
Chapter 42: Lessons From A Cahmpion

December 31st, 1976


"Is everyone ready?" Dorea scooped around the corner, stopping briefly in front of the large mirror in the entrance hall of Potter Manor to check her own reflection.


'We've been ready for over ten minutes.'


"You better not get any chocolate on those robes, dear." She pointed at her husband accusingly: "Tinky washed them just for tonight's occasion! The same holds for you, James! Don't think I didn't see you, young man!"


"Yes, darling." Charlus Potter reluctantly placed his cup of hot chocolate back down on a small table, quickly gestured for his son to do the same, and stood up to walk over to his wife: "Allow me to be the first to say that you look as exceptional as ever, my dear."


"Flattery, Charlus?" Dorea raised an eyebrow, warm gray eyes darted to her husband in suspicion.


"I'm sure he was being sincere." Harry shot her a grin while adjusting the placement of the Peverell ring on his finger: "That color certainly suits you, Dorea."


"That may very well be the case, Harry." she glanced at her reflection one last time, then she let out a small huff: "And yet it seems the Potter men share their aptitude for flattery with the Peverells. Make sure to save your compliments for your own lady, not this old one."


"You're probably right." Harry mused with a chuckle. Checking his wristwatch he got up from his chair: "I should go and pick her up. I'll meet you at the Bones manor."


"Do make sure to actually show up and not get lost in McKinnon's bedroom while picking her up." His father sniggered.


"James Charlus Potter!" Dorea scolded her son: "I don't like what you're incinerating at all. I'm sure Harry treats the youngest McKinnon with the utmost respect!" She eyed Harry with a look that indicated: 'He better do so.'


"But of course I do." Harry grinned and grabbed a handful of floo powder, stepping into the large fireplace: "However that doesn't mean I didn't get the chance to familiarize myself with Marlene's bedroom yet."


The last thing he saw before being fully engulfed by roaring green flames was the scandalized look on his grandmother's face and the matching grins on James' and Charlus' expressions.


'Best avoid Dorea for some time.'


Harry reappeared on the side of the floo connection and stepped out of a marble fireplace, brushing any ash off of his shoulder and the set of incredibly expensive robes Marlene made him buy for the occasion.


A shimmer of silver and the bright sparkle of something golden entered the drawing-room from the side and caught his eye. "Mr. Peverell."


Marlene walked up to him, wearing a long silvery dress that clung to her figure. Her golden hair was styled up in an elaborate bun and her neck and arms were pinned with exquisite jewelry, Harry's necklace among them. The McKinnons followed behind her, each member wearing what looked like their finest set of robes. Marcus escorted a young black-haired witch Harry thought to have seen at Hogwarts last year.


"Ms. McKinnon." Harry pressed a chaste kiss to the back of his girlfriend's hand before swooping her in his arms for a hug that already stretched what her family might find acceptable.


"You look simply radiant, my love." He whispered in her ear: "Once more I'll have the best-looking date for the occasion."


"I'm looking forward to enjoying this night with you, Harry." Marlene squeezed his hand and separated herself from him, walking back to her parents to allow Harry to greet her entire family: "Now go and behave, my love, before my parents decide to leave you behind."


After the necessary introduction between Harry and Marcus' date, who appeared to be Mary De Lacy, from Marlene's House, the delegation stepped into the fireplace one by one and traveled to the Bones manor for the annual New Year's Eve Ball.


In his time, Harry had never been to Susan's home, yet the room and the rest of the mansion he arrived in looked pretty much just like any other ancient rich pureblood home he'd visited. They followed a small elf to the main hall, which was already crowded with guests in bright multicolored robes.


Similar to Slughorn's Yule Ball, elegant slow music was played from invisible instruments. Matthew excused himself and hurried over to a curvy red-haired witch, packing quite a sizeable bust.


'She looks just like Susan the last time I saw her.'


"Apparently my brother and Amelia Bones got closer during one of their Auror assignments." Marlene giggled at his side, then she caught when Harry's eyes had lingered perhaps a tad too long: "I didn't know you were so displeased with my physical appearance, Mr. Peverell." 


