

Niko was sitting in front of a table, unfolding the blueprints he had made earlier. This table was the main one in Heimerdinger's office and was really organized, although the inventions, blueprints, pens, and small pieces caught the eye.

In front of Niko, behind the table, were Viktor in the center with Heimerdinger by his side, who had left him the main seat since he was the one Niko was interested in talking to.

"All of this... you've done it?" 

"All of them, there are still some left."

Viktor glanced between the blueprints and Niko, then whispered to his professor beside him.

"Professor, what is a vastaya and how long is a vastaya year in human years?"

"Interesting question, dear Viktor. Vastayas are beings with an aspect and physiology similar to animals; some look like foxes, others birds, fish, bears of all kinds. Niko seems to be of the arachnid type, but I have some doubts... Oh, I'm getting off track.

Vastayas live many more years than humans, and because of this, their interpretation of the passage of time is different, but years pass the same for them, although they age slower."

"Does that mean he's literally six years old as a vastaya and even though he grows slower, he's done all of this?" 

"Indeed... Oh."

Both turned their heads so fast it seemed like they were going to break their necks, which scared Niko.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You're six years old!"

Niko looked at both of them as if they were idiots.

"That's what I said."

"In my 302 years of life, I've seen a young person with your abilities."

"...Uh, thanks. But I'd prefer if you paid attention to the blueprints; I've finished organizing them."

The pair of inventors stopped looking at the boy in front of them and looked down at various papers divided into sections indicating the parts of the ideas and a small explanation. Niko approached the table and began to explain.

"These are means of transportation: the bicycle, by exerting force on the pedals, the chain turns and it advances. The skateboard, a board with four wheels propelled by oneself, the scooter, it's like the skateboard but with fewer wheels and a stick in front, it's for those who prefer a safer option."

Heimerdinger looked at the blueprints in front of Viktor and nodded.

"Niko, these are simple but effective ideas, low production cost, and will facilitate the lives of many."

"I'm glad to hear that, but I'm sorry to say that not everything is so simple; accidents could increase, so it's necessary to raise awareness about circulation and also to accompany it with safety equipment."

Niko slid some plans with ankle guards, knee pads, and more.

"I thought about it, but you really beat me to it, haha."

"Now come the heavyweights."

Holding up the blueprints in front of Viktor revealed folded papers that spread across the entire table.

"I assume you are aware of electricity, Professor Heimerdinger."

"We are, Niko, although we have only been able to give it uses in lighting, nothing else."

"I'm glad, because I'm here to enlighten your day!"

Heimerdinger looked at his assistant, and they both looked expressionlessly at Niko.

"...Bad joke, I get it. To the point, before you, I have a four-wheeled means of transportation but on a larger scale, the electric car. It uses a battery that stores electrical energy and in turn powers the electric motor, which transforms electricity into mechanical energy, and this is transferred to the wheels making it move. It uses a steering wheel and pedals, the accelerator and the brake for maneuvering, and also requires a transmission to facilitate the battery-wheel connection.

On the other hand, we have the electric boat, which uses solar energy transformed into electrical energy by specialized solar panels to resist water and marine environments. This is—"


Niko was startled by the shout and looked to where it came from. Throughout the explanation, Niko was not aware of the changes he was producing in the expressions of Viktor and Heimerdinger, causing their excitement to increase by moments.

"It's something"

"Battery, motors, transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy, SOLAR PANELS... What the hell are you, Niko?"

Niko looked at Viktor and felt embarrassed to receive a look of disbelief.

"Mmm, you can interpret the solar panels as a simile to the Solar Disc used in the ancient Shuriman Empire, as for the rest it's.... well, my own invention. Would this be considered plagiarism, and would I not be able to patent it?"

Viktor saw the concern on Niko's face and hastily waved his hands in front of him.

"No! No, not at all, Niko. This is simply..." 


Heimerdinger continued for Viktor and stared directly at Niko.

"With all of this, Piltover would enter a new era, and this is just the means of transportation. What else do you have, Niko?"

Niko raised both palms in front of him, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry to say that I have no intention of creating a new era in Piltover; I will use my inventions to improve Zaun."

Viktor's complexion took on a splendid glow, and his look of admiration changed to one of complete trust towards Niko.

"Before you question me, may I ask if you have ever considered using your inventions to improve lives outside of Piltover?"

Heimerdinger, surprised by the question, rubbed his chin.

"Young Niko, my inventions have always been made with the intention of improving the lives of others, and that is not limited to Piltover... I understand you're referring to Zaun."

"I won't deny it."

