
Force abilities


- Revitalise tired, wounded or unconscious targets using Force energy.

Force Healing

- Accelerates the natural healing process rapidly, knitting together bones and flesh. 

Force Jump

- Augments the natural leaping ability.

Force Speed

- Boosts the speed and reaction times.


- Ability to lift, move, push, pull and manipulate objects of any kind using the Force.

- Can lift the Explorer (~72'000 feet long)

Force Choke

- Using telekinesis to grip someone's throat, cutting off air and choking them.

Force Lighting/Electric Judgement

- Discharge electrical energy from his fingertips. It is colourless but he can choose for it to have colour.

- He can also have lighting spread around him like an EMP and disintegrate everyone in his radius. 

Force Vision

- He can see the Force in all waves of the Electromagnetic spectrum and not just Black/White/ Grey.

Force Stasis

- Freeze something in space and time. To what degree, the MC can decide. 

Instinctive Astrogation

- Allows him to find routes through hyperspace to reach the place he wants safely and fast. 


- Ability to acquire information about events, individuals or anything else, that the Force saw, associated with anything he touches. Does not have to be an object necessarily. 

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