"I- I'm sorry." Harry shook his head and stammered an apology before managing the ghost of a smile: "Trust me, I prefer yours any time of the day though."


"You better!" Marlene wrinkled her nose and pouted adorably, glancing down at her own chest: "On the other hand I'm kind of glad I'm not packing that much." She grimaced: "I can't imagine playing quidditch with it. It must get in the way of her dueling too..."


Harry almost gagged on his drink at that.


Soon he was officially introduced to Amelia Bones, her older and younger brother, and her parents, the Lord and Lady Bones. Apparently, a few cousins existed as well. Harry swallowed the stab of pity he felt, knowing that in his original timeline all that was left of this proud and large family was Susan. 


'Something else that will have to be rectified this time around.'


Since the host of the party was one of Britain's oldest pureblood families, Harry was not surprised to spot so many familiar faces, some of them bringing pleasant memories, others not so much. 


Just as Marlene had predicted, the biggest names of the wizarding world were all present. Harry spotted the Rosiers, Greengrasses, Selwyns, Crouches, and Lestranges. Many of the Slytherins from Hogwarts were also present, and Marlene did not miss the opportunity to sneer at Wilkens, Montgomery, Avery, Travers, Yaxley, and Parkinson as they passed by.


'Surrounded by Death Eaters.'

'Excellent conditions for a party.'


Finally, they found the table that was reserved for them along with the Blacks and the Potters. To Harry's surprise, Narcissa was escorted by Gideon Prewett for the night, while Sirius and James remained without a date. Antonia Goldberg's family had not received the necessary invitation to attend the event and it'll be a cold day in hell before anyone could persuade Sirius to ask out a girl for a pureblood ball.


The discussion at the table mostly involved politics and their strategic alliances in the Wizengamot. Occasionally Harry's and Marlene's courting agreement was touched upon, accompanied by speculation on whether or not it was time to turn it into an official betrothal. 


Luckily said talk was delayed to a later point in time when the announcement was made and the dance floor officially opened. He knew what was expected of him, yet found that he was actually looking forward to it.


"May I ask for this dance, my Lady?" Harry stood from his chair, holding out his hand to Marlene.


"It would be my pleasure." Marlene beamed up at him and literally dragged him over to the marble dance floor, where dozens of other couples already spun each other around while a slow waltz sounded through the giant hall.


'A bit boring and too formal for my taste, but not too bad.'


"How am I doing so far?"


"For your first pureblood event, you're doing fine." Marlene flashed him a brilliant smile and tugged on his shoulder to avoid collision with another couple: "Dinner will be served soon and after a couple of speeches it will already be time for the fireworks." Her blue eyes sparkled in genuine excitement.


The couple continued dancing for some time and were soon joined by their respective families. Harry shared a dance with Marlene's mother and both her brothers' dates, making sure not to embarrass himself with any of them. As it was custom, Marlene also danced with each male member of her family.


Naturally, his grandmother also insisted on dancing with him and teased Harry mercilessly on whether or not he might start the new year with a kiss from his pretty girlfriend. She also felt like reminding him that it was regarded as highly improper to ruin a pureblood girl's virtue before marriage.


'She keeps teasing me.'

'Let's fight fire with fire.'


However, Dorea quickly shut up after Harry asked if she and Charlus had waited until marriage and instead hurried back to her husband, yet not without shooting Harry a teasing grin.


"I'm usually continuously asked to dance by old, widowed purebloods at these events." Marlene whispered in his ear after they were finally united on the dance floor again. She glanced over her shoulder at the few people staring at them: "They think just because they're rich and we're in a formal setting that I owe them a dance..."


"I'd like to think my company keeps them at bay." Harry grinned: "Or perhaps it's because your eyes simply sparkle with such delight when you're with. It's a feat none of them could hope to match..."


"You're awfully sure of yourself, Harry."


"I've been dancing with the most beautiful girl at this entire ball for the last hour." Harry pulled her closer against his chest and pecked her forehead: "What more could boost my confidence?"


"Lords and Ladies, dearest guests..." Lord Bones stepped up on the small stage a few hours later, after the last course of dessert was served: "It is time to gather on the balcony for the main spectacle of the night. The Bones family wishes you all the best for your families and loved ones and a happy new year. May all your wishes prosper!"


