

13th November 1988

8 months had slipped away, a mere whisper in the vast expanse of time, yet they carried the weight of transformation. A worn leather-bound journal now rested solemnly on the desk, its pages filled with the relentless scribblings of an obsessive mind.

Surrounded by towering tomes of knowledge, Bondrewd's appearance had undergone a subtle but undeniable shift. His once elegantly tousled hair now hung in disarray, insatiable hunger burning within his dilated purple eyes. The pallor of his skin spoke of long hours lost in the pursuit of knowledge, his existence seemingly fused with the books that never left his side.

His research had yielded astounding results, drawing him deeper into the labyrinth of discovery with each passing day. Oblivious to the world outside his study, his focus remained unyielding, his ignorance of his deteriorating condition matched only by his ignorance of the natural world around him.

The distant tolling of bronze bells interrupted his solitary vigil, signalling the arrival of sustenance in the form of a meal prepared in the bustling cafeteria below. With a resigned sigh, Bondrewd closed his journals, allowing them to return to their rightful places on the shelves.

"I suppose I should arrange for meals to be brought up," he muttered to himself, acknowledging the need to refuel his body even as his mind hungered for more knowledge.

His footsteps echoed solemnly as he made his way down the worn wooden stairs, sunlight streaming through the side windows to illuminate his path. His trusty journal remained tucked under his arm, a constant companion in his solitary journey.

As he reached the oak doors leading to the cafeteria, a warm golden light spilled forth, casting a soft glow on Bondrewd's tired features. Excited chatter greeted him as he entered, the famished gazes of the children fixed eagerly on the arrival of their proxy caretaker.

"Brother!" Mark's joyful cry rang out, a chair pulled out in anticipation of Bondrewd's arrival, earning a grateful smile from the weary researcher.

Seated across from him was Maisie, her plump cheeks flushed with concern as she peered at him with earnest eyes. The once-close bond between them had begun to fray, her dissatisfaction with his increasing distance hung in the air.

"Are you alright?" A concerned yet inquisitive voice escaped her mouth.

"I'm fine, just engrossed in my studies," Bondrewd reassured her, flashing a smile in an attempt to dispel her worries.

"Brother Bondrewd is the smartest!" chimed in another young voice from the adjacent seat, pride evident in his words.

"Of course I know that," Maisie retorted with a pout, her attention never diverging from Bondrewd by Mark's enthusiastic declaration.

A second tolling of the bell reverberated through the hall, its solemn tone commanding attention and halting the lively chatter between the three occupants.

From a side entrance, the Matron emerged into the warm glow of the cafeteria, her concerned gaze catching Bondrewd's eye. Eager anticipation filled the room as hungry eyes turned towards her.

"You may begin your meal," her voice, though stern, carried a hint of warmth beneath its surface, her perfunctory smile a familiar sight to the children.

With the command given, the children eagerly began to dig into the hearty fare before them. Roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, and succulent sausages adorned their plates, a welcome feast despite the modest budget of the orphanage.

Bondrewd ate with efficient precision, cutting his sausage neatly before spearing it with his fork. Amidst the chaos of the bustling hall, he stood out with his composed demeanor, a stark contrast to the messy figures around him.

"Brother, when will you read me a story again?" Mark's pleading voice interrupted the steady rhythm of Bondrewd's meal, his cheeks puffed up with a mouthful of roast potato.

"When I have the time," came Bondrewd's curt reply as he ruffled the young boy's hair affectionately.

"But you promised to read to me first!" Maisie protested, her eyes flashing with irritation as she glanced at Bondrewd.

"Fine, I'll read to you first," he conceded with a wry smile, earning a disgruntled huff from Mark in response.

"No fair! You read to Maisie last time!" Mark's protest echoed loudly through the hall, momentarily cutting through the noise of the crowded room.

As Bondrewd turned to placate the upset boy, Maisie couldn't resist teasing him with a smirk, further stoking Mark's frustration.

Helpless amidst the brewing conflict, Bondrewd felt a wave of relief as the Matron approached, her presence commanding respect from the quarrelsome children.

"Annoying fools," Bondrewd muttered to himself as the Matron drew near, her voice carrying a hint of concern as she addressed him.

"After dinner, come to my office," she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument as the children fell silent in her presence.

As she departed, Bondrewd was left lost in thought, the brewing conflict between Mark and Maisie momentarily forgotten. Wondering what the Matron might want from him and he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that his all-consuming pursuit of magic was proving detrimental in some ways.

Despite his dedication to unraveling the mysteries of magic, he couldn't ignore the toll it was taking on his health and his original plans to control his peers had hit a frustrating standstill.

"I should regain control," he mused to himself, recognizing the need to refocus his efforts and temporarily set aside his obsession with magic.

With his meal finished, Bondrewd made his way towards the Matron's office, the hunger for knowledge still burning within him, though buried beneath self control.

I'll release a few more chapters today as I couldn't yesterday, this chapter is simply to outline his character, in the next few chapters, I will focus on his pursuit to controlling the orphanage and surrounding area.


Cainmiddycreators' thoughts
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