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"... lightning is a mutation of fire."

The words echoed in his mind. With each blow he received, with each dodge and maneuver, Neveah began to understand. There was a rhythm to Kai's attacks, the way Kai used lighting, the feel of lighting as it hit his body. A low crackle formed from Neveah's body, a faint but it couldn't be heard cause Kai's lightning crackles were louder. Dark-red streaks of energy flickered around him, growing stronger with every absorbed blow but no one noticed cause they were focussed on their opponents.

Kai watched as Neveah seemed to anticipate his moves, dodging with unnatural grace. The lightning strikes that once connected now found their mark less often. Kai roared in frustration, desperate to land a decisive blow.

But Neveah was no longer interested in defense. He pushed forward for an attack he wanted Kai to make more moves so that he can understand lightning better.

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