
An Illusion

"I… suppose we would just have to wait then."

With Ezekiel having disappeared on them, Queen Dana, along with Tarah and Wizard Lurio remained sitting in his tent while waiting for him to contact them. Well, Tarah would be the only one waiting while the other two waited for her to tell them something. 

Somehow, it placed a bit of pressure on her to reassure the two that everything was fine.

"Waiting… is the only choice we have left, isn't it?" Lurio humorlessly chuckled at Tarah's offhand remark. "Until the Prince contacts you, we're left to simply speculate on what exactly is happening with His Highness."

"I'm sure that he knows what he's doing," Tarah reassured both the wizard and the queen. "He wouldn't just leave us like that without a plan. He even said that he'd contact us through our bond."

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