"*sigh* Niko, the tension between Piltover and Zaun is greater than you think, even more so after... after the events of last year, they would never let us intervene besides-."

Niko caught his attention by waving his hand, frowning, as Heimerdinger listed the reasons, he asked the system a question he had in mind.

"I know it's rude, and I apologize for it, but something bothers me. You just said you're 302 years old, and the Tragedy of the Pilt River happened in the year 772, approximately 202 years ago. I read books that said you were there from the first Progress Day, and I suppose if it wasn't at that moment, it would have been shortly after that Zaun was engulfed in poisonous gases... So just say that during all these years, you were more focused on your research than on external issues like underground pollution."

Heimerdinger listened calmly to Niko's intervention, feeling embarrassed with each passing second.

Viktor, on the other hand, was surprised, having never thought of something like that, and nervously looked at the one he considered his role model.

"M-MR. HEIMERDINGER, you're wrong, right? H-He can't be right, can he? Mr. Heimerdinger!"

Seeing that Heimerdinger didn't respond, Viktor's nervousness turned into total disappointment.

"Mr. Heimerdinger... you've always preached about the importance of science not harming innocent lives, but all these years you've had the ability to save the people of Zaun and you haven't taken a single step to help them."

Heimerdinger lowered his head for a few seconds and then lifted it again, but with a different look... a look of determination.

"Young Viktor, I won't deny that all these years I was oblivious to the situation in Zaun, I was blinded by the gratitude of all the Piltovians that I forgot about those who really needed my help. I promise you and myself that I will be faithful to my promise to eradicate all of Zaun's pollution."

Viktor noticed the sincerity in his teacher's words, and his gaze hesitated a lot until it finally changed to one of determination similar to Heimerdinger's when thinking about the possibility of finally improving the lives of those from his homeland.

Meanwhile, Niko began to slurp his saliva, making a noise that drew both of their attention, causing them to look at him with discomfort.

"You see, that won't be possible, there are the Chemical Barons, Silco, Renata Glasc, most of the people from Zaun who repudiate you due to last year's events... Viktor, they'll probably ignore you for having come to live in Piltover, and you, Mr. Heimerdinger, for being the head of the Council. To be honest, you don't have many opportunities."

Viktor pointed at Niko as he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't know who most of those you mentioned are, but we have you, don't we?"

"Yeee... no, actually, I'll be leaving in a few years so getting myself known won't do me any good... Come to think of it, I'm famous for being the last blacksmith of Zaun who is a child... I'm an idiot. Well, now I'll be a wandering blacksmith, problem solved. Anyway, I came with you, Viktor, so that you could be my cover, I know it sounds bad, but I prefer to make it clear."

Viktor leaned back and looked somewhat nervous at Niko.

"I just graduated, and less than a month ago, I became Heimerdinger's assistant, patenting all this will put a target on my back."

"No one knows you're from Zaun, right? If someone finds out, they'll pressure you, so, as you're his assistant, you just need to patent it and have Heimerdinger pull some strings so that no one sees it."

Heimerdinger looked at Niko suspiciously.

"That doesn't sound legal, Niko."

"Don't screw with me, professor, you're literally the boss among bosses, besides, they're all damn corrupt."

"That's very crude language."

Niko raised a finger and mocked him.

"...Why have you changed your behavior towards me?"

"Now that you feel guilty, I don't have to keep acting politely."

"...Was that polite?"

Niko ignored the astonished furry ball and leaned forward on the table.

"These are plans for air filters, machinery for making underground conduits in Zaun, designs for water and air purifiers, water dams to generate energy. I'll advance them to you; I'll make Zaun independent in five years if I don't see a change in how the Piltovians treat the Zaunites during this period; if any of you two try to manipulate this process, I'll personally ensure that all contact with Piltover is cut off."

Heimerdinger looked amazed at the plans and couldn't help but think of the enormous potential Niko showed at just six years old, but after mentioning independence, that amazement turned into doubt.

"I don't think it's necessary-"

"Professor Heimerdinger, the Zaunites who arrive in Piltover are treated like mules and ostracized by the residents of this nation, and I can say that this information is completely true because I know it firsthand from someone who has the most knowledge of the underground. If, in five years, the citizens of Piltover continue to despise the Zaunites, I will give them the pleasure of not being able to see them again."

"I won't deny the actions of the Piltovians, Niko, but I hope you don't hold any grudges against them."

"Huh? I don't hold any grudges against them, apart from the discrimination, I find them incredible; a city of inventors is every blacksmith's dream."


Viktor and Heimerdinger felt quite confused because Niko's tone when talking about Piltover earlier seemed quite angry.