'My biggest wish has already come true.' His eyes traveled over his family and the blond girl whose hand he squeezed under the table: 'Now I just have to make sure it's not taken from me.'


"Quick, before all the best spots are taken!" Marlene dragged him out of his seat and excused herself and Harry, telling their families that the couple preferred to enjoy this moment in privacy.


'Does she have more than a kiss for me in mind?'


Harry chuckled as she led him through the masses of guests through one of the two large doors that led out onto the balcony. A star-sprinkled night sky spread as far as one may see. Intertwining their fingers, Marlene gestured for a more secluded spot at the edge of the balcony, where the crowd had thinned out at least somewhat and one wasn't pressed against any other guests.


"This better be as good as you make it out to be." Harry captured her lips in a kiss and brought his hands to her hips, pulling her against him: "Otherwise I'll insist on you making it up to me later."


"The Bones are famous for not sparing any Galleons when it comes to their yearly firework display." She turned to stand in front of him, leaning against his chest, while Harry held her steady and intertwined their hands on her belly: "I was planning on starting the new year with you nevertheless, my love."


'Perfect.' Harry's heart squirmed and he pulled her against himself, tightening his hold on her.


"Look!" Marlene gestured towards the sky in amazement: "Here it goes!"


The couple was surrounded by dozens of guests, their joyful cheers and awes sounded through the previously quiet night as the marvelous show began.


'Not as good as Fred and George's but it will do.'


Fireworks of golden, greenish, reddish, and purple color decorated the night sky, illuminating the darkness and making for an unforgettable spectacle for the many guests.


'An entire year has passed with me being here already.' Harry mused: 'How much did I manage to change already?'


"Happy new year, Marlene," He whispered softly, flicking a stray curl of golden hair away from her ear and kissing the smooth skin on her neck: "I love you."


A wide smile spread over her beautiful face as she slowly turned in his arms until they stood face to face and brought her lips up to his for a tender, sweet kiss: "I love you too, Harry. Happy New Year."


He scooped her back in his arms, enjoying the warmth of her body. Harry inhaled her calming scent and rocked from side to side ever so slightly, almost as if they were dancing while they continued watching the fireworks.


Suddenly a loud BANG echoed over the roof of the manor.


"That one must have backfired!" Someone chuckled and the crowd around him joined in on the laughter, yet Harry was growing slightly suspicious. His senses started tingling, almost as if they tried to warn him of something.


"What's going on, Harry?" 


He loosened his hold on his girlfriend and stepped in front of her protectively, his eyes started roaming over the crowd of guests, looking out for anything suspicious before he glanced up to scan the night sky and the plain grasses ahead of him.


'Perhaps he just grew paranoid?'


A second BANG echoed through the night, this time followed by a magical shock wave that had his ears ringing and every single hair standing in attention on his arms and neck.


'The wards.'


A few people grew a bit more concerned now, the fireworks were still exploding, showering the sky with their sparks, however, the last explosion must have caused some worry. The first families and guests started retreating towards the entrances back to the manor. Soon the majority of the crowd followed. Panicked murmuring and nervous chatting sounded over the balcony.


"What was that, Harry?" Marlene clutched his hand and pulled her wand with the other: "I felt something! What was that?"


His eyes narrowed: "I think the wards have just been attacked by something powerful!" 


'Or someone.' 


The Elder Wand flicked into his palm and was pointed to his throat casting a quick amplification charm: "EVERYBODY GET INSIDE, NOW!"


Just then a high piercing sound, which had the majority of people clutching their ears and yelping in pain, rang through the night, followed by what sounded like a million glasses shattering on hard tiles. 


Harry was momentarily stunned, his sense of balance seemingly switched off. All around him, people dropped to the floor, experiencing similar discomfort. He quickly steadied a tumbling Marlene and noticed the small trickle of blood dripping from her ear, running down her pale skin.


'The wards have just been torn down.' His heart hammered against his rips: 'Either by someone powerful or extremely skilled.'


Utter chaos erupted on the balcony as guests hurried back to the Manor, in search of safety. Harry tightened his hold on Marlene's hand and fought his way through the crowd, keeping both eyes open for either threats or his family.


