

Niko dropped the jokes and addressed the public, recounting what he had told Grayson.

"...So I turned around, grabbed my friend, and left. And one more thing, let me be clear: while to most, the words 'Disgusting Zaunite' may not be an insult but a fact, the one who received it was me, a Zaunite, not you. Therefore, your opinions matter to me no more than the shit I stepped in this morning."

The entire room fell silent once again. Heimerdinger had no choice but to shake his head, and Grayson, who was at the front of the audience, looked thoroughly confused.

'What happened with the 'evoke a lot of sympathy?'

The councilors didn't seem too bothered by her words, and Elora intervened again, holding papers in her hand.

"The doctors examined his hand, quoting directly: 'His wrist was broken, incapacitating its use to the point of requiring a rehabilitation period of at least two years.'"

Seeing Niko remain silent, Elora smiled slightly and continued reading.

"And according to the testimony of the Enforcerers on duty at that time and the scene witnesses, the perpetrator was a child accompanied by a two-colored Waverider who, upon leaving and paying the return fare, briefly revealed his face for a few seconds."

After she finished speaking, Elora raised her hand in a gesture, and shortly after, two people entered the circular table and stood behind Niko.

"Turn around."

Following Elora's words, Niko sighed and turned to look at the two enforcers who had stepped forward.

"Agent Paul and Agent Sophia, does the identity of the perpetrator of the incident two days ago match the one standing before you?

Both Enforcerers looked at Niko and quickly diverted their gaze to Councilor Kiramman.

"Y-Yes, Councilor, it's him."

"Very well, you may leave. Keep up the good work."

With a nod, they both left, leaving Niko alone again and Elora looking confident.

"Based on all the evidence presented and the severity of the injuries sustained by the victim, I propose sending the accused to Stillwater prison."

When these words echoed in the room, it caused a stir among those present.

"Stillwater? At that age?"

"I feel sorry for him."

"No matter how Zaunite he is... he's still a child."

"Are you crazy? Have you seen that strength and still consider him a child?"


Niko wasn't surprised by Elora's suggestion and, realizing he had few cards to play, decided to go for a simple approach: to provoke.

"I'd like to intervene."

Silence fell upon the room, and after receiving an affirmative gesture from Heimerdinger, who was somewhat confused by the situation, Niko began to speak.

"First, I don't see the supposed victim here. Second, the alleged quote from the doctors could have been written by me while wiping my backside. And third, the testimony of the Enforcerers is as truthful as me bringing in two people, asking them if they saw me there, and making them deny it with a shake of their heads."

After finishing his speech, Niko noticed the look of hatred coming from Elora and the consideration with which the other council members were contemplating his words.

"Besides, will we not even address the fact that I was the one assaulted, feeling threatened by a man who used force against my 'pet'? ...If your evidence lacks demonstrable truth, how do you intend to imprison a six-year-old child in a prison filled with the most dangerous criminals in the history of both cities?"


Unable to bear it any longer, Elora stood up and slammed her hand on the table.

"FALLACIES! The victim is not in a state to get out of bed due to the shock of the assault. The doctors are busy supervising the victim. The Enforcerers have taken an oath to speak nothing but the truth in matters related to their responsibilities and duties."

Ignoring Elora's outburst, Niko continued to yawn and turned, giving a small smile to Grayson.

"Right now, more important than being a 6-year-old child, you are an a AGRESSOR. Not only do you cast doubt on the veracity of the evidence presented by a Piltover COUNSELOR, but you also question the values of the Enforcerers who work day and night to ensure our safety! You are a SCOUNDREL and a TROUBLEMAKER with no idea of REAL LIFE... Votes in favor of imprisonment for twelve years!"

The lights went out, leaving only Elora illuminated with her hand raised, hyperventilating as she awaited the support of her colleagues, when laughter echoed in the room.

"HAHAHA. It's funny that you call me a scoundrel when the only reason this trial is taking place is because I rejected your invitation to join House Kiramman."

After Niko finished speaking, all eyes in the room turned to Elora, who, embarrassed by the stares, lowered her head. Mel shook her head in disbelief and raised her hand to support her confidant, causing some council members to follow suit.

Heimerdinger was conflicted, and seeing Niko return his gaze with a smile only added to his confusion.

'How did we get to this point?'

