
chapter thirty three

I opened the bag as I was answering a question and took out a bag of Cheetos, opening in it I took one and pass the bag to Jennifer, taking the water away and covering it, we heared screaming again and that's when I realized cameras were rolling, "That's so romantic" the interviewer said and I actually had to laugh, it was just habit. The first half of the interview ended and now everyone wanted to see Jennifer's cooking skills, of course we agreed to help, while Jennifer was wearing her apron, I opened the bag again, "Jennifer, here, change out of those so your feet will be more comfortable" she nodded and I bent down to remove her shoes, "Lete help you tie that" Jimin came and helped  her, "Ahh" I took the heel and put into the bag, then Yoongi came and passed her gloves, "You know I don't need them" "I do, I wanted you to just say it" "Tch crazy boy" All of us gathered, "So what should we do " "Why not do jellof rice and fried rice" Callistus Said, "Okay we'll share it, we'll do fried rice, and you do jellof rice" "I can see our kids in the crowd" I whispered to Jennifer and she looked up, "Yep I can see them" "Hey uh... can we bring kids up here to play the part of the novel, they won't be a nuisance " I asked, "Sure it can happen " she went to the interviewer and bang pd also approved, "okay we need three kids that will come up here to play the part of the children in the book, Min Kyu held Ga Young hand and came along with Min hyun, dividing equally, I touched their cheek, "Don't worry mommy, promise we'll behave" min Kyu whispered, "Okay let's start" we began cooking, min Kyu and Ga Young also helped out, at times I helped Jennifer to clean her sweaty face, Jhope and Jin chopped the vegetables, Jimin and Jungkook were checking the rice and Taehyung and Yoongi did the chicken, "Hey check this out is it okay" Yoongi gave min Kyu to taste it, "Awesome" "You like food too much" he said and the audience laughed, "I'll just ask daddy" he whispered, I tasted the chicken, "It's great, the sauce is nice" "See I told you" Min Kyu argued, "You're a lot more better, the onion here is really making me cry" Min hyun said, "Here you go big guy" Ga Young gave him a handkerchief, "Ahh" the audience clapped, "Who taught her how to do that?" Jennifer asked Jimin and he looked at me, Jennifer removed her microphone slightly, "I love you" I smiled, "You got something on your lip from the sauce" "Really?" I cleaned it, "Still there" she laughed, "Can you just help me?" she came closer, raising her legs to clean the sauce, but well I was a gaint so I held her by the waist drawing her more closer, "So you won't fall" I smirked, she cleaned it off, and licked it, "Tasty" "Ahhhh, this feels like a romantic movie! I can't breath I can't breath, did my bias just do that oh my god!! the chemistry is so great! are we going to be eating the food or their love!" fans were screaming, finally the food started to smell everywhere, even I was salivating, I so much missed her food so much, "Princess come and taste this, it's specially made for you" "What about me?" she rolled her eyes, "Kids first" "Oh my god, this smell, why is the rice this colour and with the vegetables?" the interviewer were talking, "This is what we call fried rice and it's really delicious" "And this is Jellof rice" Callista said, "I made it" lee Joon Gi said, "No I did, with you guys" "no I'm the one" they started bickering like kids we started laughing, "Okay say ahh" she fed her, "Hmm, this is so awesome, I love it, can I get a plate?" "of course" "Then she fed Min Kyu too and gave Min hyun a spoon, "Hey hey hey, you'll finish it!" I complained, "Hyung, there's enough in the pot" Taehyung said, "you should know he wants that's one" Jin said, "Fine come and take" she brought the spoon up but when I opened my mouth she passed it to Jin, "Hey" "Oh I forgot " she pretended to forget, "Hey that's deliberately " "Really, okay take this one" when I opened my mouth she gave it to Yoongi, "Hey!" everyone was laughing, "Oh sorry sorry my hand slipped, I didn't know sorry " "That's the last spoon!" "It's yours promise " I drew her hand and held her waist, "Now you can let me have it" "Ahhh" she fed me the last one then I released her, "Hmm, hmmm, tasty, like it's owner" "Ahhh, Oppa stop teasing us!!" fans were screaming. when everything was wrapped up, Jungkook said, we need about six fans to do the tasting and of course we didn't forget our father bang pd, Ga Young Carried a plate of food to him, Min Kyu ran and dragged my sister from the Audience and they really gave nice compliment, after everything, the fans insisted on a paper kiss before the end of the show, Jennifer was eating a chicken when they said that and she started coughing and insisting, I rubbed her back and smiled, "Don't worry it won't happen, I won't kiss you, children are here" she nodded eating the chicken again, "I'll just do this" I put my mouth to the chicken and ate a bite too, making it seem like a kiss but it wasn't, "Ahhh!!!" everyone screamed including the guys and Callista and co. "one last thing, do you plan to ever live in Korean, maybe open a restaurant?" "I'm thinking about it, maybe, I might" "Well I'll be sure to be the first to come" bang pd said, "And us too!!" armies Shouted.


