
Chapter 444 Brother Specializes in Dealing with Such People

During the festive season, especially the New Year, people would not only go out with their families to scenic spots and famous mountains but would also crowd into their own homes or those of friends and relatives to gamble.

Of course, gambling at home is different from the high-stakes gambling seen in casinos; it's about gambling for fun to facilitate relationships.

Although relatives are related by blood, they seldom interact on a regular basis. Therefore, when they gather, it is natural for the atmosphere to become cold and awkward if they don't share common interests. This is where the concept of "gambling for fun" comes into play.

During the New Year, the typical forms of family gambling include simple and common games like mahjong, Landlord, and Bullfight.

Furthermore, the stakes among relatives are usually low, primarily for enhancing relationships and having fun.

However, there were exceptions.

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