

After SHIELD left Mike received a call on Haro. Opening the video call he saw Susan and the rest of the Fantastic Four.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"I was checking out my new property." Mike responded.

"Good we are almost there." She said.

Mike then heard the sound of a jet coming in.

Shuuji looked up before saying "More company?"

"Who is that?" Susan asked

"My martial arts instructor and new bodyguard." Mike responded.

"New what? Since when? You know what nevermind we will be there in a minute." Susan responded before hanging up.

"Who are they? Shuuji asked.

"Originally I approached them as a buisness partner." Mike began. "But they have treated me like family. If I have a family in this world they are it."

Shuuji nodded before asking "Are you going to tell them about underground?"

"Not yet but probably soon." Mike said. "I don't want to worry them."

"Worry? Tell me this how are you going to explain moving in here if they seem to care for you like you said?" He asked.

"I'll figure something out." Mike said.

As they moved outside Shuuji said. "I'm making dinner feel free to invite them." He then wandered off towards his cabin saying over his shoulder "use that system of yours to stock my fridge would you?"

Mike looked as he walked off before turning back to the jet. Checking Haro he saw that the first five Automatons were complete and on standby. If asked how the place was renovated he would use them as an excuse.

As the jet landed Mike saw Johnny was the first off. Rambunctious as always he was loudly admiring the surroundings before saying "FLAME ON" and shooting off to see the cliffs.

Ben was next. "At least say hello to the kid you rude palooka" He yelled after him before approaching Mike and saying "Hey kid, fair warning Susy is ticked. You should have told us where you were going." He then asked to go wander the woods.

"Sure Ben, be careful though and keep an ear out dinner shouldn't be too long." Mike answered

Ben nodded before wandering off.

Susan and Reed came off together. Susan immediately began to lecture Mike on disappearing without telling anyone and hiring someone before a proper background check. The motherly lecture continued for ten minutes with Mike barely able to get a word in.

She then turned to Reed to get him to back her up and noticed he was gone. Looking around confused she heard Mike say.

"He left about five minutes ago I think he saw my Automatons and wanted to check them out." Mike then pointed at Reed going over every inch of the new Automatons that were on stand by.

Susan sighed. "Not again I swear."

Mike offered her a tour of the new facility. She agreed giving Reed a side eye before warning Mike. "Careful he is likely to take those apart."

"REED," Mike yelled. Reed looked over. " If you don't take them apart I'll show you their blueprint later." Turning back to Susan he said "the first thing I did was have them build a factory to create more. It how this place got renovated overnight."

Leading her off he began to show off the factory that was producing the automatons. Seeing them be produced at a jawdropping pace Susan asked. "Where did you get the materials?"

"Starks people left a lot of scrap." Mike said, which was true. "They convert the scrap to materials and use it to build more. They are extremely efficient."

Susan nodded, after the GN drive she just figured this was another of the kid's genius ideas.

Walking into a lab Mike asked. "You have a doctorate in biochemistry correct?"

When she nodded Mike brought out diagram of the medical nanotechnology. "Do you think you could help with this?"He asked

For the next few hours they went over the tech. About an hour in Reed managed to track them down. Seeing what they were doing he joined in.

The three of them kept talking until Ben stuck his head through the door. "Hey the old man says hurry up dinner is ready."

The three of then made their way towards the cabin. Stepping in they found a feast. Turns out Shuuji was also master of cooking Sichuanese Food. The feast was magnificent and comparable to any five star restaurant.

As they were eating Susan said "school starts in two weeks. On August 16th."

Mike looked over "Do I really have to go? I already know most of the things they teach."

Susan opened her mouth to argue but Shuuji answered before her. "A strong body is useless without a sharp mind. Go to this school consider this a part of your training as well." He then went back to eating.

"Trianing?" Johnny asked.

"Yes I have accepted him as my disciple." Shuuji said.

"So where are you from?" Susan asked.

"A small village in Japan.' Shuuji replied.

"How did you meet Mike?" She asked determined to get more information about this mysterious man.

"We met a while ago. I saved him from getting robbed." Shuuji said, "the kid said he would offer me a job when his company got started." Laughing he continued "never expected Mike to get so successful so quickly."

Johnny then butted in asking Mike more about the complex. After some back and forth Mike told them he would be staying here to keep an eye in the company.

They understood but were sad to see him move put. The night went on and the atmosphere was friendly. Before they left Susan told Mike. "Your always welcome with us stop by any time."

"You too." Mike replies. He had meant what he said. Even though he had only met then for a few days they were like family. A crazy super-powered one but a family none the less.

TIMESKIP 2 WEEKS*************************

Mike got up early again today. He had learned early on that Shuuji, or Master as he was told to call him during training, did not tolerate laziness and would wake him up rudley if Mike did not get up himself.

The first hour up was physical fitness running push-ups and other body weight exercises. It was then followed by fifteen minutes of meditation then shower and breakfast. After breakfast Mike climbed onto his Taxi bike and started into the city.

It was the first day of school and he needed to attend. Finding a garage and parking he stuffed Haro into his bag before entering the school and going to the principles office.

"Ah the new transfer student." The principle said. "According to your test scores you will be placed into the 10th grade classes here is your homeroom and schedule." After handing him the paper he shoved Mike out ot the door.

Mike had a headache.'Really the cyclops put him here as a principle?' Refering to Phil Coulson. Sighing he made his way to the classroom where a certain Redhead was waiting. "OK class looks like I'm not the only one who needs to introduce themselves. This is Mr Morganrote a new transfer student."

A vein started the throb on Mike's head how close were they going to keep an eye on him. Unfortunately he got his answer the next moment. "Why don't you sit in the back near Ms Johnson."

Yep they had sat him right next to Quake. At least she looked a little sheepish about all of this. Looking around the room he saw Flash Thompson, Peter Parker, MJ Watson, Harry Osbourne all their ultimate Spider Man appearances.

As school went on Mike attended class and went to lunch. At the end if the day he went to Coulson and asked. "What the hell?"

Coulson smiled cockily "We just want to keep a close eye on our investment Mr Morganrote. Please do enjoy your school year."

Mike had a feeling that this was going to get annoying for him really quickly.

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