I came downstairs and saw Jennifer looking around the sitting room just standing, then she went to the window and just looked out, Min Kyu came and held my leg, "What's wrong with mommy?" he whispered, "I'm not sure little guy, maybe she's just enjoying the view?" "Well I agree with that, our house has a nice view, aunty always says that" "Really? I did it because of her, she's loves looking at horizons" "Daddy you love mommy so much right?" I looked down at him, "What are you talking about little man of course I love mommy such " "Then you should know what to do, aunty husband always makes her laugh anytime she's like this, he said women think a lot and we men must do everything to make them happy " "Hmm, uncle is right you know, you should always make and protect your sister always okay?" "of course daddy, I'm gonna be someone just like you" I felt proud, "Come on let's scare mommy" he nodded, and we tip toed to scare Jennifer, "I can hear you" she said, "Ahh" Min Kyu hugged her legs, and she laughed, "How did you know?" "I got ears and I heared your whispering, I was just admiring your house that looks like a museum" I laughed and held her close, "Wait till you see more, Where's others?" "In your practice room with Ga Young" "Mommy come and see me dance, I'm really good at it and singing too" she rubbed his hair, "Of course, you got your daddy's genes I know you can do it" how she was understanding his Korean was kinda surprising "Come on" "Alright be going little man we're coming" I told him and he ran away to the practice room, "We should go too" she wanted to go when I held her back and kissed her deeply, "I love you" she smiled, "For everything, for loving me, for giving me great kids and enduring my imperfections and trying to be great for me" "I think those words should be what I should be saying sweetheart, despite my colour and imperfections, you're the best" she drew me down to kiss my forehead, "Let's go"

