

Chapter 35: Amira Ahmed, Professional Kidnapping Target


Sup! Not sure if I've mentioned this but I needed a non-white reporter for this fic. And I did some google deep dive into reporters in the Marvel cannon. And like...it was kinda depressing. But anyways and then I stumbled on the reporter from the first Ironman movie who is reporting on the refugees on the tv for like twenty seconds. And joy of all joys, sh has a full name and isn't white or like one of the two black reporters in the thing. (I was being stubborn about it). So that's who Amira Ahmed is, she's the reporter who got seconds of screen time in Ironman 1. I had to make the tag for her.

Chapter Text

Amira Ahmed hit her emergency beacon as she was hauled into a dark alley. One day back in New York and grabbed. At least it was better than Michigan..hopefully. If this was another government group she was going to scream. She blinked at the ski masked goons. "I'm a reporter."

"We know, you're the reporter who's been interviewing those freaks." One of the goons hauled her into a van.

Amira's teeth clenched as her hands were tied behind her back. Other than some poisonous looks she didn't try to fight. "Whatever you think this is going to do, it's not going to work."

"Oh I think it will." The guy who'd spoken before pulled off his ski mask. He was..horribly bland looking. Average looking macho white dude. His face twisted with a sneer as he squatted down in front of her. "You're going to tell us how to find all those freaks you've been talking to."

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him in disgust. "I've met a hundred small minded men like you. Who see anything different as a threat. Who hurt and cause harm as easy as breathing, who've never faced a real consequence. And you don't scare me." She let out a grunt as he slapped her across the face.

He clucked his tongue. "These enhanced freaks aren't like some poor put upon minority. They are walking weapons. Hell, they're not even human." There wasn't a flicker of doubt in him.

Amira knew in her head that rescue was coming. But something cold and resolved settled in her chest anyways. Even if rescue never came she'd die before giving up a single one of her sources. "You kidnapped the wrong person if you think I'd ever cooperate with you. If I didn't give over my sources to the government why would I give them up to a thug like you?"

"We can be very persuasive." He swayed with the movement of the van. "In the meantime you should consider your loyalties. Those monsters, or humans."

There was the faintest but still steady vibration. Amira smiled, showing her teeth. "You kidnapped the wrong person." Those vibrations were definitely coming from the road not the van. And she only knew one person who caused vibrations.

"You're the one making people sympathize with the freaks. Even if you tell us nothing we still did the right thing grabbing you." He spat. "It's people like you who don't realize how dangerous they are that are going to get our race killed."

Amira glared at him. The fact the van hadn't been sent flying yet meant Quake and probably Spiderman were waiting for an opening. Keeping as many of the idiots in the van focused on her as possible was for the best then. So she sucked it up and kept talking. "You're making a good case that us regular humans are plenty dangerous."

"But I can't kill a city block with my mind. Did you miss the part where Quake blew that kraken's brains out with a single punch? What if she decides to punch a building? She could probably make an earthquake that would swallow the city."

She tipped her chin up. "She wouldn't do that. And even if she did SHIELD or the Avengers, or some idealistic idiot in spandex would stop her. You think what she handles for SHIELD is us regular folks? She's their option for handling enhanced who commit crimes. This isn't the Dark Ages. There's too many enhanced, with different moral codes for some idiot with powers to try and conquer or enslave the planet. The others would stop them."

"That won't keep the regular people crushed under their fights alive." He made a sharp arm gesture outwards.

Amira had learned several things, and honestly the one likely to have the largest impact on enhanced rights had nothing to do with their humanity or the horrific dangers presented towards them. "And who do you think is going to save the planet if they're not here? Because we're not enslaved by alien outsiders because of the enhanced on this planet protecting every last one of us. Even you assholes."

"We'll figure it out. 'Sides, from what I've seen bullets work just as well on aliens as they do on enhanced and humans alike." He had a smug look on his face. "But sounds to me like someone isn't too objective. Really, reporting when you clearly have a side you agree with."

Amira actually had to blink in bafflement at that. "You think I didn't have personal feelings when I reported on the US using drones to kill innocent people as well as the guilty? Or when I reported on the horrors the Ten Rings inflict? Or the sex trafficking routes I uncovered? I am obliged to report the truth, not be an opinionless robot."

The goon's face twisted up in a wordless furry. And then the van slammed straight into something with a resounding boom. Everyone was slammed forward, metal screaming in protest at the sudden ceasing of movement.

The glass windows shattered. And then there was a blur of red and blue as goons started getting webbed all throughout the van. There was the sound of metal twisting, the van vibrating almost violently. And then it was ripped open, and strong arms grabbed Amira and hauled her out and back into daylight.

"I got you." Quake's voice assured her, her arms strong but not painful.

Amira relaxed, she was going to be ok. She laughed breathlessly as she spotted Spiderman hopping out of the van, the kidnappers groaning from inside where they were attached to the sides with webbing. "So this one not about to turn into a cross city shootout?"

"Well I've got back up within five miles, and we did a circuit of the block. No snipers or back up for them. So I think we're good." Quake laughed good naturedly as she let Amira go. One hand staying on her arm, steadying her. "You good?"

Amira nodded. "I'm good." She reached up touching her face where she'd been back handed. "I could use an ice pack and some aspirin though."

"Do you need some self defence classes?" Quake's head tipped to one side ever so slightly. "Cause I can hook you up with a theoretically legal taser and some classes if you need them."

With an amused huff she patted Quake. "Thank you." She considered the woman. "I could use a beer and Stark's number, for my next article."

"I think we can do that. You have plans for post police interviews? Cause this evening works for me." Quake raised a hand high fiving Spiderman as he jumped over to them.