'Where are the Potters?'


The soft snap of an apparition echoed over the balcony and confirmed his suspicion. Harry spotted a dark-robed figure with a silver mask appearing at the far edge, training a black wand at the crowd. He was not alone, within a few seconds many more snaps followed the first. 


'Death Eaters!'




A sickly red spell followed the shout. A few meters to his left one of the many guests dropped to his knees with a low thud upon the spell's impact on his chest and started screaming in agony. The family of four standing next to him stared in shock at their father, who twitched in pain on the floor, his limbs spasming uncontrollably.


Screams and shouts of panic rang through the night. People ran from left to right, blocking Harry's vision, shoving into him as they tried to get away from the unknown attackers. No more fireworks illuminated the dark sky, instead, there were curses flying, their colors predominantly red and green. 


"Get everyone to safety!" Harry yelled at Marlene, who mirrored his stance and shot a full body bind at the closest dark-robed figure. It was blocked effortlessly and the attacker returned with a deep purple spell of his own. 




Harry stepped in front of Marlene, cold fury washing away any other thoughts. Elder wood, humming with power, slashed vertically, releasing a golden beam of lightning that impacted the Death Eater's shield and tore right through it. The man was hurled backward off the balcony, falling the remaining stories. Any sound of impact was overdrawn by the screams that filled the night, yet he would most likely never wake up again.


"GET EVERYONE INSIDE!" Harry yelled at Marlene, shielding them as two more spells fizzled towards them from the small gaps within the crowd: "I can hold them off!"


'I need to know that you're safe!'


"HARRY!" Marlene stomped on her heel, shooting Harry a look that told him exactly what she thought about his suggestion but obeyed nevertheless. She pressed a last chaste kiss to lips and turned: "Please be careful!"


Harry watched her with one eye while batting away incoming spells, making sure she gradually retired towards the large doors leading back into the Mansion. Over there the masses were cramped, fighting each other over getting themselves and their families into safety first. A small group of people were helping the injured and fortified the entrance to the manor by conjuring barriers for themselves and the guests.


Explosions boomed all around him, sending debris and rubble into the sky and engulfing the entire balcony in thick black smoke, one could hardly tell friend from foe. Multicolored spells fizzled out of the darkness, some missing him, others he could dodge, yet most had to be shielded against or bat aside.


Harry took a step forward, intending to twist the world past him and join the other defenders, however, instead, he merely felt a deep ache in his lungs. Some kind of anti-apparition spells had been cast, which presumably only allowed those with the Dark Mark to continue apparating.


'Not many could cast such a spell.'

'And only one person came to mind right now.'


Harry did not have the time to waste on dismantling the wards. He started running over to the defenders, striking any of the dark-robed figures in reach and helping the occasional injured guests back to their feet only to watch them fall once more after being hit by a curse in the back. 


He struggled to orientate himself through the smoke and began banishing it aside by wide waves of his wand. Harry finally spotted a familiar lone wizard holding off against multiple individuals and fighting at the very forefront while shielding dozens of people's retreat into one of the two entrances to the balcony.


'Charlus, his grandfather, was fighting.'

'But he was severely outnumbered.'


A surge of adrenaline followed by a rush of power poured through his veins. Harry flicked his wand. A single quadratic stone tile was torn from the floor of the balcony and intercepted a killing curse aimed at the Potter Lord. The man spun around with a thankful expression, looking for whoever came to his aid, and spotted Harry: "Bloody hell, why aren't you inside, Harry?!"


"Where are James and Dorea?!" Harry shouted over the sounds of spellfire, explosions, and incantations as he joined the man, ignoring his question.


"Inside of course!" Charlus cursed while conjuring a shield and returning fire against one of the many approaching Death Eaters, sending the attacker sprawling over the floor: "Where you should be as well!"


"You know my place is out here!" Harry responded calmly. 


Still, they needed to regroup and join the remaining defenders, otherwise, their chances of survival were slim. 


'A distraction perhaps?'


With a sudden flick he summoned one of the many torches from the nearby wall, letting it hover a few inches in front of his face. He exhaled deeply, and brought the tip of his wand to his throat and blew the contents of his lungs right into the fire.


