
Fear The Night : Nameless Stand

It was like breaking a bunch of rocks with a hammer, it worked but the hammer was worn out and the rocks were much too numerous, that was how it felt trying to bash Helena's skull in, especially as he subconsciously erect barriers in Loimos's way, otherwise he would have already gouged out her eyes like he had done to Merno, once the zone was dispelled, he moved on and rushed for the last challengers still standing.

His armour and bones had suffered some wear and tear, but he somehow appeared even more threatening to the five that remained, three champions of the element and the talented cleric stood in his way, barring the way to Minli and the wounded, whomst had been arranged neatly and had some sort of items cradled into their unconscious hands, the way they had to teleport back to Tamaris was only one way and would work on all of them as long as they carried the appropriate object.

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