
Sebastian's Shopping Drama

Sebastian made his way back to the refuge. The journey from his shelter was uneventful. It looked like a tier-2 fanged was around his shelter, so the tier-1 and especially the tier-0 fled.

<Well, it wasn't like I wanted to waste time battling fangeds now.>

Sebastian was going to search around for a lot of time, so the more time he had available, the better it would be.

It took a little before the Rune Master arrived at the lone building leading to the refuge and descended the stairs. Soon, he arrived at the bottom.

<Let's see if we are lucky today.>

Sebastian moved through the crowd, scanning the stalls and vendors, his eyes searching for a good deal.

<There's got to be something here I can buy.>

The rune master searched around; his frustration mounted with each person he talked to. The vendors named prices that were nothing short of extortionate.

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