The heat came close to burning his face as the flames roared to life, searing high into the sky and away from the duo, bathing the entire balcony in a warm light. The inferno caught multiple of the attackers, eliciting painful screams from all of them, pushing back anyone who intended to approach this part of the balcony.


"What in Merlin's name was that, Harry?"


Harry ignored the slight frown his grandfather shot him after witnessing him executing such dangerous pieces of magic perfectly.


'Now is not the time.'


"We have to join the others!" Harry yelled and gestured for a handful of defenders who protected the other entrance back into the hall.


"They will lock this entrance from within as soon as no more guests pass it!" Charlus nodded his understanding, so the two wizards hurried over to the larger group, covered by the ring of fire, which luckily still kept the majority of their attackers at bay.


Harry spotted the familiar faces of Marlene's brothers, Amelia Bones, the Prewett twins, and half a dozen others who had taken up their arms.


"Lord Potter! Harry!" Matthew McKinnon greeted them with relief, lowering his wand when he identified them: "You arrive just in time!"


The other fighters formed a tight circle and shielded the two new arrivals, allowing Matthew to brief them: "Lord Bones is almost done recharging the wards to the manor. They will block anyone from entering the insides through the balcony or any other entrance once they're fully recharged. By then no one will be able to get back outside either."


'I doubt they're powerful enough to keep him out.'


"How much longer do we have to hold them off?" Harry shrugged off his outer robes and discarded them to the floor. The Elder Wand rests smoothly in his palm, edging to be unleashed as his eyes roam over the numerous approaching opponents.


"They should be done by now!" Gideon Prewett shouted over from the entrance to the Manor, having received instructions from one of the occupants inside.


"Thank Merlin, finally! Retreat in tight formation!" Matthew McKinnon ordered: "Back to the Manor!"


The small group of defenders staggered backward through the thick smoke, making sure to remain within viewing distance of each other while covering the various angles opponents might charge from.


Suddenly the faintest snap sounded over the balcony.


'He's here.'


Harry's blood froze in his veins. An icy fist cramped around his heart when a familiar magical presence rolled over him.


The smoke was cleared by a burst of wind so strong that Harry had to shield his face to avoid injury caused by the debris and small stone that leaped from the floor. When the dust settled a single lone figure appeared, debris, broken tiles, and stone fragments were pushed away as he strode forward, without him moving a single finger.


'He came.'


"RUN!" Harry roared, finally able to pull himself out of his state of shock.


A pale long wand was raised at such incredible speed that Harry was unable to stop the spell no matter how much he wanted.


"Avada Kedavra!"


A bright green bolt of lightning surged towards the group, yet it had not been aimed at Harry, rather it headed straight for Charlus Potter.


A split second before impact, the man was pushed aside, thrown out of track by the person standing next to him. In his stead, Marcus McKinnon sank to the cold stone tiles, his expression one of surprise at being caught so off guard.





The older brother's shouts were swallowed by a massive explosion. Harry slashed the Elder Wand vertically and managed to shield himself and a few of his companions, yet the majority were thrown backward. They crumbled against the rough stone wall next to the entrance to the Manor. Some of them managed to get up and hurry inside, others remained on the floor, motionless.


'No one else will die today.'


"Run!" Harry pushed Charlus backward and hurled Matthew, who still clung to his brother's arm, with him: "RUN!"


"You know I won't leave you, Harry!" His grandfather's pale face was a mask of rage and utter determination: "This is not your fight!"


Harry made a split-second decision, flicking his wand twice at both Matthew and Charlus. A weak banishing charm hurled them backward, making them stumble over the threshold of the Manor just before Harry caught the faint ripples of a magical barrier being raised in front of it.


'They were safe.' 

'At least for now.'


He ignored his grandfather's furious expression and the way the man desperately pounded his fists against the barrier before the giant oak doors closed and locked him outside. Harry turned around to meet his foe.


'He was better prepared than last time.'

'And still, he was not ready for this confrontation.'


His heart was hammering against his ribs harder than ever before. The moment the light left Marcus McKinnon's bright blue eyes replayed in his thoughts again and again and again. His eyes, which reminded him so much of the person he loved the most.


