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If we get to 250 Stones, ill post 2 chapters tomorrow.

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Word Count 2000


Weekend has passed

I blew up a few more hills. I have a pretty good handle on what I now call 'Explosion Magic'.

What's the best-Hydrogen Oxygen ratio? Mana to Damage ratio. Distance. Force.

I tested all of that and now have a pretty good attack for any idiotic wizard or low-class supernatural.

Best of all it's mostly science and it really does cut back on the mana cost if I take making that Explosion with just your mana. But at the end of the day, I'm still 8.

Someone with a strong Barrier spell, could probably survive it.

But it's a Great AOE attack.

Still some strong piercing attacks would be nice. Guess I'll work on them later.

It's time to back to school. I'm progressing well with Wizarding Magic.

Especially since I have Tommy Boy's memories, I just don't see the point, of just forcing myself to finish all 5 years of Salem education right now. I get more work done when I find something that interests me and I keep pushing that instead of just learning from the books in the 5 year.

Like Oclumency. Been working on that a lot. More brainpower = Faster Learning Speed.

If I waited to properly learn Soul Magic I would have probably started in my late 20ties or 30ties. Hell no.

I just read the Pervell Grimorie and carefully tried not to kill myself. Worked out fine.

But yeah, I played it low during the first week because I didn't want to make any moves then. I wasn't going to be that guy that fucks up the mood right from the start.

I might need the teachers to help me out with something and getting on their bad side during the first week isn't smart.

But now I can start showing off my potential. Finish the first year which is the equivalent of the first two years in Hogwarts. Get bumped up to the next grade and speed run this thing.

Without actually trying too hard and focusing on fun magics.

Oh speaking of fun magics. I kinda spent all the money I had on me and needed to find a way to make more.

Then it hit me.

People use science to make synthetic diamonds.

Why can't I do the same with magic?

A diamond is formed when Carbon is buried 160 kilometers or more under the earth. In the Earth's Mantle, the carbon is exposed to incredible heat and pressure. The heat has to be at least 1200 Celsius and a pressure of 51 000 kg per square cm.

So Carbon. Heat and Pressure, are all you really need to make a diamond.

So I did it and tested them against real diamonds.

So it appears that naturally mined diamonds have some magic in them.

While 'synthetic' ones don't.

Which does make sense. As they have been in the earth for probably hundreds of years. So those 'real' diamonds are used to make magical jewelry and artifacts.

Which is no fucking problem for me. I just sell them in the mundane world.

I use the money for Magical books and herbs, and anything else I can get my hands on.

And exchange some for real diamonds, gold and silver. Alchemy experiments. Flemel kind

Dumbledore has a lot of money that he made on his own.

He is probably the only alchemist in Britain. And took away all the books making people ignorant so he remained the only one. Making him the only 'expert' when people need anything related to alchemy.

Important positions too. He is a judge, a headmaster and a politician?

(Not sure about the politician. But i think that was it)

Headmaster. Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot(Judge?) and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards

Basically the Mad King of Britain

Well by the time I get to Britan. I will be ready for him. But for now. I need to start showing off so they bump me a grade or two. Giving me access to more knowledge.

~~ Transfiguration Class.

"Good Morning Class. Since it's the start of the second week of the semester, I'm giving you a little pop quiz. In front of you is a block of wood. You have complete freedom over what you will transfigure. The best transfiguration gets bonus points." Professor Armstrong grinned at us

His words lit a fire in the student's eyes. Points are very important in Salem.

I just smirk. Complete freedom? You might regret that.

I grab my wand and point at the block of wood.

'Mutatio'   (There is no mention of the original spell online. This is just 'change' in Latin. Vera Verto is the spell for animals into a water goblet. Verto is 'I turn' 'I change'. And Wood is 'Lignum' So Lignum Verto?)

The block of wood starts to shift according to my imagination. A beak forms, then wings and torso. The color starts to shift. Its belly was white, while the back was filled with brown, gray and black.

A little Sparrow formed on my table.

*chirp. chirp. chirp*

The sparrow's chirps attracted the attention of the class. The professor rushed to my table. And just stared at the bird in disbelief.

" Non-living to living... in the first year... this is impossible."

As if to prove a point. The sparrow flew, it made two circles around the classroom before landing on my shoulder. I scratched the bird under its beak

"You know, you are cuter than I thought. I think I'll call you Jack"

The professor was frozen in place 'An 8-year-old did a 3rd year transfiguration (5th year in Hogwarts).'

*Armstrong. exe* has stopped working

Seeing this made me smile even wider.

Don't hold back. I'm just following my teacher's instructions.

I'm getting promoted by the end of the month.

~~ Charms.

The professor was staring at the boy with her jaw dropped.

She had just instructed the students to perform their most difficult 'Levitation Spell'. Feathers are for beginners. The students here are expected to be able to lift a book or a stack of books.

