
Chapter 60


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The distance of one hundred meters wasn't far at all. Even with the hindrance of wind and snow, it took only a few minutes for everyone to complete this stretch.

After surveying the houses on both sides of the street, Brian found that most of the surrounding buildings were actually hospitals. There weren't many places to settle down after all.

Fortunately, those who chose to take shelter in the houses nearby had opted for buildings within close proximity, so they wouldn't have to run too far. Additionally, there wouldn't be any competition for shelter, allowing them to choose freely.

After some discussion, they finally chose a two-story teahouse. Its height allowed them to observe the area around the hospital.

Although the snow obscured their vision and they couldn't see everything clearly, as long as they could observe the movements of the convoy, they could make simple judgments.

Observing the situation inside the teahouse through the glass door and seeing no sign of infected individuals, Tracy directly pushed open the door and called everyone inside.


However, as the group rushed in, a distinctive roar of infected individuals echoed from the first floor. Shortly after, they heard hurried footsteps from above, moving quickly towards the stairs.

This commotion naturally startled everyone, who quickly drew their guns and aimed at the staircase, ready to shoot at any moment.

As the sound of footsteps approached the stairs, three infected individuals rushed out, excitedly displaying ferocious smiles upon seeing the living humans at the door, and charged towards them.

With only three infected individuals, they were no match for humans armed with guns. Tracy smirked disdainfully and raised her hand, signaling the others not to shoot. She then raised her rifle and fired three shots in succession, accurately killing all the infected individuals.

"You guys make a fire to keep warm. I'll go upstairs and take a look." She looked at the bodies on the ground and instructed the others before swiftly crossing over them and rushing upstairs.


Wilfred watched Tracy's figure and was about to say something when she suddenly disappeared around the corner of the stairs. He sighed helplessly and said to the people beside him, "This lady is indeed enthusiastic..."

Brian wholeheartedly agreed with this sentiment. Their group originally didn't have someone like her, but unexpectedly, she was worried about their weak group composition and took the initiative to help. Moreover, she eagerly took on these dangerous tasks. Her enthusiasm was truly commendable.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just as everyone was about to put down their backpacks and find something to make a fire, a sudden sound of gunfire rang out from somewhere. Although the sound wasn't loud, it was clear enough for everyone present to hear.

This instantly put everyone on high alert. They looked towards the direction of the gunfire, but the wind and snow outside, coupled with the cement walls, blocked their line of sight. They could only hear the continuous gunfire but couldn't see anything.

Instantly, a sense of foreboding rose in everyone's hearts. They suddenly remembered what Brian had said on the bus earlier and looked at him one after another.

Could it be that everything he said about the nightmare was true?

"Why are you all looking at me? Don't just stand here. Quickly, go upstairs and check!" Brian naturally understood what they were thinking, but without understanding the situation, he couldn't make a decision. He quickly reminded them to check the situation near the convoy.

"Yes, let's go quickly." With his reminder, everyone came back to their senses. Wilfred shouted, and then everyone quickly rushed towards the staircase.

When they reached the first floor, they found Tracy standing with her back to them, staring blankly out of the window with her rifle hanging down, unaware of what she was looking at.

Without saying much, they ran to the other windows and looked out at the direction of the convoy through the glass.

At this sight, they were all stunned, just like Tracy, staring dumbfoundedly out of the window, their eyes filled with disbelief.

In the hospital ahead, amidst the wind and snow, a dark mass appeared, moving towards the hospital's entrance. As they approached, more and more dark figures emerged.

During their movement, bursts of gunfire and grenade explosions could be heard from inside the hospital. Even though they couldn't see everything clearly due to the snow, they could still make out the movements of the convoy, allowing them to make some simple judgments.

The soldiers had already climbed onto the roofs and other high places, aiming their guns at the hospital, seemingly attempting to block the infected individuals just like they did in the previous town of Vaskom.

However, Brian knew that with the infected individuals' exceptional climbing abilities, the mere height of the walls wouldn't be able to stop them.

At the same time, all the soldiers who were resting on the trucks sprang into action. Some came to the walls, ready to provide fire support, while others began evacuating all the civilians still on the buses, escorting them to safety away from the hospital entrance.

The sound of gunfire from inside the hospital gradually ceased as the dark mass of infected individuals drew closer, breaking through the makeshift barrier in just a few minutes.

Regardless of the soldiers' shooting, they were quickly overwhelmed by the infected individuals who swarmed over them, tearing them down and biting them.

Finally, realizing that the defense line was untenable, the soldiers chose to retreat rather than stubbornly defend the position. The soldiers scattered, no longer engaging the infected individuals. Instead, they ran towards the trucks that could still be driven, attempting to escape.

With no barrier to stop them, the infected individuals advanced relentlessly, chasing after the fleeing crowd, seemingly treating them as a delicious feast.

Screams filled the air as panic spread through the once orderly crowd, which collapsed and disintegrated as soon as the infected individuals broke through.

One by one, those who ran slowly were tackled by the infected individuals. Those who tried to hide in their cars were dragged out before they could close the doors.

Some even tripped their companions when they were about to be caught, buying themselves time to escape. Those further away even shot the legs of people in front of them, or even threw other people's children into the mass of corpses. All sorts of despicable acts were carried out, revealing the ugliness of human nature in this moment.

Large swathes of blood stained the snowy ground, dividing the street into a boundary between life and death. The once calm street had turned into a hellish battlefield in the blink of an eye, shocking everyone hiding in the surrounding buildings.

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