'She is in there somewhere.'

'Along with my family.'

'They're safe for now.'


His anxiety was washed away by rage and righteous fury. He was no longer the frightened 11-year-old boy who first encountered Voldemort in front of the Mirror of Erised. He might not be the Dark Lord's equal yet, but he could damn well hold himself long enough for help to arrive.


With a roar the Elder Wand slashed through the air, vanishing all the smoke that had been left hurled up during Voldemort's last spell.


The balcony came back into view in its entirety. At various spots, bright fire danced high into the night sky, the flames illuminating the scene in front of him.


Several dozen figures in long dark robes, their faces covered by silver masks, were surrounding him from all sides. A few feet in front of them stood a tall, slender wizard, bare feet and covered in robes of the darkest green. His long fingers held a pale wand and his crimson red eyes, burning bright as coals, found and narrowed on him.


"Now what do we have here?" Thin, pale lips curled into a cruel grin: "Step aside, child. It is not you we came for tonight."


"You achieved what you came here for already." Harry swallowed any of his remaining fear, replying with all the confidence he could muster: "Everyone is scared and frightened of you. You can leave now."


"Apparently not everyone." A single slender finger trailed over the length of the pale wand: "You don't fear me, boy?"


"No, I don't," Harry replied calmly, yet his senses were on high alert: "I stopped being afraid a long time ago."


"Then you shall die braver than most." The cruel grin returned and crimson eyes narrowed to snake-like slits: "For I am Lord Voldemort, unmatched in greatness and power!"


"I already know who you are, Voldemort" Harry tightened his grip on his wand: "But it won't change how I feel, nor what I asked of you earlier. Leave these innocent people be."


"He dares!" Whispers of outrage echoed through the ranks of his followers. 


The Dark Lord clenched his jaw, his knuckles flexed, drawing white around the thin wood in his palm: "Then you have me at a disadvantage, my boy. It would be a shame to have a wizard of such bravery die nameless. A name carries great power, tell me, what is your name?"


"He is the Peverell boy, my Lord." A female voice whispered from behind her mask, full of devotion and loyalty: "The one who murdered Lucius... The one who delayed our plans at Hogwarts!"


'Bellatrix.' An hour ago, the woman had been dancing with her husband while sneering at the other guests. How many others had taken up their masks for tonight's attack?


"It is him, isn't it? Now I recognize him from the pictures - You're quite famous after all -" Voldemort's lips curled and he took a few steps forward, walking over sharp stones, broken glass, and hot ash with his bare feet, seemingly unbothered: "The British wizarding celebrity…" 


"Harry Ignotus Peverell."


The world stood still as the Dark Lord hissed his name in a low whisper.


"You caused me quite some trouble, Harry, yet, I find myself curious. I'm eager to learn more about you. To take but a glimpse at your true potential..."


Crimson eyes gleamed fanatically: "There is some darkness in you already, Harry, I can spot it in your eyes, feel it in the magic that ripples off of you. There is so much hatred... so much power that shall be fueled by it..." He trailed off, absently scratching his jaw with slim fingers.


'You're not wrong.'


"Why did you come here tonight?" Harry inquired, doing his best to keep the Dark Lord talking: "The Bones are an old pureblood family, so are the majority of the guests. You spilled their blood by attacking. Blood, you claim to protect!"


"It is time to finally reveal myself to the world, Harry, and to seize magical Britain as the ripe fruit it is." Voldemort gestured at himself and his followers: "Tonight we only killed those who should've never been invited to this party in the first place. When I enter these walls, it will be to convince those of noble ancestry to join our cause, to unite wizards and witches under my banner."


Harry's thoughts were racing. This Voldemort was undoubtedly bat shit crazy, yet he was so much calmer and more reasonable than his counterpart from Harry's time. Was it the continued ripping apart of his soul that caused the man to spiral down the path of irrationality?


'I just need to shed a bit more time.' Help has to be on its way already.


"Alas, these wards, while not infallible, will prolong my visit long enough for even more unpleasant guests to arrive." Voldemort shook his head in disappointment: "Yet, all is not lost for our cause. There is still the matter of what to do with you, young Peverell."