As the head of the council remained silent during the vote, the other members started looking toward him, when a voice grabbed everyone's attention.

"There's no need to vote. I plead guilty."

All eyes turned to Niko, who yawned again as if what he said was of little importance. Mel lowered her hand in confusion and turned to him.

"Could the accused repeat what he said?"

"Of course, there's nothing to vote on because I plead guilty."

The light reappeared as the windows began to open once more, and the dome above their heads started to lift.

"...Before I go, may I say one last thing?"

The councilors looked at each other, and some nodded to Niko.

"Great. Even at my young age, I am aware of the fame that surrounds the city of Piltover... The hell im saying? The CITY OF PROGRESS. I truly admire many of the inventions that some of you have created, and of course, the merchant, social, aristocratic, or economic skills exhibited by others in this room, and it would be an offense to overlook them."

Niko's praises caused some in the room to view the boy in a different light, including council members like Hoskel or Salo, who subtly raised their chins, displaying pride in representing some of those qualities.

"Flattery won't reduce your sentence, but it's good for someone of your kind to know their place."

But Niko didn't stop and continued speaking, all the while giving Grayson another smile.

"...So, I wondered: How is it possible that while being so aware of your own capabilities and resources, you not only show no willingness to help those less fortunate like the Zaunites but also treat them in such a despicable and gross manners by using insults to belittle them?"

Grayson sighed and rubbed his hand over the bridge of his nose, watching as Niko endured the shouting of the council members who had been acting proudly just moments before.

Several minutes later, when the shouting finally subsided, Niko yawned again and, for the first time during the entire trial, pulled his hair back, revealing the seriousness etched on his face.

"...Last thing, I'll recommend you all to start treating Zaunites better, because in the future you might regret it. And no, it's not a threat, it's a fact."

After finishing speaking, Niko turned around, leaving all the council members looking at his back and denying them the opportunity to continue discussing the matter.

Sitting in his chair, Heimerdinger began to replay in his mind what Niko had said, recalling the words directed at him a few days ago.

'Looks like he really will...'

Niko continued walking and after a few steps, he stopped in front of Grayson, looking up at her.

Some of those present were Zaunite in one way or another, whether they were born in Zaun and raised in Piltover or had fought hard to reach Piltover, like Viktor. In their eyes, Niko was a boy who fearlessly ventured into the lion's den to demand respect for his own people. This fact both captivated and shamed them.

How could a child do what they had never dared to think of doing?

Down the hallway, Niko noticed Viktor trembling slightly as he looked at him, and with a smile, Niko nodded affirmatively while looking ahead.

'Remember this feeling, Viktor. I'm fucking awesome.'

One of the enforcers approached after receiving a gesture from Heimerdinger, and after a few seconds, he nodded and headed toward the audience.

"The decision regarding the punishment of the accused will require a more extensive period of discussion. Leave the room."

Grayson addressed Niko as the doors began to open, and upon seeing her behind him, he flashed a smile, leaning back and taking a breath.

"Goodbye, Councilor Kiramman. You're my super duper ultra mega favorite councilor of the whole council!"

Turning towards Elora, Niko sought a reaction from her, which caused her to clench her fists and shoot him an angry glare. In response, Niko's smile widened ear to ear as he focused on Elora's clenched fists.

Elora followed his gaze to her fist and discovered a note attached.

'Touch my people and I'll bring down your house along with everything you've achieved in life. Best wishes and hugs, may the goddess Jannah bless you. Muack muack'

About to raise her voice, she watched as the paper lost its color, turning to brown dust shortly after. Shocked, Elora could do nothing but slowly turn her gaze back to Niko.

'Chemistry rules, idiot.'

With a satisfied smile, Niko pretended to sneeze and, with his hands in the air, broke free from the cuffs wrapped around his arms into small pieces falling around him.

Upon hearing the noise, the people who were leaving turned and looked at the pieces on the ground, starting to become alarmed. Niko quickly defused the situation by acting nervous, accompanied by a silly smile and raising his hands in the air.

"Does anyone have a tissue? Nobody?"

The crowd hesitated, and among them, a man stepped forward and produced a handkerchief.

"Here you go, kid. Take care."

"...Thank you, Professor Lymere."

After blowing his nose and putting away the handkerchief, he bent down to pick up the platinum pieces from the ground. Seconds later, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Stop the nonsense and walk, you've had enough fun today."

