
Impossibilities And Discoveries'

(Carter POV)

Staring at the power injector I got from this jump, I wondered how such a thing could be possible.

It's not the mechanism that confuses me but how it was created and the materials. To put it simply, the material this power injector was created from should not exist, and whenever I purposely damaged the device, it just repaired even faster than I could see. 

Desiring to test it to see if it would work, I grabbed one of Wayne's hairs that he had left after finishing combing. The entire thing glowed in a golden light after placing it within the fire and chamber. The hair itself had completely disappeared as if disintegrating to form a viscous liquid.

Sadly, I didn't have any living test subjects, but I fundamentally figured out how it worked. The process itself worked by replacing the DNA of the original subject with that of the injected power. For example, if I were to police Superman's DNA within the firing chamber and inject it into somebody, they would partially be Superman's son.

Not that I was planning to do so because I would not be able to get a planet-worth of distance close to Superman with hostile intent. As fast as I could go, which had actually increased in recent years due to me practicing my powers almost religiously, it still pales in comparison to any number of Superman who can fly from Earth to the Moon in seconds while it would take me at least a couple of days if not weeks.

Taking the injector, I loaded the liquid into a vial and began to check it under various examining devices, from microscopes to various spectrometers, to see if it gave off any form of radiation. Thankfully, the residue of the superpowers wasn't exactly radioactive, but they did give off some form of energy that I couldn't identify. So many mysteries, so little time.

The fact that someone or something could create something so intricate yet so simple and could give it to someone without care is definitely something to be praised for, but it also comes with equal amounts of Terror. I remember a line from the Revenge of the Sith that essentially embodies my current thoughts that those with power are afraid to lose it.

But since I didn't have unlimited power or a God complex, I didn't let that bother me too much, as, at best, I was some higher being's entertainment. Throwing needless challenges does not make for very entertaining content. I was almost tempted to rub the genie's bottle to get more information on my mysterious Patron, but I did not want to rock the boat.

But I was not one to tempt fate, and I did not want to lose my peace, so I rid myself of the thought.

Placing the power injector back on one of the shelves in my warehouse, I took the liquid from my experiments and disposed of it by disintegrating it. It was very similar to water in that it could evaporate, and any and all materials left over were simply disposed of as if they never existed.

This was great because I did not want some villains in the future to be able to get copies of superpowers by taking super drugs or getting high off superpowers, which, while humorous in a way, would definitely be a problem. 

I was all so a bit hesitant and trying to add powers using the power injector to myself as I would have no idea how that would affect my physical form. Maybe after I gain some form of physical adaptation, I could use this injector without fear of becoming a type of chimeric monstrosity.

But such thoughts are for the future, Carter. As I leave the warehouse and head into the farming dimension, I see silk lazing about on the porch, waiting for the various materials to be farmed for our next shipment. The materials themselves are placed within various pocket dimensions within the various buildings.

Sadly, they were all a bit bare bones, to say the least, as I really didn't have any of the mechanisms or materials necessary to make use of any alchemical formula.

I moved around the sentience rug as I did not want to step on him as that's one of the things he hates ironically, and while I was tempted to see if he actually had a working nervous system, I did not want to study one of the few friends I had.

Honestly, I have no idea how various celebrities can handle so much attention. My social battery seems to be quite limited, which was almost comforting, as at least one aspect of myself remains: my desire to have limited contact. After making sure everything was in order and all of the animals were being taken care of, I flew across the various farms and simply watched as the robots that tended the Farms went about with their work.

I had tried to study these robots as they were highly Advanced but found that all of my research kept coming up empty and just various nonsense. One time, the data quite literally just came out to a middle finger, and I could almost hear laughing behind me, but I just assumed that was my imagination.

Heading back to the main Warehouse area, I looked back up to see the clock winding down my time until I left this jump. It just seemed like the time was just flying by, as I'd already been in this world for five years. Since the timeline of this world began in 2008, I wouldn't need to worry about anything too drastic. It seemed that due to Cartoon Logic, the world seemingly ignores the fact that there's a flying demigod in one city.

Although I can't complain, dealing with Megamind for five more years isn't a fun prospect. As while Metro Man has continued to do his work, which has had the unintended consequence of Megamind not becoming a better person due to a lack of challenge.

 And to say that he likes to kidnap me is an understatement, although it was a bit funny to see how he reacts to me just breaking out of all of his traps once I'm able to use my abilities.

Being depowered whenever I'm kidnapped isn't exactly fun, but once I'm fully trapped, per se, I can reuse all of my abilities, and since this is a movie meant for kids, I don't actually need to worry about bodily harm. Thankfully, I'm not in some kind of edgy fanfiction, but I may have taken up reading due to the excessive amount of time I have on my hands.

The media in various worlds tend to change in various ways. In this world, I still find Marvel and DC-related content, and it's actually more popular in this world than most due to the literal existence of superheroes and supervillains. 

But again, there has been a change in this world as the Marvel Cinematic Universe never actually developed into a thing. As a kind of domino effect, other franchises that had their various multiverses never seemed to develop their own movies other than the basic solo films.

So, while people knew about superheroes, they never actually really got into them like the film crowds. 

But with that tangent done and dusted, I walked through the gate leading back to my house, which I had hidden within my room. After exiting the portal, I went on to do my daily routine, which was eating breakfast, practicing my powers, and then heading to work. This then led to me coming home, eating dinner, practicing my powers, and then doing various experiments Ad nauseam.

Without real-time constraints, I have been able to study Megamind's technology while also making some of my own. His dehydration technology would do wonders for a world without water and a world with too much water. Not to mention, the benefit of being able to turn nearly all threats into cubes of hydrated or dehydrated matter is a fantastic feat of science and engineering.

It's not on the level of comic books where you can create an infinite energy generator with equipment from a cave and a box of scraps, but it's definitely impressive. However, the more cynical part of my being thinks that if any of these creations were real, the world would have doomed itself before any actual benefits would be reaped.

I may have to invest in getting a perk that betters the general population over time as I've already dealt with enough people to know that change is a lot harder than people think. A small part of me sometimes wishes to just surround myself with my own Creations but that would just lead to the creation of an echo chamber and I wouldn't really make any progress mentally or socially.

I do have to admit the only real change I have made is increasing the security around the prisons that hold the other various supercriminals, which may have had the effect of utterly denying the possibility of the sequel movie ever actually existing. Although it has opened up an interesting avenue of research, as it seems, without the plot being able to even begin, the characters that would have benefited from the plot armor just don't. 

 It's essentially Schrodinger's plot in the sense that if the plot itself can never begin, the box is never opened, nor can it be opened.

Other than that, I am looking at an easy five years. Yet, as I am about to dig into a sandwich, an alarm goes off, and I am grabbed by a giant mechanical hand and sigh.

"It seems that I have yet again caught you unaware, Carter. You must improve your security as such a lacking man could never-"

"At least let me finish my sandwich, you bald ass!" I yell as Megamind looks at my destroyed sandwich and makes an O sign before chuckling to himself as I press a button on my watch. Within a few seconds, the metal arm falls with me in it as Wayne stares down at Megamind before holding his fist above Megamind's head, the gleam of violence intense in my brother's eyes.

"No! No! No! Not the NOOOOOOOOGIIIIEEE! AWWWWWWW!" Megamind's head was then burned with motion burns as I grabbed my bathrobe and headed back to repair the kitchen.

Murphy must despise me.

(The next chapter may be the last one in this world as there is nothing left for him to do here, and I am out of ideas for this world. I hope you all have a nice day and vote for the next world.)

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