"Ah, how to explain it... In short, an abandoned child is picked up by two people and raised with siblings, those two people turn out to be individuals who take in children and raise them as servants to sell them to nobles, either from Piltover or Zaun. I was left alone at some point until I was six years old, and on my birthday, the bosses of those I considered my parents sent someone to kill them and ended up alone, although I'm not sure about Piltover or Zaun thing."

The two in front of Niko were left speechless and couldn't comment on anything when they saw how calmly he recounted everything.

"Thank goodness they didn't find out I was a vastaya before they died, they probably would have sold me or dissected me, haha."

Silence fell in the room as no one had anything to continue with until a few seconds later when Niko decided to say goodbye.

"Well, I'll be heading back home."

"W-Wait, I still have questions."

"Well, don't stay silent, Professor Heimerdinger."

The Yordle remained silent for half a minute.

"...Are you doing this to annoy me, furball?"

"F-FURBALL? ...Forget it. I would like to know how you got here, why Viktor, and why exactly five years?"

"I'll answer quickly. First, I climbed up. Second, Viktor because he has you, he's from Zaun, and I know he's not someone blinded by greed. And third, in five years, something exciting will happen, Heimerdinger, I know how reluctant you are to magic, but you should trust in the aspirations of the next generation. Although not too much, I recommend keeping an eye on them."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Niko looked away and stretched his arms.

"Neither do I."

Viktor, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up.

"I appreciate that you trust me for something like this, Niko."

"Drop the sweetness, think that I'm using you and hate me."

"...I consider that unnecessary, and I think I'm starting to understand you."

Heimerdinger glanced at Niko's backpack and pointed at it.

"Some plans are missing, Niko."

"Those are exclusive, for five years from now. Oh right, Viktor, take my first thermos as a token of trust for our partnership; it's also my first creation."

"It means a lot to me that you're giving me your first piece, Niko."

"Not to me, its function is in the section of plans for everyday objects. In regards to production, you can produce the everyday use items without restrictions for both Piltovians and Zaunites, but you'll have to hide the plans for transportation, instruments, energy productions, filtration channel designs, and prosthetics from the public since they are for you to research yourself."

Viktor looked at all the papers in amazement, realizing the efficiency of this idea and thinking that he could finally help cure Zaun.

"Niko, I really appreciate this."

"It's not necessary. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't also want to improve the lifestyle of Piltover in some way."

Heimerdinger, from the side, pondered something that didn't make sense to him.

"Why would you patent this if you intend to separate both cities?"

"I simply don't want to end up in jail when I start producing my inventions. Drawing attention is unnecessary, so I'll hide behind Viktor."

Heimerdinger nodded, confirming that he understood his point, and prepared to end the conversation, but he was interrupted by his assistant.

"I want to know how you climbed up here. Did you come from the Academy entrance?"

"No, I came from the bottom, the Academy's infrastructure."


Niko transformed into his white spider-like form and stuck to the ceiling with the tips of his fingers. "I climbed."

"You're a shapeshifting vastaya!"

Niko looked at the surprised Yordle and gave him a thumbs up.

"Indeed, Professor, I'll be heading off now that the patents are sorted. I need to get to work. How long will it take?"

"It could take 2 to 3 days, Niko, will you come back at some point?"

Peeling himself off the ceiling, Niko grabbed his bag and turned around, waving his hands.

"Of course, I'll need your help in the future. Bye bye."

He left the room, leaving both the professor and his assistant lost in their thoughts.

"Young Viktor, Zaun has given birth to a monster. Just thinking about those remaining plans and the certainty with which he asserts Zaun's independence..."

A shiver ran down the Yordle's small back as he looked at his assistant.

"Sir, if this situation escalates to the point where Niko makes Zaun independent, I'll leave."

Heimerdinger was surprised and showed a somewhat sad smile.

"I'll support you if that happens, Viktor."


After leaving the room, Niko descended the stairs and headed to the window, glancing down below.


'Spider-Fall to the void.'

With a snort, Niko flexed his legs and with a burst, flew out of the window.

{It's time...}

"Yes, it's time... TIME FOR SHOPPING."

Shooting a web, he used the momentum of the fall to head towards the commercial district.

Landing at full speed on a rooftop, he somersaulted to cushion the impact and continued his way, running at full speed across the rooftops to avoid attracting attention.

{I want food}

"I need to buy materials to make Spider-Tools."

{I want food}

Niko landed somewhat angrily on a rooftop, causing some bricks to break.

"You know, for having an adult voice, you behave like-"


"*sigh* Fuck you, Sectio, I'll buy you shitty vegetables."


