

"CORNERS NOW!" Link commanded Li and his unidentified brother. Both of them actually moved to a corner each, the bandit was making a tantrum on his way though. Link approaches Zelda and lifts her head with his left index.



My Princess appears to have been in distress. And I can see in her neck vestiges of SOMEBODY choking her.

I was expecting the Pirate to give a fight, I mean… I would. But I was NOT expecting him to attack MY Princess. How did it happen? Robert was here to guard her, wasn't he? I need to talk to both of my duplicates. Let's start with the one I left in charge.

Link approaches Robert's corner. Zelda drops down to her knees on the tatami in the middle of the room. She needed to catch her breath and collect herself before speaking with Robert. Seeing the boys fight disturbed her deeply… she had been scared of them SEVERILY hurting each other.

Link reaches Rob and sighs "What the hell happened? I want the short version" the Hero asks with serenity.

Li stares back in anger, he was ready to inquire on why Link he was questioning him and not the burglar. But Robert calms down and sighs before answering.

"The fucker woke up and tried to strangle Zelda, I pushed him off of her and we fought a little… there is something wrong with him up here" Robert says tapping on his temples "he appeared to want to fight me, but his punches were weak beyond his weight, he was not really trying. I felt like he just wanted me to punch him… like he actually wanted me to end him."

Fuck [Zelda sitting on top of Link, apparently trying to fight him but throwing weak punches at his arms and face] Back then, Zelda was depressed and wanted me to provide her an easy way out. Why does the Pirate want to die?

Link nods and gives Robert a pat on the shoulder, he then turns and walks towards the mugger. Zelda stands up and runs to Li, she needed to let him know the robber was not really trying to strangle her, he made it hard for her to breathe but not impossible. He may be skinny but of course he could still manage to choke her… meaning he was using her to provoke the fight between them. 

Link stands in front of the mugger, the blonde boy was just sitting on the floor, not really paying attention to what was going on around him. He was spaced out.

"Would you care to tell me what happened?" Link asks.

The thief lifts his head angrily "EXCUSE ME, I AM THE ONE WHO WAS KIDNAPPED, YOU TELL ME WHAT'S UP!" he then looks at the ground and lowers his tone to a whisper "Why am I here… what more do you want from me?" he says in despair.


I don't know, but if he was... they were at least starving him.

*Motherfuckers... You need to take out the trash*

And I will, once he gives me some names.

Link sighs and looks at the Pirate with a friendly smile "I will explain EVERYTHING while we eat, care to join us?" he asks stretching out his hand.

"What?" the mugger asks not believing what he just heard.

"I am sure you know what a meat pie is, we just bought some, let's eat them shall we?" Link says waggling his eyebrows.

The larcenist just stares not being able to close his mouth, or form a coherent response. Raziel chuckles and grabs the Pirate's arms to pull him up to a standing position, he begins to untie the thief's hands and feet. The Pirate was about to knee Link on the face but a giggle distracted him from doing so. Looking up at the source, he saw the girl smiling and wiggling her fingers happily at him. He then he saw the boy who fought him previously. He was frowning at the beginning, but shook his head and started waving at him to come over and join them. The sight completely disarmed the larcenist.

Once Link released the assailant's feet, he started pushing the Pirate forcing him on the tatami. As they were heading there, he noticed the pirate walked hobbling.

Is he hurt? Did Robert do this or is it an old injury?

*Kill them*

If he happened to have been held captive, of course I will.

Link waited for him patiently, when they arrived at the spot Link had envisioned for the thief, he pushed him down by his shoulders, forcing him to a sitting position on the tatami. Zelda had already opened her order and started choosing which pie to give her new brother, Li just ripped off the top of his food container to use it as a spare dish, and then placed a random pie on it before handing it to Zelda. The Princess placed her pie in there too and quickly handed the makeshift foam tray to Link, who took it and started checking his order to preferably choose meat pies for his bro, avoiding the cheese one. He placed 3 on the makeshift plate and gave it to the Pirate.

"Enjoy" Link said handing it to the criminal.

"Why?" ask the pillager utterly confused, but still taking the tray of food.

"Why not?" Link asks lifting an eyebrow.

Li coughs "Actually… I think I handed you the cheese one from my order, give it back and grab another one" Robert says handing over his half of the container with his meat pies.

The thief shakes his head in refusal "I am ok with the feta and spinach pies"

Link scowls irate "NO, YOU ARE NOT" Link says as he grabs one of the meat pies from Li's tray and places it on the Bandit's "If you don't want to starve Robert then give him back the Feta pie" Link says grinning maliciously, Robert whines pouting and trying to mimic a hurt puppy.

This earns chuckle from Zelda and a snort from the Pirate "All right" he looks for the feta pie and palaces it on Robert's Styrofoam tray.

"I don't mean to rush you, but could you start talking?" the thief urges them.

Link smiles "Of course. By the way, I am Link, Robert there" Link points at Li who just waves a little "and this is Zelda. How should we refer to you?"

