
A Map

Bel quickly sheathed the dagger but didn't drop it. She moved closer to the table, the orb moving with her as it illuminated the opened scroll. It was a map. She could see that as clear as day. How hadn't she seen this before? Did Davien check something in it and then forget to put it back? Or was it some sort of test?

She doubted he would do something like that and if it was indeed some test, she had no intention of passing it as she was going to check this map out whether or not she was allowed to.

She glanced at the bedroom door to ensure Davien wasn't about to burst out and catch her spying on his items. Technically, it wasn't spying if he was the one who left it open for her to take a look at.

She didn't think there would be a map. She dropped the dagger on the table and moved to the chair, the only one attached to the desk. She dropped into the seat and pushed her head closer for a better look.

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