The place where the nobles were to be sold was not far from Uhron County, but not far either.
It was a journey that would take almost three weeks if they traveled by carriage. And they would travel in two carriages.
Six bodyguards from the Red Feathers would accompany four members of Dazul's gang.
And Dazul had taken himself, his Bearer friend who could communicate with crows and rats, plus two of the most trusted men in his gang.
He had decided to go himself, yes, because even though he trusted his own men, he felt that two of their Bearers would be the best choice for a human trafficking job where nobles would be sold.
And he was glad he did!
When he examined the plan for the journey, he noticed some flaws. Many flaws, actually, some of them too obvious.
So much so... that the thought even crossed his mind that he was being tested. And if that was true... he was certainly happy with his decision to accompany the journey.