
Is it over...?

The click of Mira's door opening was a release, both physically and mentally for the two of them.

Alex leaned back in the pilot's chair, staring through the main viewport as the last embers of Gorath's destruction faded in the distance. 

Mira stepped into the cockpit, moving carefully and subdued. 

Her gaze landed on him with a mixture of relief and disbelief.


She said, her voice a calm counterpoint to the tension still humming through the room.

"Is it really… over?"


He replied, meeting her gaze. 

"It's done. Gorath is nothing but dust and memory now."

The lines in her face softened, though her eyes held onto that wary edge. 

She walked forward and leaned on the console, gazing out at the spot where the distant planet had imploded only minutes ago. 

"I can't believe you actually destroyed it. I felt… something break when it happened. That hold it had over me — it was gone, just like that."

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