
Chapter 135: Friendz!

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Fleur smiled, "no."

"Thank you," Percy smiled as he sat down. Kelly popped her head out of Percy's robes and yawned loudly. She looked around and spotted Fleur, she hissed loudly and ran onto Percy's and stood protectively over him.

"Zhe iz very protective yez?" Fleur chuckled at Kelly's actions.

"Yeah, I told you didn't I? She's been charmed to mirror a real veela."

"Then I zuppose it is only fair that zhe actz thiz way," Kelly still glared at her, but Fleur didn't seem to mind.

"Anyway here, before I forget," Percy took out a brown quill with runes etched on it and passed it to Fleur, "it's my invention, you might find it useful."

Fleur looked surprised as she picked it up, "iz thiz what everyone waz 'urrying around you for?"

"Yeah," Percy nodded as he returned to his meal.

"What doez it do?"

"You study runes don't you? Figure it out."

Fleur glared at Percy but quickly went to work analysing the quill. She looked it over for few seconds before gasping, "P-Percy! This is amazing! 'Ow did you make this?!"

Percy grinned, "trade secret tweetie bird."

Fleur didn't seem angry, she was too busy gawking at the quill in her hands, "i-if thiz iz correct then that meanz thiz thing can write three timez fazter by drawing on the uzerz zubconzciously releazed magic! Thiz iz amazing!"

"I know."

"And you are just giving it to me?!"

"Yes. I gave all my friends one. We...we are friends right?"

Fleur looked at Percy with a stunned expression. She then threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She planted a kiss on his cheek, "oui Perzy, we are friendz."

Percy blushed, he should probably tell Fluer to let go soon, people were starting to stare. Well….maybe after a little while. Yeah….a little later.


Percy looked at the yellow and orange jelly bean between his fingers and groaned, "I so hate you."

Fleur laughed, "itz your turn! Ztop being a whimp!"

"It looks like piss Fleur!"

"And? You made me eat pepper flavour!"

"This might be piss flavour! Hows that fair?!"

The french veela rolled her eyes, "I don't think that's pozzible Perzy."

"It say 'every flavour beans' doesn't it? Why wouldn't there be every flavour?"

"Quit ztalling!" Fleur shouted. Kelly even yelled out as she cheered Percy on.

Percy sighed, "fucking veela," he closed his eyes and swallowed the bean whole. He chewed it slowly, waiting for it to kick in.

He crushed the bean and suddenly was hit with a wave of fish. Percy's eyes went wide, he put his head over the window and spat it out.

"It was fish!" Percy cursed, "I ate fish! Gods I hate this game!"

Fleur laughed, "you were the one who zuggezted it!" They were sitting on the fifth floor corridor one one of the open window rails. They sat on the rails side by side with the steep fall behind them, but neither of them seemed to mind.

"Well I was clearly mad when I suggested it," Percy groaned as he looked at Kelly who was grinning up at him, "and don't even get me started on you! You were supposed to be on my team!" Kelly shrugged, she pointed at Fleur and motioned to her hair, "oh so because she's a veela you're suddenly on her side now?" Kelly nodded.

"I must say Perzy, I am beginning to like Kelly," Fleur stroked Kelly's hair, which Kelly allowed to happen. It seemed she was finally getting used to having Fleur around.

Percy shocked the box of every flavoured bean in his hands and gave them to Fleur, "your turn."

The french veela sighed, she turned to Percy and pouted, "do I have to?"


She deepened the pout, "but I might get zomething icky!"

"And? So did I!"

"It waz just fizh!"

"I hate fish!"

"Sacre bleu! You are missing out on a lot! Fish is one of the best things that has even come out of the zea!"

"No Fleur the best thing that has ever come out of the sea is me," Percy smirked, "now eat tweety bird."

Fleur huffed, "I 'ate the fact that you are immune to my allure." Percy laughed as Fleur closed her eyes and pulled out a green and brown bean. She opened her eyes and nearly gagged at the sight, "oh my God! Not this again!"

"What flavour is it?" Percy asked excitedly.

"Tree bark," Fler spat out. She turned to Percy once more and pouted, "do I have to do this?"




"I'll do anything!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? Anything?"

Fleur suddenly turned red as she realised what she sounded like she was implying, "I-I only meant that I would eat zomething elze!"

Percy grumbled, "I see….well in that case, no! Now eat up!"

Fleur sighed, she looked at the bean once again and groaned. She sighed and threw it into her mouth. She chewed slight and immediately spat it over the railings, "I hate tree bark!"

Percy laughed, "who does?!"

Fleur groaned, she used a charm to clear her mouth and turned to Percy, "I am glad we got to zpend time like thiz together. It waz fun."

Percy nodded, "yeah, who knew we would actually have similar free periods?" It had just been a coincidence, Percy had been wandering the halls trying to get to The Forest when he ran into Fleur.

They decided to spend some time together and next thing they knew they were spitting out beans into the lake below.

"Zo what were you doing 'ere Percy?" Fleur asked as she leaned up against the window sill looking out into the grey English sky.

"Honestly, I just come here when I feel lonely," Persie admitted, he looked into the hall and saw the door to The Forest a few feet down, "and you? I figured you would be with Camille or Jasmine by now."


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