
Chapter 74 : Animagus form!

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"W-why this is extraordinary! If this is true then you are the first ever registered animagus that has a magical creature as his animagus form! When the press heres off this there is going to be a media storm for sure!"

"Actually we were kind of hoping you could keep this quite Fargus," Tonks asked as she leaned over the counter, "they want their privacy, so you know.."

"What? And let such an important event such as this be forgotten to the sand of time?! Never!"

"Please sir, I really don't want the attention," Percy pleaded.

"Young man you don't understand what an important step you have just achieved in the history of magic! You can change into a magical creature! Such a thing mustn't' be hidden away like some scandalous secret! It has been shown off proudly! Your privacy is but a small sacrifice in the giant scheme of things!"

"Excuse me," Hecate finally spoke up drawing everyone's attention to her. "Can you please come with me for a second?"

Fargus blinked, "and who might you be?"

"I'm his aunt, Percy is my ward, please mr. Fargus, it will only take a moment," Hecate gestured to one corner of the room. Fargus looked weary but nodded as he stepped from behind the counter and walked with Hecate.

"Oh he's going to get it now," Percy smirked.

"I don't know. Fargus is a pretty tough nut. Not even his wife can get him to do something that would break the rules even a tiny bit," Tonks replied.

"Yeah well you don't know my aunt Hecate," Percy snickered, "I'll give him five minutes."

Tonks raised an eyebrow, "is that a bet?"

"And if it is?"

Tonks grinned, "all right, you're on. If your aunt manages to convince Fargus you win, but if she doesn't then I win."

"Alright, what are the prizes?"

"Well, if I win I want a ride."

"A ride?"

"Yup, I have never ridden a pegasus before, hell I don't think any witch has ever ridden one before. I don't think anyone has, ever. So I want to ride one, even if you can't fly."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "so you want to ride me huh?"

Tonks' eyes went wide, "I-I didn't mean it mean it like that. Perv."

Percy chuckled, "sorry. Couldn't help it. Anyway, sure, sounds fair. And if I win…." Percy thought about it and slowly smiled, "dinner. I want you to take me out for dinner."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Tonks smirked.

"Yup, and you're buying," Percy smirked, "anyway, what do you say? Deal?"

Tonks chuckled, "deal. P.s. I don't like chinese food."

"Pizza okay?"

"Since when is pizza not okay?"

Hecate and Fargus soon came back with the older man looking shaken. He looked to Percy and gulped. Hecate shoot him a smile and the man flinched, "reconsidering I believe it would be best if your secret wasn't shared publicly. After all that would draw attention yourself and your abilities. So I shall do my best to keep the registration as quiet as possible, for your safety of course."

Percy nodded, "of course. Thank you Mr. Fargus, you're the man."

The wizard smiled as he went behind his counter and quickly started filling in his paper work. Tonks turned to Hecate and whispered, "how did you do that?"

"Trade secret," the goddess whispered back.

"So when are you free?" Percy asked.

Tonks smiled, "well I'm just starting out on the force here, so I don't really get free days off. But I will be free in like two weeks, that okay?"

"Not really, I'll be in Hogwarts by then, it might be a little difficult," Percy hummned.

"What?!" Tonks screamed, "you're in Hogwarts?!"

Percy blinked, "ah, yeah. I just joined, I'll be in my sixth year, why?"

"S-sixth year?! Your a sixth year?!" Tonks looked scared. Hecate giggled causing the girl to turn red both in face and hair. "I-I'm sorry but I can't keep up the deal! Goodbye!"

"Wait! Why-" Percy began but Tonks was already gone as she ran into the DMLE as fast as she could. She even tripped and fell halfway, but got up so fast she looked like a track runner.

Percy turned to Hecate, "what was that about?"

Hecate rolled her eyes, "you really are clueless aren't you?"

"Well then care to enlighten me?"

"Sigh, it's simple Percy. She's older than you, probably by a few years. So when you told her you were just in Hogwarts she probably felt embarrassed that she was flirting with an underaged boy."

"But I'm not underage! At least not in the wizarding world!"

"Yes, but she doesn't know that does she? Etherway she probably is scared about people calling her a cradle robber or something."

Percy blinked, "do you think I should go after her?"

"No, there is no point. You'll be leaving for Hogwarts in a few days, you and her won't really work out."

Percy grumbled, "burger."

"Actually it's bugger Percy."

"Oh? Right, bugger."

They waited for a few minutes for Fargus to finish up his work and soon walked out with Percy's fully registered an animagus. Fargus assured them he would keep it a secret for as long as he could, but if people start asking questions he won't be able to stop them.

Hecate and Percy then apparated to Diagon alley. The place was crowded and filled with younger children shopping for their Hogwarts list.

"What are we doing here?" Percy asked.

"Well we agreed to get an owl yes? After all if you wish to continue to talk to those five levels you slept with you will need someone to carry those letters."

Percy nodded as he looked away, "r-right."

They walked to Eeylops Owl Emporium, a small dark shop near the northern limits of the alley. There were cages hung up outside with owls inside of them hooting at everyone that passed by. They stepped inside and found themselves in an enclave filled with owl cages.

"See anything you like?" Hecate asked.

"I don't know. Owls are more of a child of the Athena thing."

"Alright, let's see...how about that one?" Hecate pointed at a brown and black owl with a round head and big amber eyes.


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