

Chapter 53: Hellhound

"Alright Midoriya. Just breathe in and out! Remember: Clear your mind, and breathe."

Izuku took a breath in, but he didn't clear his mind. He couldn't, not exactly, when he was still thinking over the fact that QA had yet again avoided answering his questions.

First she had surprised him with those quirk destroying bullets — which he had eventually hid within his termites' mound back in his dorm — and then she wouldn't clarify any of his questions regarding the flashes of memories that he vaguely recalled.

Much to Izuku's dismay, his mind seemed to have been playing against him. Most of the memories that he had seen — had continued to see throughout the entire fight with Overhaul — wouldn't come to his recollection.

There were some that were crystal clear, sure; but those memories were for some reason only viewable in first person, and showed mundane things happening like scrolling through some online forum on a computer screen or walking up to some red bricked welding factory in what looked like a rundown part of some city.

Izuku was certain that these memories belonged to QA, he had no doubt in his mind. He only wished that QA would be more open about them.

"Oi. You're making that face again. And mumbling again. That's the first time in a while."

Izuku breathed out. He opened his eyes to look at Kaniko, whose face had remained the same foot and a half apart from his since they had started this exercise.

Izuku huffed. "I was thinking about something."

One of Kaniko's eyebrows rose. "And didn't I say to clear your mind?"

Izuku shook his head. "I still don't understand why why had to do this so early. Especially a nonsensical exercise like this! I can feel all the blood rushing to my head already."

Kaniko shined a bright, toothy smile. "That blood-rushin' thing is just your imagination!"

"I highly doubt that," Izuku muttered.

"Hey. Think of it like this," Kaniko continued. "I personally feel as if you've gone through a rough couple weeks. And as your handler, it's my job to determine if you need to take an edge of things. That's what this breathing exercise is for!"

"And the cocoons?" Izuku asked, referring to his and Kaniko's current states.

"An experiment! I thought you'd feel more comfortable doing something you're familiar with."

"...What? Do you somehow think that I go around slee—"

It was at that moment that Tsukauchi walked into the room, face deep in a folder. "Hey Kaniko; I just wanted to let you know that Trav— What the heck are you two doing?"

The police detective gawked at the scene before him in honest disbelief. Attached to the ceiling were two giant cocoons. One held Kaniko while the other held Izuku. Even more strange was how they were both suspended upside down, facing each other and with no visible methods to escape.

"Advanced therapy, 'Kauchi! You should join, it's fun!"

"I…" Tsukauchi shook his head. "How long did it even take you to set this all up?"

"It took me an hour to make the cocoon harnesses," Izuku replied nonchalantly. "Still think it was a dumb idea, though."

Tsukauchi blinked his eyes in confusion. "Then why'd you go along and entertain Kaniko's deranged notions, then?"


"She told me to get every single spider we passed as we were driving here," Izuku said. "She didn't say why at first, and by the time she finally did we were in here already and I had a swarm of spiders waiting outside the window. So I decided to just try it."

"Right," Tsukauchi sighed. He turned his head and yelled out into the corridor. "Saya! Come look at this, will you?"

Kaniko and Izuku both blanched at Tsukauchi's words.

"What are you doing?" Kaniko asked.

"Getting you out, of course," Tsukauchi said. "Midoriya's going to be late to his appointment, otherwise."

"Appointment?" Izuku asked. "What appo— Wait, no. Hold on. I have a way planned already to get us out of here, spiders just have to—"

Saya's red hair had come into view at that moment, followed by her eyes peeking into the room and a mouth that drew into an immediate smirk. "Oh. I see."

Officer Asano made her way into the room and slowly approached the trapped duo. ""Looks like you two might be needing some help getting down from there." Her hands became engulfed in a steady flame that raced down her arms and to her shoulders. "Don't mind if I do."

Kaniko walked away from her office with Izuku in tow. Both were riddled with some reddening skin and aches from Asano's generous use of her quirk, but were otherwise fine.

They steadily made their way towards the front entrance, Izuku eventually catching up and falling beside Kaniko.

"You still haven't told me what we're doing," Izuku said, dusting off some errant ash from his shoulder.

"What you're doing," Kaniko corrected, she herself rubbing at a sore patch of skin. "And like I said, it's going to be a surprise!"