"Z1D-4… damn forgot the rest. Just call me Z" the delinquent says as he starts tensing with uncertainty.

The Hero rolls his eyes exasperated "Don't fuck with me, that can't be your name. That is the nomenclature the clinic used to treat you… right?" Link exclaims, but soon starts noticing the Pirate looking around the room, as if searching for something...

*HEADS UP: He is planning his escape route*

The Hero opens his eyes wide in realization "Fuck, that IS your name" Link pulls out his cellphone and starts retrieving the only document SWORD had on this boy "Z1D-403… this name is not acceptable at all" Link says in shock and with some sadness.

What the actual fuck? He is a person, not a robot, why does he have THAT name? I need intel on this ASAP

Zelda crawls to Link and takes the cellphone from his hands, she quickly reads on it taking special notice on the so-called name, then reads the diagnosis. Cerebral Edema that put him in a coma for 3 days. They treated him with serum bags only, hoping an electrolyte deficiency was the root cause. She immediately stops reading, she wanted to avoid knowing too much, the last thing she needed right now was to get emotional.

"You know what? Your name is too complicated, can we call you Zid?" Zelda suggests and hands the cellphone back to Link who starts grinning.

HAHAHA, I see what you did there Zelda. Z1D-403… Z1D… Zid. You, my royal ass of a Princess, are a fucking genius. Well... not really, but you think fast and beyond your emotions apparently. I respect that.

Link chuckles and hands his cellphone to Robert, Li starts scanning through the document. He smiles when he notices where the Princess got the name from. Then he got to the notes where the medic stated he was NOT sure what the problem was, they were hoping it was an electrolyte deficiency since all they could do was plug him on a serum bag. After all, they were not being paid. Fortunately, he responded favorably, the clinic still made a thorough examination using his blood and was deemed malnourished by the medic in charge.

"I don't mind. Zid… I think I like it" Zid says beaming, but soon his smile falls and his gaze lands on the floor. Suddenly he raises his head with a guarded look.



"As much I am enjoying this, let's cut the crap. Where and when do you want to do this?... and what are you using to hunt me?" Zid says expecting them to be compassionate enough to answer.

Li scowls shaking his head, Zelda stares at Zid with curiosity, Link answers with a blank expression.

"Tomorrow, at the Clinic 5 minutes from here, and nobody is hunting you, I just want to test your blood"

"Blood extraction? What for? Is that really all you want from me?" Zid asks perplexed, he was NOT used to being treated like a human being at all.

Link squares himself and stretches his neck from side to side cracking it in the process "The information I am about to disclose demands absolute secrecy, you are not to talk to ANYONE about what will be discussed here, am I clear on that?"

The fuck… the mood just shifted, Robert and… was it, Zelda? Even stopped chewing. This is serious, do I want to be here? Am I in danger? Come on, don't be a coward, what's the worst that could happen? That I get murdered? That is what I wanted, I was pushing Robert to kill me a while ago, I got nothing to lose.  

Zid nods with apprehensiveness.

Link nods "I belong to an organization… an agency that imparts judgement on people, that alone puts me on danger's path. It's important for agents like myself to locate donors that could help if things go dire. We happened to come across a document that makes us believe you could be a donor for me"

Zid shakes his head in confusion "You couldn't have, I destroyed everything, I heard men in suits were coming to sniffing on medical documents, so I broke into the clinic and destroyed mine… it's important for my safety to not exist"

Link opens his eyes amazed at finally learning the reason why SWORD could not find more information on Zid.

"You didn't destroy everything then… but please indulge me on why you thought we came here to hunt you down, and on the reason why you deemed it necessary to destroyed your papers"

"Maybe someday"

More like NEVER.

"What do I gain from this? because I do gain something right? if not, I am not interested" Zid says.

The Hero smiles "How does 10k monthly sound?"

FUCK. That is a lot, I was bluffing and being an ass… is he for real? Of course he is not, how could he be, Link is not old enough to be working for starters.

"DOLLARS? AMERICAN DOLLARS? YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING WITH ME… I am used to people trying to deceive me, so don't lie to me so blatantly. You are under age, so you can't possibly be working for anyone"

Link chuckles shaking his head "I operate under very special circumstances, but what I told you is the truth, I don't lie Zid" Link says staring into his eyes "our Medic is travelling here to take and analyze your blood tomorrow 9am"

Do I really believe any of this? No, but they seem set on following this delusion, and it seems fun so let's play along.

"So where do I sign? For that money I would donate you even an eye right now"

Bluffing again, I would NEVER donate an eye, I need them to be able to protect myself. But I could lose a finger on the spot for that kind of money, it would mean I could stop stealing, hunting, and fishing… gosh I hate fishing.

I SHOULD STOP LYING TO MYSELF, I want to believe this delusion. It would solve EVERYTHING. And Link is not helping me see this clearly, he seems so fucking serious about this… I want to believe him, I want this to be real.

