
Welcome And Goodbyes - Part 2

"I…I'm sorry for what I did before," as things began to calm down, Melicia slipped away from the group and took just a moment to apologize to Tan. The raccoon boy looked at her confused, unsure why someone of her stature–that is a duchess -- would ever apologize to a servant like him. 

"Sorry for what?" He asked, his eyes blinking with an empty look.

Leaning forward to match his height, Mel forced a smile on her lips and was about to brush his hand playfully but halfway through she was reminded of Tan's reaction to the last time she'd touched him. Pulling her hand away, she heaved a hefty sigh and responded. 

"For making you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry for that and if there's anything I can do to make up for it please, let me know okay?" Staring at him, Mel waited for his reply, but to her misfortune, another girl walked up behind him, the very same who'd hugged him all night at the mansion party.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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