"Jennifer it's been so long since we last dance, come on" Jimin and Hobi dragged me, "Wait I want to watch them dance" "Mommy I can nearly dance all their songs now, uncle Jimin, Hobi and Taehyung has been teaching us" Ga Young said, "Daddy teaches us how to rap " Min Kyu said, "Really?" she looked at me and I winked, "What about uncle Yoongi and uncle Jin" "Uncle Yoongi teaches us piano, guitar" "Uncle Jin teaches us to be cool and handsome, he's said that being beautiful is also a talent " all of us laughed, "Uncle Jungkook teaches us to be strong, we always gym" Ga Young said, "I'm gonna look like daddy soon and protect you too" min Kyu said and I laughed so hard  "Come on, let's show mommy what we can do" Jimin switched on the music and they started dancing, "Woah, that's cool" Jennifer started clapping for them, "This is really cool, wow" "We didn't even have to do much, I guess it's the genes like you said" Yoongi said, "I can't believe this is the time already, we need to have dinner" Jungkook said, "Let's order pizza" Taehyung said, "yes! daddy please?" they looked at me, "If mommy agrees" "Mommy?" she nodded, "Yahh!" all of us went back to the house, Jin ordered the pizza and much and surprisingly it finished, we spent time laughing and talking and just having fun, around 8 Jennifer tucked in the children to bed because they were sleepy, and then told us to go to bed, we cleared the place and went to sleep, around 1 in the morning I woke up to get a drink of water downstairs, I decided to check on Jennifer, but when I opened the door I didn't see her on her bed so I went downstairs but she wasn't there, as I was checking around I heared low music in the practice room, it was really low that you had to listen closely, I went to the practice room and saw Jennifer just standing with her eyes to the ceiling, so I walked in, "What are you doing?" she looked at me, "Why are you awake? is it the music?" she was wearing a black lace gown that showed her tighs and her back, it was quite seductive and attractive on her body, "No, I came to get a drink of water but I didn't see you in your room, so I looked around" I followed her and sat on the floor beside her, "What happened?" "Nothing it's just, I don't know, it's just so surreal, you, the kids, everything, I'm scared I'm gonna wake up and it was all a dream" I smiled, "Sweetie, this isn't a dream I am real and everything is real as always " she rested her head on my shoulder, then I turned to kiss her but she turned her head away and giggled, "Hmm, that hurts, ahh my heart, I'm dying" she then turned back and gave me a kiss, and I smiled, "That's my girl, my beautiful girl" "Your mouth had gotten sweeter than ever, but I love it, you give me butterflies" I laughed, "So what's the name of this playlist" "they are mostly your songs, louder than bombs, we are bulletproof, on, wildflower, life goes on and others, you know map of the soul 7" "But this sounds like Americans and I guess it's been on repeat" "yeah, I just love the song, you know Alan walker, he's a DJ, and I got stuck on this song for years" "Is it because you miss me? the lyrics are touching and sensational" "Hmm, it's because I missed you so much, it hurt so much" I held her cheek, "It didn't hurt as much as mine did, I never believed I would love so hard like this, and that's why I want to announce to the whole world I'm taken by you and we even have kids" "Do you think everyone will be that joyful for you, what if it creates a ruckus or something and you get hurt?" "Look at you being worried about me when I should be worried about my lovely wife, don't worry bang pd had everything under control and is already ready, he's just waiting for my permission and they'll announce it to the world" I looked at her in the eyes, "As long as you promise me you, your brothers and the kids won't be hurt" I kissed her, "May I?" she smiled and climbed over me, sitting on my laps as she looked at me and I looked up at her, "Do you still need permission for what's already yours?" she whispered into my ear, I closed my eyes, she grinded her hip against mine and I had to hold her down, "It's been so long, we won't be able to leave here because I can't hold on much longer " "I know, I can feel you poking me, it's alright, I want it" she held my both cheek and then kissed me, I grabbed her hips wrapping my hands around it as I deepened the kiss, I push my hand into her dress, touching her bare skin as she removed my shirt off, I raised my hand and she took it off as I undid her zip pushing it down until she was exposed before me, "You are still as beautiful as ever, even more beautiful" I carried her up and dropped her on the floor coming over her as she played with my shorts at the same time kissing me, I removed it completely and was on briefs, when I took the brief off she gasped, "Okay that really huge, you're more bigger than before" I chuckled, "Do you like it? this is only for you princess, yours" "I do but I'm a little bit scared" I hovered above her naked body and kissed her forehead then her cheek and lip, "Don't be princess, I'll never hurt you I promise" I gently opened her legs, "Don't take your eyes off mine" she looked at me while I eased into her, she held my hands and I binded it with mine while she arched her back and wimpered, "Namjoon " she whispered my name, it even hurt me because she was tighter than before and I increased in size, "Jennifer you never had anyone after me?" "Why would I? I love.. only you " I kissed her as I increased the tempo, claiming her, taking her, my seven years of control got lost and I filled her with pleasure, climbing over me, she rocked me as I closed my eyes and growled, our voices and pants were drowned out by the music and the room smelled of passion and sex, we went on and on for about an hour before we crashed, Jennifer fell on top of me out of breath as I held her tight and breathed hard, she was exhausted so I carried her up and left the practice room carrying her to her room, "Don't go, stay with me " "If I do, I may not be able to control myself around you, I'm already hard" she looked down at me, "I don't care, it's been so long, Namjoon I need you more than I want you, though I don't mind us going the extra extra mile" she used her hand to rub the sheets sweetly and it actually made me laugh, "You're so crude my love" "I know you love me like that " "Of course beautiful, I do, everything" I kissed her again.

Callista's POV

             I stretched and yawned feeling sore below my waist, memories of last night came back, "Good morning babygirl" lee Joon Gi came in with a breakfast tray, "Good morning darling" "Here have something to eat before we leave" he kissed my cheek, "My brother, where is he?" "With Min hyun, oh and Namjoon called, he told me that he already plans to announce his marriage with Jennifer and also the kids" "What? that's great, it's about time he did the right thing, I'm so happy for them" "Well.. and that got me thinking, I also want us to announce out marriage too and Min hyun" "What?" I looked at him, "I'm proud of you baby, let me show you off too" "You- you're not gonna get hurt are you?" he shook his head, "Well then today is gonna be one hell of a day" After breakfast I took a shower and got dressed, wearing a red gown, I left my face bare and wore red wedge then I came downstairs, "Mommy! wow you look really pretty" he said, "Thanks, you look Really nice too" he wore jeans and a blue t-shirt with black boots.

lee Joon Gi came down wearing something almost identical to Min hyun, "Ready to go sweetheart?" I nodded and we got into the car and drove off, we arrived a few minutes late to the venue.