'If you keep talking, I might not even have to fight you.'


"Perhaps a simple test will do." Voldemort turned to his Death Eaters for a second before smirking at him: "You see, Harry, many of my followers desire to be the one to avenge the death of Lucius Malfoy and ensure that you will be no further nuisance to our cause..."


Harry's eyes glanced over silvery masks, taking in the dozens of opponents: "I bet they do..." 


"How right you are..." Voldemort stepped along his line of followers, chuckling as many of them indicated their eagerness, by bowing or outright proclaiming so.


"Do you have a preference, Harry? Perhaps young Rabastan here?" Voldemort gestured for one of his followers. From the masked wizard's build, Harry caught a few similarities to the Slytherin alumni.


"You must hate the fact that he held control over your little girlfriend for some time, don't you? What do you think he made her do, Harry?"


"Strange Boy would hardly be a test for me now, would it?" A chuckle escaped Harry's lips: "And pathetic attempts at provoking me won't do you any good either."


"I see." Voldemort's eyes narrowed as they bored into Harry's. Gone was the cruel hint of a cold smile. A coldness rolled off of him in waves: "An actual challenge then, Harry..."


He stepped towards a follower whose bushy beard poked out from underneath his mask: "I've been told you gathered some dueling experience, before coming to our shores, Harry. Certainly, Antonin will make for an interesting lesson. Are you aware of his impressive track record?"


"I am." Harry grimaced as he took in the fanatic gleam in the brown eyes of the Russian: "If I win, I want you to leave for tonight with all your followers."


"Ever the Gryffindor, Harry." Voldemort smirked: "You show confidence despite the circumstances, my boy. I give you my word that we shall leave in case you best my man."


"But make sure you are victorious, Harry." Crimson eyes flashed through the darkness: "Who is going to defend your little girlfriend from young Rabastan if you fall to Antonin's wand?"


"She dealt with him once just fine and will do so again." Harry swallowed a stab of panic. Still, a wave of anxiety rippled through him, only to be replaced by fury and anger.


'How dare he threaten Marlene.'


"Come, little Peverell." Dolohov spoke in a thick Russian accent, removing the silvery mask with the tip of his wand. He grinned as he took a few steps forwards and took position: "In my experience, the bigger the name, the quicker they fall..."


"We will see about that." The thin wood of the Elder Wand slipped into his palm, humming hot against his skin, eager in anticipation.


He mirrored Dolohov's slight bow and elaborated arc with his own wand, opening the duel, yet keeping his eyes firmly trained on his opponent.


"I have always wanted to kill a celebrity." The Russian flashed yellowed teeth and flickered his wand in a blur.


Spells fizzled past him, missing him by mere inches as Harry dipped underneath them, as he found himself on the defense. The surrounding rubble and debris limited his mobility, allowing Dolohov to take a few series of steps closer to him while the man continued casting in quick intervals, mocking Harry with his vicious laughter.




With a deep roar, Harry slashed his wand horizontally, not only clearing the majority of the balcony of any rubble but propelling it directly at his opponent. 


The man's eyes widened in surprise and he cursed under his breath. Dolohov decided to rely on a magical shield, yet each of the larger pieces of rubble smashed against it with such force that he was pushed backward a few feet.


Harry glimpsed behind the man to witness crimson eyes watching him in a mix of admiration and hunger.


'Voldemort was studying him, learning as much about him as possible.'


Harry lashed out with a volley of spells of his own, brightening the night sky as multicolored sparks erupted from the tip of the Elder Wand. A cutting curse slipped past his opponent's hastily conjured shield, leaving a deep gash on the man's cheek, instantly drawing blood.


"Good, let's play, Peverell!" The man grinned fanatically: "Show me why they fear your name!"


'I will show you.'


Harry flicked the oncoming spells aside or batted them back at his opponent. They were fairly evenly matched, with Dolohov maximizing his years of experience against the younger opponent's greater raw magical power.


The moment he had been waiting for came quicker than Harry expected. Dolohov drew his wand back over his head in a wide arc, imitating the beginning of a whipping motion.


'The spell he used on Hermione.'


