more often than not. Finally he opened the fifth gate and in doing so matched my seventy percent. I called it there though as any further and I'd likely kill or cripple him and he agreed.-

He asked how he matched up to my sensei and I told him honestly that he was about equal to her at the fifth gate. In terms of skill they were roughly equal since Guy was a taijutsu specialist and my sensei was not so dedicated to her taijutsu and spent most of her time working on medical stuff instead. She was two generations ahead of him though so the fact he was as skilled as her in that regard was praise worthy in and of itself and I made sure he knew it when I was healing his damaged internal organs.-

Oh yeah there was a lot of internal damage, expecting any different after getting hit by me is retarded much less getting used as a sandbag. The fact he was able to take my hits at all was testament to how much he had honed his body over the years. Most shinobi would die immediately as they neglected their bodies and focused on ninjutsu or other things. Anyways the moral of the story is that Might Guy had my respect in this regard even if he tended to ignore my medical advice.-

However thanks to my familiarity with both Guy and Lee's bodies I was easily able to explain what happened next after Lee got done acclimating. He accelerated at such a speed that he seemed to vanish in the eyes of most here. Gaara raised his guard but couldn't react in time as Lee hit him with a heel drop forcing him to bow.

"The hit was too soft." I said honestly with a frown.

Kakashi nodded in agreement "Lee can't be blamed though as who could have guessed that his opponent would use his sand like that?" he said seriously.

Indeed at first glance it looked like Lee's attack had landed cleanly and did some damage but in truth it turned out Gaara was covering his body in a hard layer of sand colored to be indistinguishable from regular skin. All Lee's attack accomplished was to crack this armor and piss Gaara off. The red head began to flood the arena with sand in a tactic that I couldn't really deny was the best at the moment. The idea was simple really, if he couldn't use a small area to defend and attack because Lee was moving too fast then he'd turn the entire arena into a death zone.-

It didn't matter if Lee was moving too fast to be perceived so long as he touched the sand Gaara would know and be able to use that to block and eventually trap Lee. As I expected that was precisely how the match played out but the ending was not good at all. Gaara caught Lee and proceeded to break both his legs, arms and body in a way that only three people in the world could fix and even then only with a serious amount of effort, he had effectively crippled Lee.-

None of us from Konoha were happy about this but we couldn't do anything about it because Lee hadn't given up or been knocked out. Only Guy stepping into the arena and forfeiting Lee as his sensei was the match forcible ended. I wasted no time performing on site inspection and treatment to stabilize Lee but i told it to Guy straight.

"We need my sensei to fix this kind of damage. I can get him to be able to live a normal life but restoring his ability to train is not something I am confident of doing, i'm sorry." I said bowing my head honestly sad at the news.

I was truly rooting for Lee in my heart so seeing his future broken like this and yet not being able to do anything to fix it despite my own medical prowess hurt.

"Lee knew the risk when he chose to become a shinobi, we all do. But you said that your sensei could probably fix him didn't you?" Guy asked seriously and I nodded.

"I myself know of the procedure that could be used to fix his body and restore his future but I am not confident I can pull it off without killing him." I said honestly

"How bad are the odds?" Guy asked seriously and I sighed.

"If I performed it he has a seventy percent chance of dying and if my sensei performed it then I'd say MAYBE a fifty fifty shot of survival and recovery or death. That twenty percent truly makes all the difference in this case." I said honestly.

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