Yet the boy in front of her just pointed his wand at him and a spell hit him. He then just started to float in mid-air. He has been floating 3 feet from the ground for 3 minutes and doesn't even look tired. He did it Chantless as well.

The kids around him were looking at him with awe. And strangely one red-haired girl just facepalmed.

"Is this good enough?" The boy asked her with a small smile

The Charms professor ironically was charmed by his performance rendering her speechless.


My name is Marcus Aurelius. I am 30 this year. I have been a professor here for 4 years, before that I was a Duelist in the Silver League. Its the amateur league bud i did well for myself.

New teachers can only stay for 5 years. Then other candidates will come and take my place. If they are very good they will be offered an extension maybe bumped up to the higher years. People come to teach here for their library and resources. Salem takes teachers from around the world. Each one brings something new, a new spell, a new method of performing old spells. People even adults come back here to improve themselves.

Things were simple. Teach kids the proper basics so they have a solid foundation to improve.

Today I wanted to have more mock duels. But with a bit more variety than Stinging Hexes. So I asked for a volunteer to show the class. Harrison Pervell raised his hand first. I told the kid to give me his best shot.

That was a mistake

*boom. boom. boom*

I was completely on the defensive. What kind of 8-year-old throws 'Shield Breakers' like a machine gun?!

No! What 8-year-old knows Chained Spell Sequences?

'Shield Braker, Cutter, Fire Ball, Piercer' he just keeps spamming them. I'm forced to recast Protego over and over

NO! FOCUS. My thoughts are slipping. I can't stay shocked forever. I am a TEACHER. I need to get my shit together.


"Depulso" Hadrian yelled out cutting off the Professor

Depulso is the Banishing spell, it pushes things away in the direction that the wand is pointing at. A Charm spell that is thought in the 4th year of Hogwarts

But Hadrian did it differently. He slapped his hands together, the wand between the palms. This formed a small shockwave that was launched from the wand that hit the Professor, knocking the wind out of his chest and throwing him on the ground.

Harry was cheering on the inside 'Short arms for the win Biach(Bitch)'


He wasn't getting up,



Hope just facepalmed again.

~~ After School

"Well this was a nice productive day" I say happily

"Harry when Melinda said don't hold back, I don't think this is what she meant" Hope was slouched, today's events took a lot out of her, mentally.

"You worry too much." I pat her on the head, making her sigh

"I'll get started on dinner. You are going to do your experiments right?" Hope looked at me from the corner of her eyes

I nod at her.

I'm going to surf in Voldy.net a bit more today.

"Well good luck" Hope heads off to our apartment. While I go to a secluded area to train wizarding spells.


The fuck is that?

I was learning some of Voldy's spells but I decided to check out my Soul like it was shown in the Peverell Grimoire. Since I have been slowly consuming Tom's soul that is slowly getting purified for me.

Then I noticed something strange in my soul.

It was a freaking dark blue orb.

That wasn't there before. And I don't exactly check out my Soul a lot.

Soul magic is dangerous. The only reason why I can use it is because of the Grimoire.

First of all The Peverell lived in a time where they were basically savages.

No Oclumency, no mind enchantment other than the soul enchantment that they got when they consumed a soul.

They documented everything for the next generation. All I had to do was follow the instructions and since I do have mind enchantments. I can make sure I don't screw up by triple-checking everything. Every single time

I don't feel anything evil or malicious from the orb. So I decide to touch it. As soon as I grazed the orb It exploded in a bright blue light

Next thing I know I'm back to reality with a Square mirror in front of me. The mirror had a silver frame with Sapphire gems on it.

It took me a minute to realize what I was looking at.

Holy Shit!

This is a Sacred Gear, I think this one was 'Mirror Alice'

"Ohhhhh. So that's how I survived the killing curse"

It makes so much freaking sense now. I just assumed Lily did some sacrificial ritual to save me. Guess it really was dumb luck.

The reflecting spell must have sent the Gear into some sort of Sleep mode. And when I started to 'eat' Tommy Boy's soul, it got a piece of it, slowly waking up.

Sweet. I'm going to do some research on this before I use it, it can stay in my soul for a while.

Now it's time for a new barrier spell.


A green hexagonal barrier appears in front of me

It worked! Hell Yeah!!

Aizen's spell "Million Escudo" where he can make pre-prepared barriers and stack them up to block an attack.

Since I'm very young making a single permanent barrier is very difficult. I can only make one per week. And it isn't even that strong.

I can do a High Mid Class Shield before it drains me. But that's mostly due to Parsel Magic and combining the explosions to make it stronger.

Defensive spells are different. They need to be solid. I can't cheat with them by just using science.

But at the end of the day. It's something that could save my life. Stack up a dozen or so and you got a decent defense.

So I will slowly make one per week. Not bad today has been a very productive day



There is a fic The Game Must Go On  By: crossedge

He used the Mirror Alice theory. I really like it. It makes sense if Hp and DxD were mixed up.

What do you think of the chap?

Vanishing Spell (Evanesco)

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