

Avery and Drake get into the car while Connor and some of the models get into another car.

Passersby will think it was a business trip but they were all going to the beach to see Drake and Avery shoot. The vehicle was the first car to leave the park.

Everything they need will be settled there, including their clothes and a tent for them to change their dress.

None of them speak a word but they are unknown to Avery. Connor was still around.

Connor pulled the car out and followed Avery's car. He had no choice but to obey every Sebastian rule and the Demon is still at loose.

The drive was long and after a while, they all stopped at the oceanside. There weren't many people in the ocean when Avery and her crew got there.

Avery gets out of the car alongside Drake. The gentle waves from the ocean send a slow breeze towards the land.

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