
13.1: The Most Beautiful Girl

Xavier's POV

I had happily taken advantage when Celeste had fallen asleep on my side and moved us slowly until she was comfortably laying on top of me, her breaths occasionally matching my own. She mumbled on occasion, some of it seeming as if she was in a nightmare. I tried my best to help without waking her up, rubbing up and down her back, playing softly with her hair. I must have fallen asleep.

When I woke back up Celeste was awake as well. She hadn't seemed to process me yet. "Hey," I whisper. Her eyes snap to mine, large and brown and utterly captivating. 

"Hey," she whispers back. I look around my office, taking in the various natural woods that make up my desk, chair, and shelves. There's a stack of paperwork on my desk that needs my attention. I've been keeping up as best I can while helping Celeste accommodate. Her lessons haven't started yet, we were planning on this upcoming week along with training. 

"Would you like to learn some things?" She nods, pushing herself up. I help her up so she doesn't fall or hurt me. She may be small but I'm not risking my balls. I lead her over to the desk, sitting down in the large padded chair. Though there's a chair on the opposite side of the desk I could pull over, I instead pull her to my lap. That beautiful blush begins to cover her neck. I resist the urge to nuzzle her and nip at her skin. 

"These are requests from those we have treaties with," I show her one pile. "It's my job to read through it and decide what gets approved, what to counter-offer, and what gets rejected. Then I keep track of which packs have had how many of those three options, to make sure we maintain a good relationship with them. You never want to reject someone too much, unless you intend for your treaty to end. And sometimes you'll have a treaty end due to requests although it hasn't happened for me yet." She nods. I hand her one of the papers. "Read this, and highlight," I hand her the marker and pen, "the request itself and the offered exchange. Then write in the margins the summary of reasons." 

"What-" she breathes, "what if I don't understand some of what it says? My reading is decent but my knowledge only goes so far."

"That's okay," I assure, "I can help you." I grab my own paper and stationary and do the same as I instructed her to do. Her reading is slow but she asks less questions than I was expecting. More so confirmations, as if she does know but isn't too sure. I get through three by the time she puts down the first paper, hesitantly reaching for another.

"Are you sure?" 


"Having me help?" She puts down the paper she had picked up and picks back up the one she had finished. She studies it intensely before shoving it in my face. "Is this good?" I take it from her with a smile, looking over her highlights and notes. She's also circled a few things, as if to emphasize them with the reasonings she has written in the margins. Her notes are a little rough to read but manageable. According to the notes, the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack is requesting our assistance in expanding their training regimens, citing recent rogue attacks and a belief that some of their warriors are at a stand-still in terms of growth. They reason that our pack has an impressive range of training and they're offering guaranteed assistance the next time we should need it. Celeste has a question mark next to that part. 

"Why were you unsure here?" I point to the section. 

"Um, it doesn't seem smart to offer guaranteed help. I think the notion is sweet and shows an urgency."


"But. . ." She leans back against me with a sigh. "What if that hurts them in the long run?"

"That's very sweet of you to think of. Most would take that offer without a care for them." Her fist curls against the paper. "You're thinking like a Luna," I tell her.

"So what would you do?"

"What would you do," I return the question. "Knowing nothing about this pack, what would you like to do?" 

She's quiet for a second. "I would help them, for the goodness of the relationship between the packs." I smile.

"And that's exactly what I would do." I hadn't noticed she was still tense until now, her shoulders slumping and back relaxing. "The Blood Moon Pack has a perfectly good relationship with us. They hold a decent amount of territory towards the East Coast and trade supplies with us seasonally. We've held a light treaty with them for the last five years and it never hurts to improve a relationship," I inform her. 

"So I did good?"

"You did great." I crane my head down to press a kiss to her cheek. I hold my lips to her skin for a moment longer than necessary. I hear her breath catch. When I pull away she turns to look at me. Bringing my hand to her cheek, I can't help but glance at her lips. She has a cupid's bow, light pink in color. Her lips are parted ever so slightly as little breaths go through them. I look back to her eyes. Gorgeous brown eyes that captivate me, stunning me into a moment of silence before I can't help but utter, "You really are beautiful Celeste. Did you know that?" She shakes her head. "Well you are. The most beautiful creature in the entire universe and I don't care what anyone else says." She looks away, her lips going thin. She turns her head ever so slightly and my hand falls. She straightens her back, grabbing another paper and her highlighter. I frown. I grab my own paper and continue my work. Our completed stacks grow to be larger, mine about four times the size of hers. She asks a few questions but besides that she was quiet.

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