
Dust-Ridden Story

Spiraling flames and arching condensed manifestation of ohr crashed into the peripheral, accompanying the two siblings who were unfortunate enough to reunite once again in the wrong time and the wrong sides.

"Why can't you see the fault lies in your orders and mindset, sister!?" Ayssa imbued her greatsword with the grace of purple flame, capable of disrupting any kind of spellcasting before and after it was cast. "Stubbornness isn't going to bring you anywhere!"

Nyssa's pained body was forced to move even when it didn't want to. She still had a couple of doses of healing potions in her prosthetic compartment, but those won't work on her abnormal condition. 

"What in the aether are you rambling about!? Are you sure that those purple bastards didn't brainwash you or something?? Why would you attempt to make you join the people who killed our comrades otherwise???"

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