Harry reacted instantly. Rolling to the side, he dodged the flaming purple whip, feeling its heat as it lashed over his head. He came back out of his roll, wand at the ready, pointing its thin tip at his foe and allowing the hate to swallow him entirely, consuming him from within. His mouth opened in a roar:




Harry bathed the entire balcony in a stream of crimson flames, swallowing his opponent in a sea of blaze, before pushing the cursed heat further to the Dark Lord's ranks, fully intending to take out as many of them as possible.



'All of you shall die!'


Hours of practice kept his control over the most destructive spell allowed him to thrust his intent into the flames and keep the burning flow strong and steady.


The frightened shrieks and painful yells of Death Eaters echoed through the night sky, as the wildest beasts from the depths of hell twisted and turned in the reddish flames, ravishing everything in their path, including the Russian dueling champion.


"ENOUGH!" A high cold voice rang over to him and the control of the flames was ripped from his grasp.


Harry witnessed a pale yew wand being slashed forward, absorbing the burning inferno at its tip, sucking in the blazing creatures until none were left.


Black ash rained down on him. Panting heavily, he glimpsed over seared, deeply scorched stone tiles, molten pieces of metal, and blackened rubble and debris. The Death Eaters were hiding and covering behind the pale figure who held the yew wand. 


Harry's gaze traveled over the barely recognizable parts that were left of Antonin Dolohov's body. Flesh was melting from his pale bones, the burning smell made Harry gag. The Russian was not the only one that died in the inferno. Harry spotted the Death Eaters carrying their wounded and fallen to the edge of the balcony, moaning their losses.


"So much hatred in someone so young..." A pair of eyes, burning hotter than the flames that just evaporated, bore onto him: " You surpassed my expectations, Harry..."


"I passed your challenge." Utter destruction surrounded him while a burning smell filled his nostrils. His fingers were cramped around his wand in a painfully tight grip. Harry wiped the ash that clung to his forehead on a film of sweat away with his sleeve: "Will you hold your end of the bargain?"


"I am a man of my word, Harry." Voldemort lifted his pale face up into the night sky: "Alas, it will do us no good to remain any longer. I feel the ministry and the old muggle lover clawing on my wards like the dirty little rats they are."


"Dumbledore." Harry pointed his wand at Dolohov's smoldering corpse in between them and chuckled darkly: "I'm in for one talk about using dark magic then."


"Indeed, you are, my boy." The Dark Lord's thin lips curled into an amused grin as he imitated his former professor's voice: "Don't listen to the foolish headmaster, Harry, there is no dark or light magic, there is-" 


"- Only power…" Harry finished for him, grimacing as he remembered Voldemort saying the words during their first encounter: "And the intent with which it's yielded."


"Exactly…" The word left the Dark Lord's lips in a hiss: "I'm glad we understand each other."


 Harry shook his head. "I think we simply interpret one and the same statement differently."


"Perhaps we do." Voldemort gave a short nod to his followers and the soft snaps of apparition filled the air as the dark-robed figures vanished from the balcony: "Alas, it's time to say goodbye, Harry, but I think we both know that we will see each other again."


"Probably sooner than I'd like..." Harry replied sarcastically while crimson red stared into emerald green for what felt like hours.


"You remind me a lot of myself, Harry." Voldemort inclined his head while he trailed his wand over Dolohov's corpse and bathed it in a thin stream of crimson flames: "However, just like me, you will only be able to achieve your full potential once everything has been taken from you."




"I won't allow that to happen." Harry shook his head, his fingernails, digging so deep into the skin of his palm that they almost drew blood: "I can't!"


"You will suffer, Harry, but it will only make you stronger in the end." Voldemort's form shimmered while the corpses of any fallen Death Eaters turned into white ash behind him, allowing the soft wind to whirl them away.


The pale yew wand was raised into the sky, aiming above the manor: "Morsmordre!"


A cloud of blackish, greenish smoke exploded high in the air, twisting and turning until the Dark Mark formed as a glittering green skull with a snake protruding from its mouth.


"I will rebuild you like a phoenix from the ashes, Harry." The Dark Lord disappeared with a soft snap, yet his voice echoed from everywhere on the balcony:


"But for that, you first need to be at your lowest."

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