I turned to min hyun before getting down, "Baby please stay here okay, your father and I will send someone to get you when the time is right okay" he nodded and smiled, "Mommy is the most beautiful" I kissed him again and again, "Woah, us single are already dead"  Callistus Said and we smiled, "Uncle don't worry I will find someone for you" as we were laughing, BTS limousine came behind us too, Lee Joon Gi got down then opened the car door for me, Callistus had gotten down too, I saw Ahn hyoseop and others already here, BTS opened their door and came out waving they were really dressed so casually but was looking as magnificent as ever, Jennifer came down too, wearing loose jean fitting trousers with sturdy belt and long white baggy shirt that she tucked in a piece at the front, brushing her hair all back and wearing a white bucket hat and white D Nike sneakers. she looked like a beautiful boy at the moment it made me laugh as the fans screamed harder, we walked up to them and walked the red carpet together smiling for the camera, Jennifer picked up a rose and kissed it then threw it at the screaming fans who struggled to catch it, all of us laughed as we took a sit, "You got many personality, you can really pull off a boy personality" lee Dong Wook said, "Aren't you hearing them screaming to have her babies?" Hwang inyeop said, "she looked like flirty Jimin " Jin said, all of us looked forward after laughing, the cameras were shown on us.

The talk show started, this one was more on the movie company buying the book, they also said that the interview for the cast of the book will be too hectic, but all of us agreed that we would like to play the same cast we had in the book, "Why would you want it to be like that?" "There's a reason, our various company will release the news tonight so do not be alarmed" Joon Gi said, bang pd told Namjoon and Jennifer not to say anything about their relationship yet for safety reasons, the company will release the news tonight so we can get ready for anything tomorrow, lee Joon Gi told me he will call his company tonight too, I nodded, other than the talk and questioning of the book, the last media presentation was over, or maybe not since we don't know how tomorrow will be. After the day had ended we went back home, Lee Joon Gi was mainly busy so I just stayed with Min hyun. I decided to to call Jennifer so Callistus stayed with Min hyun instead, she told me she was in a car, Namjoon was taking her somewhere and it was a surprise, after talking for a few minutes I cut the call, "He's finally showing her the place?" "Where?" "He bought a giant size restaurant for her, waiting for the day she'll return" "Wow, aww that's so touching, Jennifer is gonna cry" Joon Gi held my waist firmly drawing me closer to his side, "Tomorrow, no matter what never let go of my hand okay?" I looked at him, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, and our son" I hugged him tight, "I trust you, I'll never let you go".


The following day, it was like someone threw a stone on the middle of a calm lake, the both company released the news and everywhere was on fire, every news and headline news had the same topic, BTS member Namjoon has been married to Jennifer Moses for seven years now, lee Joon Gi married for seven years to Miss Callista, I saw it and switched off my phone, lee Joon Gi came in with his phone, "Press conference?" I asked, "You know the drill, come on let's go" we took a shower and I just dressed up in jeans and a white low cut top, wearing white sneakers, we got into the car and drove off, the moment we got down, the shouts increased, a lot of them were happy their favorite character were together but some haters were throwing insult and curses, all the while I never let go of his hand, BTS and Jennifer arrived immediately and the crowd was ecstatic, but of course they were still haters, the reporters were trying to fish for information, Jennifer had worn simple today, a black jean with purple crop sweater, it was matching with Namjoon. all of us sat down at the stage waiting, of course our various company came up to speak concerning the matter about it and also answered a few questions before we were told to make a speech too. Lee Joon Gi went first and talked about the matter he also showed the marriage certificate and told them that everyone had choices including idols, since we're all human and he found his. Everyone clapped.

Namjoon went up next, After apologizing to army and explaining a few things, he started, "I hope you will be happy for us, I never knew I could find much happiness until I met Jennifer, and if there's anything that I won't be giving up, other than army is her, she's the only one who knows who and what I really am and still chose to stay, yes the book had some reality to it, most of or rather all of them are real, she blessed me with the most wonderful kids" the murmurs started as the door opened and Min hyun, Min Kyu and Ga young came in.

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