"We need the results of the analysis first; you need to be a match with me of at least 90% to enter the program and benefit from it"

Zid's excitement plummets "90? Oh… don't bother testing me then, I am NOT your man, can I still finish my pies though?"

Link stares at him frowning, unsure as to why Zid seems so sure of not being a match. Li tries to say something but can't find the words. So that gave the Princess an opportunity to intervene.

Chuckling "I beg to differ; I think you are EXACTLY the man. Let's just get you tested first before claiming anything, how about that?" Zelda tells him.

"If you are still willing to go through with this, I don't have a problem. Just telling you in advance I am not going to be a match" Zid says as he starts munching on his meat pies.

Zid stops after the first bite and his eyes start to tear up. Zelda was about to ask if something was wrong, but Link pulled on her arm effectively silencing her, he smiles at her and brings an index to his lips, signaling for her to remain quiet. Zid actually starts sobbing.

I can't believe I am crying over food, it's just meat. I eat it from time to time when I manage to catch a rat or a fish. But the taste is so different, does salt really makes this much of a difference? No, I don't think so, there are other spices involved I bet. I am going to miss this… I am going to miss THEM.

Why are they so nice to me? I thought Robert surely hated me, and Zelda at least feared me but… they do not, not even a little.

Lots of tourist hear about the legend of the cursed children and they hunt us down, believing they would get paid by the government for killing us. So, why are this tourist being nice to me and feeding me. Could it be that they don't know...

Zid thought as he devoured his food, earning stares from the others.

"Did you get your fill? If not, I am sure there is something I can do to remedy that" Link assures him.

"I don't know what full feels like, but this was more food than I am used to. Don't worry about me, I will live through the night" Zid winks at him with teary eyes.

Link inhales deeply "Tomorrow we leave at 8:30am, the blood test requires you to be fasted, but what do you say we stop at a restaurant for breakfast when we are done at the Clinic?"

Zid opens his eyes wide and shakes his head "NO, I would rather eat home prepared or to go food"

The three of you may be alright, but I don't feel safe sitting in an unfamiliar place for too long.

"Actually, the food stand where I got the meat pies sells a breakfast pie, its cheese, bacon and an egg on top of it all, that is only available from 7:00am to 10:30am" Lee informs them.

"Excuse me, what is bacon? What if I don't like it? Some cheese or milk will do for me" Zid states.

Zelda's eyes go wide as she turns to Link anguished, he retains his stoic countenance and nods at her. He was about to tell Zid to shut the fuck up and eat whatever they feed him, in nicer words obviously, but Li beat him to it.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Robert yells "NO BROTHER OF MINE REFUSES BACON" He inhales deeply "you are eating bacon tomorrow, and you are gonna love it"

"I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER!!!" Zid screams back.

Robert smiles with his eyes wide open as he tilts his head "Got news for you, if you pull off a 90% match you might as well be OUR brother" Robert loses his demented smile and points at the Princess "She knows you will be a match and I trust her judgement. You, my dear BROTHER, will eat bacon even if I have to force feed you, and believe me… you don't want ME doing that" Link's suppressed laughter is heard in the background, Robert smiles at that and says "It will be out of love though"

Link cracks laughing loud at that last comment. He was NOT expecting his brothers to start their relationship fighting and arguing. The whole idea was hilarious but felt right and normal somehow.

Out of love? Ha-ha, who the fuck does something so savage out of… mothers force feed their kids veggies to keep them healthy. DAMN… I am loved. WAIT, WHAT!!! We just meet. He cannot love me already, can he? None of them can, they haven't even SEEN me yet.

Zelda giggles a little before clearing her throat "I say tomorrow Link and Zid head to the clinic, and Li and I will go order the breakfast pies… maybe buy some fruit if possible?" she shyly asks, hoping Link's economy would allow it.

Link nods at her "Sounds like a plan, let's get some sleep. Li, can I count on you for guarding rounds?"

"Sure, but first I should go get a toothbrush for Zid? And…" Li says expecting Link to finish the sentence.

"His pants are fine, I will give Zid one of my shirts, just bring him the toothbrush" Link says as he throws a tank top at Zid who immediately catches it.

"Bring a hair tie please" the Pirate says sheepishly looking at the tank top.

I have not been able to find another one, and I am sick of having my hair all over my face. I like this brown sleeveless shirt, it may actually fit me. I wonder if Link would allow me to keep it.

Li nods and walks out followed by Zelda; she points him where the convenience store is at and sends him off.

"You told me his name was Robert" Zid complains.

Link chuckles a little at that "I didn't lie, that is his name, Li is his last name, we call him like that from time to time"

"I see… I could assist on the guarding rounds too you know"

"Yes, you could, but I won't let you, those dark circles around your eyes are terrifying, you need sleep to make them disappear. We are big boys, we can take care of everything here, change and go to sleep"

Thank for still reading, vote my story, coment it and add it to your library. Next Update: october 4

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