When the duo reached the doors to the outside, the first thing that caught their attention was the costumed man — a hero, Izuku deduced — that fussed around not too far from them. Said hero currently had his arm around what seemed to be a random passerby, and was showing them a picture.

Kaniko cleared her throat to gain the hero's attention. "Ahem. Traveler-san."

Realizing just then who was in front of them, Izuku mentally berated himself for not recognizing the man beforehand; it wasn't as if he didn't stand out, after all. His streamlined trench coat was the same as it was before, with the neon green lines running down the sleeves and sides. The simple domino mask on his face followed the same color scheme, green with a hint of brown.

Izuku decided to blame his loss of recollection on the man's eccentric ways. Izuku was still somewhat baffled on how the man didn't have a pocket dimension quirk with the amount of pictures he carried around.

Traveler — not a hero, but an independent contractor, Izuku reminded himself — turned upon hearing Kaniko's voice. At the same time, Traveler's face erupted into an enormous grin as he let go of the man currently in his arms and made his way toward Kaniko.

"Ah, Kaniko!" Traveler cheered. "Nice to see you again!" He turned his attention to Izuku, reaching down to ruffle his hair. "And just who might this be? The kid you were telling me about, perhaps?"

"Got it in one!" Kaniko replied.

Wait. The last time that Traveler saw me, I was dressed up as Dragonfly. Therefore, he doesn't know that we've already met before. But if that's the case, he's going to start all over from

"Hey!" Traveler said, reaching into his pocket. "You seem like a wonderful kid! Especially if Kaniko is vouching for you! In fact, you kinda remind me of a couple kids I transported a while back!"

Recognize me as Dragonfly instead. It'll be easier than

"You're emitting a similar aura to them! And they reminded me of my daughter! Traveler exclaimed, his hands already stuffed with square pieces of paper. "A daughter of which I have plenty of pictures of! You want to see? She's the absolute star of my life!"

With a sharp crack and a flash of light, the three individuals found themselves with their feet firmly planted on the ground and at their planned destination, only a few seconds having passed since their departure from the station.

"Thanks, Traveler!" Kaniko said as she began to settle from the transport. "I'll contact 'ya when I need your services again, alright?"

"Of course!" Traveler said, finally removing himself and his stash of photographs away from Izuku.

"Just remember," Traveler said, "don't call on Sundays! That's family day!" And with that came another sharp crack and a flash of light.

"Did you really have to get him?" Izuku asked after Traveler had left. "That man is brutal with his obsession over his daughter and his photos of his daughter."

"Pfft. He doesn't mean it," Kaniko said. "He gets excited over his daughter, so what? I don't have to drive ya here, and we get here in seconds! And the best part, he's cheap!"

"Cheap or not, his presence is a bit… suffocating." Izuku took a breath. "Anyways, where are we? You promised that you'd tell."

"That I did!" Kaniko exclaimed. She spun and held her arms out in an exaggerated gesture towards a large building across the street.

"As you can see, we're at the site that the schools are using for their Remedial Course students!"

"Remedial Course?" Izuku repeated slowly. "Is… there a reason for that?"

Kaniko laughed "Duh. Why else would we be here?"

"But that doesn't even make sense," Izuku said, coming to realization. "Why take part in the Remedial Course? Why couldn't I have just taken the real exam when it was still a thing?"

"Oh, don't worry." Kaniko waved him off. "You're not taking part in the entire program. Just this specific exercise. Besides, if ya really want to blame anyone, blame Eraser. He gave me the idea; said to tell you that this was part of your punishments."

"He did?" Izuku questioned. "But that must mean that there's something special about this exercise then. Something that would purposefully get on my nerves or something, right?"

Kaniko merely cackled as she began to walk, ignoring the question and motioning for Izuku to follow.

Izuku decided to ask another question. "Okay, how about this. How am I supposed to explain away the fact that you're here?" Izuku asked.

"Well… You could just say that it's because of your training that I'm here."

"That's awfully close to the truth," Izuku countered.

"Well, if we're being technical, it actually is the truth. Just with omitted facts! It'll make it easier to quote-on-quote," Kamiko brought her hands up and actually made air quotes, "lie."

Izuku sighed. "Fine."

The two walked in comfortable silence for the remaining minute or so it took to reach the building. Once they reached the building and got inside, it didn't take long for the duo to stumble upon the contingent from UA.

"Deku!" Bakugo yelled. "What the hell are you doing here!?"