Niko descended to one of the main streets that connected to the market and hid as his spider suit disappeared, returning to his original appearance covered by a black tunic.

'Let's see... Needles, gears, a food stall, a Waverider shop, a violin shop... Wait, A WAVERIDER.'

Niko ran quickly, approaching a man in his sixties, with a well-preserved and elegant mustache.

"Good afternoon, young man, may I help you?"

"A pleasure, sir, I'm interested in the Waveriders you're displaying, are they for sale?"

The man glanced at Niko, raising an eyebrow, but his friendly attitude didn't change.

"Indeed, young man, but rather than saying they're for sale, we prefer to say they're waiting to find a home, as the Waveriders here are those that were rescued because they couldn't fend for themselves, whether due to injuries, separation from their herd, or simply being unable to fend for themselves."

Niko was surprised by the man's words and glanced at the water-filled tank where the creatures were, some showing injuries and missing limbs, which saddened him.

The man behind the counter seemed to notice this and hurried to catch Niko's attention.

"Waveriders have powerful regenerative capabilities, so they will heal over time. The only reason you see some injured ones is because the ones that have already healed have been taken by someone."

Niko looked surprised at the man and, after thinking for a moment, lowered his hood and brushed his hair aside to reveal his face.

"I see, it's a relief, sir. Now that I think about it, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Niko, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

The man stared at Niko's face and smiled without responding.


"...You remind me of someone, kid. You're quite handsome; I'm sure you'll grow up to be a gentleman."

Niko quickly raised his hand.

"I like damsels."

"That was a compliment, you idiot kid."

The man looked amused at Niko and bowed.

"My name is Paul, from Bilgewater, and I'm the owner of the Waverider Pool."

Niko stepped forward, looking intently at Paul.

"Bilgewater, I thought everyone there was... well, shady."

Paul took a step back, sitting on a stool behind the reception.

"I won't deny that in my youth I lived a life in line with the Bilgewater lifestyle, but I lived that life with my faithful companion, Lipel, a beautiful aquamarine Waverider, brave until... the end."

Niko bowed his head, looking at Paul's face, and fell silent, giving him a moment to compose himself.

{Now you'll have a pet?}

'You know perfectly well that I can't... Besides, I'm afraid of what would happen if I left the pet alone with Ekko.'

Paul finally recovered with a sigh and turned his gaze to Niko.

"I appreciate you giving me a moment, kid... you know, after his departure, I also decided to let go of my old life and come to Piltover to help the Waveriders in the area, so I'm determined to help all these beautiful creatures."

"That's an incredible story; I'm sure Lipel would be proud if he could see you now, Mr. Paul."

Paul opened his eyes, surprised, and a tear fell down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away.

"Thank you, kid. So... are you determined to give one of them a home? We accept donations."

Niko's expression changed to one of regret, and he looked at the Waveriders, who observed him curiously.

"Unfortunately, I can't because I'm from Zaun; taking him where I live would be killing him."

The fifteen marine creatures seemed to understand him as their mood appeared somewhat more subdued.

"But I would like to sponsor them."

"What do you mean by that?"

Niko reached behind his back under his tunic and pulled out half of the money he had on him.

"I'll give you money to improve their living conditions, not that I'm saying they're bad, it's just, you know, to make them better. When the time comes, I'll take one, only if you're okay with it. Also, if you need anything, just have someone go to The Last Forge or The Last Drop in Zaun and mention my name and yours."

Paul looked at the bag of coins in front of him, his eyes widening, as although the amount of money was enormous, he was more impressed by the last thing Niko said.

"Y-You're Niko, the forging prodigy, the boss of Sevika, and Vander's secret son?"

Niko stood still, stupefied.

"I can imagine the first two, but what the hell with the last one?"

"Those are just rumors... Also, I was your client two days ago, on the opening day; I'm surprised you don't remember me."

Niko shrugged and pointed at Paul.

"I've been telling you my name for a while now, you know."


They stared at each other, and after a while, their lips began to tremble, sharing a laugh.

"Can I meet them?"

"All yours, Niko. I appreciate this; I'll be able to give them better vegetables."

Upon hearing the word 'vegetables,' all the Waveriders started to stir gently in the water, and Niko couldn't help but want to approach them and caress them.

"If you need anything, just ask Paul, and he'll let me know, understood?"

The adorable creatures let out a chirp and began to swim in circles, seeming to convey that they understood his words, causing Niko to laugh.

When he glanced to the side, he found a playful-looking pink Waverider staring at him with its deep ocean-like eyes.

[IMG here]

Niko playfully returned the gaze until the voice of the system interrupted his focus.

[Oh shit]

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