Standing up, Niko turned to the person who called him, placed his hands on his hips, and tilted his head slightly to one side.

"Mooo~ you're being mean, Commissioner Grayson."

Seeing Grayson reach for the baton on his hip, Niko quickly turned around and advanced with his hands behind his head.

"Hold on, officer, not with the baton, nooo~!"

Grayson, feeling tired, sighed as he looked at the handcuffs on the ground and simply placed his hand on Niko's shoulder, pushing him forward.

"...Just keep walking, kid."

Several of the enforcers in the room approached Grayson, and upon receiving her nod, they surrounded Niko.

"You'll be taken to a room while they're deliberating your sentence."

She began to walk, with Niko following and the enforcers surrounding him as they moved down the hallway.

"Hmm, a holding cell. Does it have windows?"

"Are you asking out of curiosity or because you want to escape?"

"The first one, obviously."

Grayson stopped abruptly, causing everyone to halt and look toward their superior.

"Is there something wrong, Commissioner Grayson?"

After letting out a sigh, Grayson turned to respond to her colleague, casting a sidelong glance at Niko.

"Change of plans. Understood?"




Exiting the hallway, the group passed through several doors and descended a couple of flights of stairs before arriving at an old, heavy metal door.

Niko scrutinized the door carefully, noting the cobwebs, the dim lighting, and the rust on the latch.

He turned to Grayson with a raised eyebrow. "Cell or haunted room?"

"Blame your mouth."

Niko shrugged and followed Grayson into the room, discovering a brown, damp space illuminated by a single window with barred openings that barely let in any light.

In the center of the room were even larger chains than Niko was wearing, designed not only for arms but also for legs, torso, and neck.

"You'll have to put these on."



"If, by any chance, I hadn't asked about the windows..."

"You wouldn't have to put them on."


Niko's cry echoed through the room as he dropped to his knees, the sound catching the attention of the Executors outside who watched in amazement and whispered among themselves.

"The commissioner is impressive."

"To make that kid scream..."

"She's my inspiration."

Niko remained with his hands on the ground and his head bowed. To Grayson's eyes, he seemed genuinely repentant, but in reality, Niko kept his head down to listen to the whispers of the Executors.

'...They're doomed.'


Standing up, Niko approached Grayson and sat down in front of her.

"Didn't you hear me? You have to put them on."

"Oh come on, Grayson, all that metal doesn't weigh half as much as the shackles I was wearing."

Grayson raised her eyebrows in confusion as she leaned back in her seat. "And why the scream?"

"I was playing along, you seemed entertained."

After finishing speaking, Niko stretched out in his seat, gazing up at the ceiling. His eyelids felt heavy, and just when it seemed like he had fallen asleep, his eyes snapped open suddenly, and he straightened up, surprising Grayson.

"Is something wrong?"

"...I think it should have started by now."

Grayson tried to understand what he meant, and as if recalling something, she showed a look of comprehension.

Niko glanced out the window, and after pondering for a moment, he stood up. Through the window, he could see in the distance a massive structure in the middle of the sea, illuminated by numerous lights.

'...Looks like Count Dracula's castle.'

{...Do you really plan to go in there?}

'Is there another option?'

{Obviously, escaping}

Niko approached the window, reaching into his pocket and pulling out something. Holding it up before him, he displayed a huge grin.

'Escape or...?'

Near Niko, Grayson sat, looking somewhat perplexed as the boy before her grinned maniacally at a small amulet with a sparkling blue crystalline figure in his hand.

'He's a follower... The world is crazy.'


At the same time in Zaun, a boy was running through the streets.

His clothes were dirty, but even amidst all the grime, the quality of the fabric stood out.

His figure was obscured by the darkness of the city, and his small steps quickly covered a great distance, weaving through crowds, markets, and alleyways.

Finally, the boy halted his sprint in front of a tavern. The people outside the establishment recognized him but didn't gave a second glance, so he hurriedly entered through the door in front of him.

Upon entering the room, he could see the somewhat familiar face of the man behind the bar, but unlike the last time he saw him, he wasn't showing anger or his usual friendly smile while cleaning his tankards.

Instead, he was seated, looking tired and with a touch of annoyance directed towards one side of the tavern.