Todoroki, who was standing beside the explosive boy, gave Izuku a curious stare. "I hate to say it, but for once I'm with Bakugou on this one. Why are you here, Midoriya?"

"He is actually why I am here! Woof!" A gruff voice interrupted, the speaker appearing before the group.

"Midoriya!" Hound Dog all but yelled. "I'm glad to inform you that the principal assigned me to watch over you! I'll be here with you now and in the foreseeable future to ensure you develop into a prime hero!"

"I— wha... Huh?" Izuku stuttered. "Nezu assigned you? Huh." Izuku narrowed his eyes. "How far do your… responsibilities go, exactly?"

Hound Dog barked. "Nezu is getting a bit busy, but he still wants you watched! So you better watch out for me back at campus!"

"Of course he would set Hound Dog on me," Izuku muttered to himself. He shook his head. "So," he said to Hound Dog, "you're just going to watch me today?"

"Hold up! You still haven't told me why you're here!" Bakugou interrupted. "And why's Crab Chick with you again?!"

Izuku sighed. "Extra training. Aizawa had me join so I'd stop giving him grey hairs — not that'll stop anytime soon. And Kaniko is part of that. Rigorous training under a police officer for added punishment. That a sufficient explanation?"

Bakugou gave Izuku a glare before turning away in a huff. "Fine."

"Ah, Midoriya!" All Might exclaimed as he arrived alongside Present Mic. "There you are! I was wondering when you'd join us!"

"Hey All Might, Present Mic-sensei," Izuku greeted.

"Yeh! R—righteous to be here with y—you, Midoriya!" Present Mic cheered with a faltering smile. "Any of you two need coffee?" He asked Hound Dog and All Might. He was already heading back through the door he came from before he got any response. "Right! I'll go get you some!"

All Might shook his head at the back of his departing colleague. "Anyways," he said, speaking to the rest of the group, "the exercise is starting soon. It'd be best if all of us started going in."

"Well, that's my cue!" Kaniko said. "I'm going to watch from the stands Midoriya, so go join up with your peers!"

Kaniko left, as did Hound Dog and All Might not long after, heading over to their own respective seats.

Bakugo, Todoroki, and Izuku went on ahead then, meeting up with two others that Izuku recognized were from Shiketsu. But as it was, his eyes drifted towards the girl of the duo first.

"You're the girl that…" Izuku began. When the girl gave him a curious look, he decided to leave things be. "Nevermind."

"Hmm?" The girl hummed. "You know me from somewhere?"

Izuku shook his head. "It's nothing. I thought that you looked familiar. I... think that I remember seeing you in passing from a while back."

"Oh? What a coincidence if that's the truth!" The boy of the Shiketsu duo exclaimed. Izuku recalled him to be the boy who had the strong aerokinetic quirk from the License Exam.

"Camie's here because she missed out on the License Exam!" the boy said. "It's a shame that it happened, but at least she has the chance to get her license now!"

The boy suddenly karate-chopped himself — which caused his forehead to start bleeding — much to Izuku's surprise. "Where are my manners! Inasa Yoarashi! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Likewise." Izuku nodded. "Izuku Midoriya. If I'm remembering correctly, you're the one that was fighting with Todoroki during the exam."

Yoarashi guffawed. "Indeed I was! But while that may be true, Todoroki and I have reconciled since then! I'm hoping that he and I will have a wonderful friendship in our future!"

Todoroki gave a simple nod in return to confirm Yoarashi's words.

"But on the other hand, I don't seem to recognize you!" Yoarashi said to Izuku. "I can recall everybody from UA that took part in the exam, and you aren't among them!"

Izuku nodded. "True. I wasn't there because I didn't have to be."

"Didn't have to be?" Camie questioned. "Like, what do you mean by that?"

"Got my license another way. Some… police training and first hand heroing experience. Thus, I didn't have to take the exam."

"Really?" Camie asked, a finger to her chin. "Then, like, why are you even here?"

Izuku chuckled. "Punishment by one of my teachers."

Izuku didn't get to explain any further, the conversation being interrupted by the overhead speakers that spanned the room.

"Alright, let's stop the chitter chatter," a rather tired voice announced. "It's time for this thing to get going. And please, try to make it fast. I'd like to take a nap after this."

