
Chapter 2 Diary: We Lost, The Earth Was Destroyed!

"parallel world?"

Looking at the content written in the black gold diary, Nick Fury frowned slightly.

I once heard Dr. Oss put forward the theory of parallel worlds, but I didn't expect to see it in this diary now.

Although he has always maintained a vigilant and skeptical attitude towards the contents written in this Black Gold diary.

But Nick Fury decided to keep watching!

"My name is Su Che, and this is the second month since I traveled to this parallel world."

"I really like sitting on the bench and basking in the sun, because I can't remember how long it has been since the last time I could bask in the sun so leisurely."

"Yes, the world I'm in is destroyed, completely destroyed!"

"At first, we thought we had won the battle. We defeated Kang the Conqueror. We defeated the Time Administration,

We Avengers, guard the world once again. "

Seeing this, especially seeing the name Avengers, Nick Fury's pupils shrank instantly.

Avengers has always been an idea he didn't implement.

In his conception, it is to form a team with some super ability users.

Use their power to guard the safety of this world.

This is after the battle with the Kree is over, and after Captain Marvel Carol leaves Earth.

Ideas that I conceived myself!

But now, this concept of mine has not yet begun to unfold.

He actually saw this name in this diary that appeared out of thin air and only he could see it!

This can't help but make Nick Fury serious.

"After that battle, Hawkeye Barton told me with a smile that he had found his successor and could become the second-generation Hawkeye of the Avengers."

"Thor also jokingly said that his adopted daughter can also join the Avengers and become the second-generation Avenger."

"Loki spreads his hands and says he's going to have some kids with Hill, hopefully not as naughty as he used to be."

"Dr. Banner is discussing with his cousin, the female green titan, and Ant-Man. The son he brought back from Sakaar is getting more and more disobedient."

"Everything was so easy, everything was so peaceful. At the end of the day, they told me and my wife Wanda that we should have two more babies too. We could also name the baby Pietro."

"In this way, the members of the second-generation Avengers can stabilize the world, and our group of Avengers can retire."


Look at the sentence "Me and my wife Wanda" in the diary.

Wanda, who was sitting on the sofa holding a diary and looking at it, felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Why does this diary show my name?

Is it the same name?

But, can the baby's name be Pietro?

This is definitely not the same name, after all, Wanda and Pietro, aren't they just me and my brother... brother?

Most importantly, she is the wife of the owner of this diary?

That man named Su Che is my future husband?


I don't even know the owner of this diary, that guy named Su Che.

How could she become his wife.

And want to have a baby with him?

Although I have always hoped to have a warm home and have two cute and well-behaved babies with my future husband.

But...but I am only fourteen years old now!

With a trace of curiosity, Wanda continued to read.

"At that time, the atmosphere was relaxed, and all superheroes were enjoying the relaxed atmosphere that the war had just ended."

"But in the next second, everything changed."

"Before we realized it, countless Conqueror Kang appeared in various timelines, and together with countless conquerors, there were also countless monsters and god groups."

"Those monsters and the god group are so powerful, they are so powerful that they are desperate."

"At that moment, the sky fell apart. Countless mountains and rivers began to collapse, and countless rivers and seas boiled and evaporated."

"As far as the eye can see, there are ruins everywhere, and as far as the eye can see, there are corpses everywhere."

"It seems that the whole world is full of desperate wailing."

"We failed, even though we Avengers have saved the world countless times. But this time, we really failed."

"Hawkeye Barton is dead, Thor is dead, Dr. Banner is dead, and the green titan is dead, all dead."

"I don't know if they were unwilling or desperate before they died in battle."

"All I know is that at the moment when the earth exploded into a tiny speck of dust in the universe, I saw Natasha Romanoff, Steve, Tony..."

"That was the earliest group of people in our first generation of Avengers, and it was also the first group of people in our Avengers to die in battle or retire."

"I only know that when my consciousness dissipated in despair, we have protected the earth countless times, but in the end we were not spared."

"we lose..."

The first diary was written here and ended abruptly.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this moment, in Nick Fury's mind, with the end of the diary, it seems that scenes of despair are also filled in his mind.

This is the power of words.

No exaggeration, no long descriptions.

But it was the simple to desolate sense of despair that deeply enveloped Nick Fury, as well as Natasha Romanoff and Wanda who were reading the diary.

They even seemed to have witnessed the desperate doomsday scene described in the diary.

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