Following his gaze, the boy could see a group of five children sitting around a circular table, looking downcast. The youngest in the group was sipping on her juice, and after a few seconds, it seemed like she had finished as she looked into the empty glass and set it down.

As she glanced at the glass, she caught sight of a figure further away looking back at her, and after blinking a couple of times, she turned aggressively towards the person sitting next to her.

"Vi, VI! Look, It's Ezreal!"

Although being jostled around, Vi managed to look in the direction where Powder was pointing. The rest of the children also looked and immediately jumped up, hurrying over to him.

"Ezreal! Where have you been"

"Why are you so dirty?"

"Do you know where Niko is?"

"You also smell a bit..."

Ezreal recoiled from the overwhelming questions, and as he stepped back, he realized he was stepping on something.

'Let it not be poop again...'

Turning with half-closed eyes due to intrigue, Ezreal sighed with relief when he saw it wasn't poop. However, that relief vanished instantly when he realized what he was actually stepping on was a foot. As he looked up, he froze upon seeing who was returning his gaze.

'What the heck? But he was behind the bar.'

"What are you doing here, kid?"

Vander crossed his arms and squinted, scrutinizing the trembling blonde boy in front of him.

"S-Sir, I-"

"He told you not to come here, am I wrong?"

Interrupted by Vander, Ezreal fell silent. Seeing that Vander seemed to understand what was happening, Ezreal remained quiet and could only nod.

"Then, what are you doing here?"

The rest of the children looked confused, not having any idea what they were talking about. Vi stepped forward, standing in front of Ezreal.

"Do you have something to tell us, Vander?"

"...I'm not talking to you, Violet, step aside—"


Vi slammed her hand on the table, glaring at Vander with pure suspicion and anger.

"You've had us locked up for days. You won't tell us where Niko is. How much longer are you going to keep this up, Vander? HOW LONG?!"

Vi's shout drowned out all other noise in the tavern, and all the customers' attention turned to Vander. Standing and staring at the group of children, Vander was conflicted by Vi's outburst, unable to respond.

"What do you mean, locked up for days? You don't know where Niko is?"

Seeing that Ezreal was confused, Ekko approached him to explain.

"They won't let us out. We think Zeri is stuck too, and we haven't seen Niko since... two days ago, just like you. Ezreal, please, do you know where he is?"

Ekko's almost pleading question sent a chill down Ezreal's spine. Looking at the others' faces, he saw traces of tears and signs of sleeplessness on some.

Ezreal's face grew slightly pale, and a weight settled in his chest. How could he break this news to them?

Noticing Ezreal's demeanor, Vander sighed and gestured towards the door, signaling to the rest of the tavern's patrons.

The six of them sat at a table on the tavern's ground floor. Ezreal seemed to have calmed down, and Vi continued to glare angrily at Vander, who sat with his eyes closed.

"Guys, Niko... I know where he is... or was..."

The children quickly turned toward Ezreal, appearing relieved to hear from him. Excitedly, they started pressuring him to speak until Vi stopped them with a loud clap.

"Tell us, Ezreal, please."

"...*sigh* Niko is in Piltover. There was a public trial today, a-and he was declared guilty... well, he declared himself guilty... He's been sentenced to Stillwater Prison."

The children's cheers halted, and they fell silent in disbelief. Powder and Ekko started sobbing, while Claggor looked down, and Mylo covered his face with both arms, gazing at the ceiling.

With her elbows on the table, Vi stared blankly at a point on the wall. She had lost someone again... She had failed to do anything once more. Slowly turning toward Vander, she noticed he didn't seem surprised.

As if understanding something, Vi erupted in fury, slamming the table and surprising everyone.

"You knew. You knew, and that's why you didn't let us go see him."




Vander responded with an even stronger slam, cracking the table and silencing Vi's shouts.

"I would never give him up... And I didn't. He did it himself. As much as I wanted to stop him, I couldn't, I had no right... If you want to blame me, Violet, go ahead. I blame myself too for not being able to do something as simple as defending a child."

Vi wanted to argue back, but Vander's weary, defeated expression made her hold back. The anguish of seeing him like this extinguished all her anger, and she approached him, giving him a hug.

"Why us? Why him?"

"*sigh* Life is tough, Violet." 

"...Stop calling me that." 

"...Fair enough."


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