Wow, that sounds like something Aizawa would say. Izuku sent up some bugs to where the announcer was seated. Looks as tired as Aizawa does too. I wonder if they might be related by some distant relative. I haven't seen two people be so tired, yet noticeably awake before.

"And uh, Izuku Midoriya." Izuku snapped out of his thoughts upon the saying of his name.

"Yes?" Izuku asked.

"Please tone it down for this exercise, if you will," the announcer said. "Alright. And with that, we are at a go."

Izuku's bugs felt the sudden mass of energy and movement long before the giant steel doors opposite of him opened. As is, he really hated Aizawa for making him come here today.

"Yeah, nope." Izuku turned and made his ways towards the stands. "That's not something that I want to deal with."

"Oi! Deku, where the hell do you think you're going!?"

Suddenly, a swarm clone appeared beside Bakugo, making the boy flinch somewhat by its sudden appearance.

"I'll still be participating while being on the field, don't worry."

Izuku ignored the curious looks and questioning words of the Shiketsu pair and sped his way towards the stands, just in time for the mass of children to burst through the doors.

As the kids terrorized his fellow peers below, Izuku searched around for somebody he could join while the situation played itself out.

Kaniko was busy striking up a conversation with the Shiketsu contingent, so she was out. Present Mic would never be an option for the foreseeable future. And Izuku wasn't exactly willing to interrupt the conversation Endeavor and All Might — though that didn't mean that he wasn't averse to listening in with his bugs.

But be as that may be, that limited Izuku's options to only one other individual. As such, Izuku made his way up to Hound Dog.

"Hope you don't mind," Izuku said as he took the seat next to Hound Dog.

Hound Dog looked at his new charge and merely shrugged. It was quite unlike the loud and boisterous man Izuku was used to witnessing around UA.

"You're still technically on the field, so I'll let it slide. Besides, you're not here because you failed the License Exam, after all. Otherwise, we'd be in a completely different scenario, with me hounding you out."

Izuku smiled. "Right." He took a breath. "So how much do you know? How much has Nezu informed you about me?"

"Everything," Hound Dog said. "Vigilantism, police work, sneaking out after dark, yada yada. That doesn't mean that I like it! Though you seem capable of yourself."

An explosion rattled the stadium, followed by a loud yell that could be heard by everyone as it bounced off the walls.

"DEKU! Stop being a coward and get down here!"

"Excuse me for a moment, Hound Dog." Izuku formed another swarm near Bakugo, making sure to avoid several of the children's quirks that included things like impact radius enlargement and hard light projections.

"Can't. Having a talk with our resident Hound Dog. Besides, I don't need to be down there. I technically don't even need to participate; I'm going to get yelled at by Aizawa later because of it,, but I'm fine with that. So I don't actually need to help… Unless you're saying that you can't handle a bunch of children?"

The roar of indignation brought a small smile to Izuku's face. He turned his focus back onto Hound Dog. "Anyways, where were we?"

"You seem capable of taking care of yourself."

"Ah, right." Izuku nodded. "So, I'd like to know. What are you exactly going to be doing in regards to my wellbeing?"

"Not much, if I'm to be honest," Hound Dog admitted. "Mostly continue with what Nezu's been doing up until now. Unless he decides that he wants to talk with you personally, that is. Otherwise, I'll just be making sure that you aren't getting into any trouble on campus."

"Huh. That doesn't sound so bad."

"Hah! That's what you think!" Hound Dog exclaimed, adopting his fiery personality again. "One step out of line, and you'll be experiencing punishments worse than what Eraser gives you!"

Izuku smiled. "I'd like to see you try. I'll be rightly impressed if you do."

Izuku and Hound Dog were suddenly bearing witness to a giant column of ice heading straight for them. Luckily for them, it slowed as it approached, Todoroki having been atop it.

When the ice finally stopped, Todoroki went and addressed Izuku. "Midoriya—"

"I heard," Izuku interrupted. "Don't worry. I've got some ladybugs and butterflies coming in from outside to help out. Just head back down and make sure your ice slide is sturdy enough for the kids.

Todoroki blinked, then gave a nod before he travelled back down his ice pillar and into the chaotic storm of kids below.

"Heh." Hound Dog let out a small laugh. "It's going to be fun reeling you in, kid."

Izuku went ahead and initiated a handshake with the man. "Let's try not to irritate the other too much, then?"

Hound Dog nodded. "Sure."

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