
The Strongest

[Tai Lung's POV]

For the first time in my life, I had power that was too much in my hands.

A power I had done nearly not enough to attain. A power I did not earn yet was mine and would always be mine.

To go from finite to infinite.

That was a feeling that would surely change any warrior forever, both in mind and soul. The difference between finite and infinite was infinity itself. I couldn't even begin to describe just how I felt when I took such a huge leap in power.

For as long as I can remember, I dreamt of having such power. I dreamt of attaining such a sudden explosion in strength that would make me forever invincible. I thought I could attain such power by reading the Dragon Scroll but after learning the truth, I had to forget that dream of mine.

But now, even without my intention, it had become a reality.

I felt like a God.

I had crossed the line of mortality and became something larger than life itself. If chi was the fuel of miracles which could be used to achieve anything, what did having an infinite amount make me?

It made me limitless.


"It's time to put an end to this charade."

I said and stood up from my place. The battlefield had gone completely silent as the world churned and the darkest and most violent storm brewed above.

Everyone in this war was exceptionally connected with thier chi compared to the average people so even if they didn't know the details, they realised that something had gone horribly wrong for the world.

I closed my eyes and focused on my chi sense. Then I located two of the biggest signatures on the battlefield. They were a few kilometres away and were in the southern district of the ruined city.

I opened my eyes and disappeared from my place. I used flashsteps but this time, I pumped the technique with the most amount of chi I had ever used.

It was the fastest speed I ever achieved.

It looked like I teleported as I covered the distance of a few kilometres in just a few steps. I didn't think it took longer than a second to cover the distance of over three kilometres.


Po and Samudragupta who were engaging in a fight turned towards me when I suddenly appeared beside them.

I first observed Po who was bruised and beaten up, but he would have probably lasted an hour more. I also noticed the infinite amount of chi he had just like me.

But our infinity was fundamentally different. While he was like an ocean that would never run out until the universe itself dried up, I was like a generator which could generate endless amounts of chi.

But both were infinite.

I did it. I was able to equal the son of heaven himself.

I turned my attention towards Samudragupta whose body was encased in a layer of an orange aura. Hundreds of years of work and cultivation were burning out rapidly to give him a boost in stregth for a few hours.

His lifeforce was perpetually plummeting. He was not brimming with vitality like when I first met him. I'd say he would last a day more in this state before he ran out of chi and shrivelled up into a corpse.

"You finally revealed yourself!! BASTARD!!" Samudragupta roared and then he charged at me. His huge frame punctured the atmosphere due to his speed and he left a sonic boom where he once stood. He was easily moving faster than sound.

How could such a heavy body move at such speed? The world wondered as it tried to catch up.

But I showed no change in expression. After attaining a new threshold, this dispaly of power sseemed unthreatening.

My strength had always been limited by the amount of chi I possessed.

Even when I said I used my full strength, what I actually meant was a certain amount of power which I could achieve without wasting too much chi.

The thought of running out of chi or energy was like a shackle that chained me down from reaching my full potential. Now that restraint was gone.

I could use any amount of chi I wanted. I could even use everything in a single attack and it won't matter because I could always generate more.

So that was what I did.




He came at me with hurricanes wrapping around his body. I used flashsteps to close the distance and throw off his aim.

I stood next to him and his eyes widened when he saw me suddenly appear beside him. And then I planted my feet on the ground and delivered a powerful punch at his stomach that ripped the air with the sonic boom that followed.

'Armment Haki : Internal Destruction.'

My punch slammed against hin and it brought his body - that moved beyond the speed of sound - to an absolute halt. Time slowed down to a crawl as my mind became focused like never before.

That was not the end.

'Conquerers Haki'

I coated my fist with a layer of Haki and when it landed on him, it sent an explosion of willpower that damaged more than just his physical body. It felt as if I completely crushed his will along with his body.

A loud shattering sound erupted and his body folded like a piece of cloth. His eyes turned white and there was a firey explosion at the point of impact. That was how powerful the punch was.

I had used an obscene amount of chi which I would've never thought of using in a single attack before.

Then his body flew out from my fist and was sent straight into the sky like a rocket after the sound barrier cracked many times over.




Yet I was not satisfied with that. I crouched down and put my hands together and started gathering a ball made out of pure energy.

This time, it was different as the ball sucked out every drop of energy I had in my body. I used everything in just this one attack.

I compressed it and then continued supplying an endless amount. The surrounding reality shook and flicked as if a glitch had appeared in reality due to the huge concentration of chi. .

The amount of chi was too thick that it almost dripped out from the ball in the middle of my hand. I continued gathering my chi until I felt Samudragupta's body coming to a stop and then start its descent.

The whole battlefield was bathed in pure light as if a second sun had appeared. The darkness caused by the storm was casted away and replaced by a blue light that sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

And then I threw my hands up and released the compressed energy towards the falling body of the mammoth.

It made a strange sound. No, it was not sound at all. But an odd mechanical click was heard by everyone. It was the presence of the attack itself.

A huge pillar of blue energy was erected in the middle of the city and it pierced through the clouds and went beyond.

There was no shockwave which showed just how controlled and concentrated the attack was. Samudragupta did not stand a chance and I saw his body disintegrate into nothingness the moment the attack hit him.

But I did not stop.

More like I did not want to stop.

I was lost in my own power.

The promise I made when I escaped my prison came to my mind. The time when I rebelled against the world and it sent lighting to strike me down.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" I laughed like a villain as my attack continued piercing the sky and likely reached heaven if there was one.

It was a declaration to the universe.

It was a message to Fate herself.

'You've lost'



Throughout the warriors of the past, the present and the future.

I was the strongest of them all.

Let the world know.


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