
Secondary fusion/First Cultivators

Eliza stood mesmerized by the grandeur of Veron's creation. The sun, the planets, the world itself, everything was very nostalgic and yet new. She smiled unconsciously as she felt proud of what her husband had made.

The thing that stood out to her most was rather peculiar. She felt an intense attraction to the world core, it felt like it was a part of her that she was still missing. She looked to her husband to explain as this was an entirely new experience for her.

Veron was a newly exalted man himself, there was a rather short list of those things that he knew of with regards to the cores and how they worked. But he was smart enough to surmise that the attraction she felt was because his own divine core was fused with his world.

The core that currently resided in his chest was little more than a channel his world had made for him. It enabled him to still be connected to his divine energy, and for that energy to refine his body as it grew. It was functionally the same as his original core, the difference was that this one could be replaced, and would in fact need to be each time he progressed in either stage or rank.

"I don't know exactly what your feeling my love." Veron began to explain as he pulled Eliza closer while moving towards the planet. "But at the very least I can tell you that the world core means you no harm, it has fused with my own core and would sooner destroy itself than harm you."

Hearing this greatly alleviated Eliza's worries, she still was unsure of what the core wanted but she decided to allow it to do what it wished.

When she came within just a few miles above the world she heard a small voice in her head. The voice introduced itself as the combined core of Veron and the world, having been fused together it developed a small inteligence which allowed it greater freedom and control over the worlds processes. The voice further explained that it wanted to fuse her core with itself as well, it warned however that it would cost her all of her current divine energy to force the fusion. The core was not supposed to be messed with after its fully formed, but because of the sealing rings binding her and Veron together it should be possible.

Eliza didn't hesitate, she belonged to Veron heart and soul and if she could bind herself to him in even more ways she would do so. 

Veron watched in astonishment as enormous waves of divine energy began to pulse from the worlds core. He watched as the energy changed itself into a thin but brilliantly shining tentacle that stretched forward until it reached the center of Eliza's chest.

It sank beneath her skin wrapping around her core, it then gently extricated it and drug it back to the center of the world. Minutes went by in silence as the world core went through a second assimilation and evolution. The only indication that something was working was the intensifying light that Veron could see gathering in the world core.

After 1 hour had gone by the light suddenly collapsed upon itself as the energy the world core condensed itself into a brilliantly shining liquid. This energy was far more potent than the gaseous energy it used to contain, a single drop of this liquid held more energy inside of it than the entirety of the previous gas.

The surprises were not over however as two identical tendrils of energy stretched towards Veron and Eliza. It sank into their bodies and replaced their gaseous cores with new liquid ones. The power that they both felt coursing through their bodies was unfathomable, and each pass this energy made through their vessels only further increased their power.

"HAHAHA! I had no idea that we would advance to the liquid stage after that. With this I can make some necessary applications much easier." Veron was truly happy, he had many ideas for ventures within the eternal realm. The problem was at the gaseous stage there weren't very many available opportunities. Now at the liquid stage that was no longer the case.


(I had a bit of a problem figuring out how the time worked between realms but its now decided that the time is the same. If you want I can go back and make the changes.)

It had been two months and four days since Veron had left after his counsel with the 7. In that time the first towers had sprouted and at least one of each of the races had successfully climbed them.

The first one to succeed was actually not Aaron, no the first was a Vampire by the name of Vel. Vel was perhaps the most martially talented being on the planet at the time, having mastered his species martial form in only 9 days. Isobel was truly astonished, the gifts she had given her species were in line with the vision Veron had given her of them. The only difference was she omitted a couple of weaknesses and buffed a couple of strengths.

Instead of calling this species Vampire, which seemed kind of generic in her mind, she called them Primogenitor Vampires. Adding the extra word seemed to really spice it up for her. Her children of course wouldn't know the difference so they were totally fine either way. 

In any case these Primogenitor Vampires were built for slaughter, having insanely sharp nails that they could grow at will, and a set of razor sharp teeth. Their entire mouths were filled with sharp pointed canines as Isobel found the idea that a predator would have only two pointed teeth absurd. She did however give them the ability to retract those teeth at will so they could blend in better. They had incredible senses able to hear and see far beyond the limits of normal humans, but the greatest gift that they had been bestowed was the ability to regenerate. It was insanely difficult to kill one unless you removed their head, but even then if their head was reattached to the body they would eventually heal.

Vel had wasted no time at all in ascending the tower once his training was complete. He found the creatures within painfully boring to fight, their primitive weapons couldn't penetrate his skin. And the wild manor in which they fought lacked a sense of elegance and purpose that he had come to expect from battles. 

"If you cant put up a decent fight then you might as well perish quickly." This was the thought that ran through his mind, he was so thoroughly bored he didn't even care that he had exceeded every expectation as to how quickly he would be able to clear this tower.

Having reached the top floor and defeated the guardian there he was gifted with a large scroll with gilded edges. The script upon it shown crimson as though it had been written in fresh blood. His mother, Isobel, had instructed him to return to her with whatever he received so he didn't hesitate to exit the tower and present it to her.

"Thank you son." Isobel said smilingly as she took the scroll in her hands. "Lets open this up and see what you've got shall we?"

Upon breaking the seal a brilliant crimson light spread in the vicinity shading the area. If one were to look at the sky they would think that it had turned to blood so powerful was the light being shed. Thankfully it only lasted for a few moments before receding whereupon Isobel didn't hesitate to read the blood script it contained.

She began to laugh heartily once she was done, confusing Vel who stood patiently by her side.

"You my son have done a wonderful thing for your brothers and sisters, truly you may have saved the world as a whole with this great gift you've gotten."

Isobel continued to laugh as Vel became more and more confused, it finally got to the point where he felt compelled to ask.

"Mother, what is so great about that scroll that it has you laughing like a lunatic?"

Isobel only smiled as she presented the scroll to him, Vel took it in his hands and began to read. The more he did so the more shocked he became.

"Is this really possible?" Vel couldn't help himself, the technique contained within the scroll was just too good. Especially considering his race and its advantages.

"Its true my son, and you may have just discovered the foundation of our entire species."

Vel was once again shocked as he looked down once more, the scroll read.

"Total Blood Domination: Lower God ranked Cultivation Technique. Mastery grants the user total control over blood, able to utilize it in any way shape or form they can imagine. Mastery also grants the user god like healing abilities, making it nearly impossible to be defeated so long as their is blood nearby."

The scroll continued detailing several more advantages that seemed tailor made for the Primogenitor vampire race, along with the way to actually practice the technique and store blood energy within ones core. The only thing that Vel was concerned with was the possible consequence listed at the very end.

"....blood madness."

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