
Chaos and Chuckles

Panic threatened to consume the human side of the battle, but Knight Leo's voice boomed like a thunderclap: "Hold your ground! We fight for our home!"

Though they didn't really improve the situation as a whole, his words did pull everyone back from the brink of hopelessness. People were just given confidence by them because it was Knight Leo who said those words.

The defenders clashed with the Fangeds. Steel met teeth; fangs met flesh.

The ground was soiled with blood, meat, and gore, but the monster tide was too great to stop. 

Twice as many fangeds as fell sprang through the breached walls, their eyes turning into hungry ones as soon as they saw the tasty humans and were far enough away from the Venomshrike Horror.

The tier-3 fanged itself lumbered into the city strolling leisurely while its fetid breath spewed forth the toxic miasma that choked the life out of everything it touched.

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