Amira eyed the street around them. This was going to cause such terrible traffic. "Sounds like a plan."

"Oh are you coming back with us?" Spiderman bounced slightly. "Also good to see you again Ms Ahmed."

And the crazy thing was, she was sure he meant it.



Amira sighed as she sipped at her beer. "I'm a terrible muslim but I'm making an exception for kidnapping."

"No judgement." Quake passed a rootbeer to Spiderman. "The stuff you've found on the ATCU is impressive."

Spiderman nodded while sticking a bendy straw in his soda. "Yeah, you've been really dragging those asshats."

"The facts are the facts." She looked up at two heros. "Would it be alright if I asked you some questions? I don't even know what I'd do with them. It's not like I'm working on something but I'm curious, and I'll probably be able to use it."

Quake and Spiderman glanced at each other before Quake turned back towards her. "Sure."

Amira set her phone on the kitchen and clicked on the recorder app. "If you were asked to stop each other would you?"

"Huh." Quake fell silent looking thoughtful.

Spiderman twitched with outrage. "No. That would be... never I'd never do that."

"Don't say never." Quake's voice was quiet. She looked up at Spiderman. "I agree if someone told me to, or tried to order me to take you in, they could fuck off." And her tone was dangerous as she said that. "But…"

"But what?" Spiderman was so clearly frowning under his mask. "You're-" He cut himself off from saying what Amira was about 90% sure would have been 'my sister'. Still he made a frustrated noise. "We're partners!"

Quake shook her head. "This life, what we do changes people. Lines start blurring and you get people falling further off the edge then that Punisher guy." She held up a hand preventing him from interrupting her. "And that's just what we can control. I've seen people controlled and turned into sick puppets of who they were as people by others. Hive was…" The woman's eyes flicked the phone. "I don't know the future. But if I ever became a threat, a real threat I'd want to be stopped. And it should never be you, things would have gone so completely wrong if it ever came down to you. But I'd want to be stopped."

Amira's apartment was dead silent at that. Her breath stuck in the back of her throat. And then Spiderman yanked Quake into a tight hug.

"That's never going to happen." Spiderman's voice was tight. "Never."

Quake seemed to accept anything she said would be denied. So she hugged him back. "Ok." Her voice had a hoarse quality to it.

Amira turned off the recording app. She hadn't meant for them to go that...well dark. But she knew what she was going to do with it. Because it was quietly powerful. She could ask her other questions later.


Daisy used her core strength to keep herself steady as she carefully swung herself between the bars. Twisting she hooked her feet onto the next one and then hung upside down letting her arms rest. "So any improvement?"

"Yeah you're getting the hang of the flying." Kyle huffed in amusement from where he was sitting on one of the weight machines down below. "Your body control is nearly top notch. Your grip strength is probably what we want to work on most. I take back my first impressions. Well that and more practice on the obstacles."

Daisy nodded, this obstacle stuff was fun. "Sounds doable. By the by, I'm not gonna be around tomorrow. Spiderman has plans he's not sharing."

"Big romantic date then?" His voice turned teasing. "Do I get deets on Superhero romance?"

She actually snorted. "We're not dating. Spiderman and I are partners and inside scoop, nothing romantic is ever gonna happen."

"Oh wow you're in some deep denial there." Kyle leaned back staring at her in disbelief.

Dropping down she caught herself with some light vibrations. "Why is that everyone assumes I'm in denial or lying?"

"Cause you've got a hickey and I don't know about you but I don't hold people's hands I'm not fucking?" Kyle hopped to his feet and tossed her a bottle of water.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please that's a lie. And I never said I was single, just not with Spiderman. Although my girlfriend does find the whole thing kind of hilarious."

"Girlfriend?" Kyle paused.

Daisy raised her eyebrow. "Do I need to explain that to you in more detail?"

"Nah, but huh. That puts things in a different context. Poor Spiderman, that's one hopeless crush then."

She barely resisted rolling her eyes again. "Oh he's got a hopeless crush, but not on me. Do you know how much ice cream I've eaten due to moping over the last couple of weeks?"

"Can't he just flash some super powers? I'd think the Superhero thing made dating easier?" Kyle looked generally confused.

Which… "If you're an asshole."

"Wait, does your girlfriend not know you're Quake?" He looked genuinely and painfully confused and concerned.

Daisy laughed at that. "She knows, but let's say we're not the norm. I mean take a second and think about it. If you were keeping a secret identity, and mine is more of an open secret then anything, but a real secret identity like Daredevil, Spiderman, those guys. Like think, really think about the issue dating would bring to that."

Kyle blinked, and then his brow furrowed as he frowned. He opened and then closed his mouth. His face twisted into horror. "Oh man that would suck. But..oh shit."

"Exactly." Daisy patted his shoulder. "So what's your idea for grip strength training" Her pat turned into a grip. "And I like you Kyle, but I won't be happy if this conversation ends up on the web."

"Duh, of course." His voice squeaked slightly.

She smirked. "So more rock climbing in my future?"


Darcy hummed as she waltzed into Steve's apartment. "What up Capsical!"

"Do I even want to know how you got in without the key?" Steve looked up from where he was doing something in the kitchen...probably boiling something that shouldn't be boiled.

Darcy smirked. "I sweet talked FRIDAY. But what about you? Like what are you boiling and why? I thought you agreed boiling was bad?"

"I'm still working on modern cooking." He grabbed a towel, drying his hands. "What brings you here besides judging my skills in the kitchen?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Skills? No. I see why you're single." Stepping forward with a shake of her head she tossed a usb to him. "I bringth the legal team's advice for how to act during the trial."

"Thank you, really. For everything." Steve held it carefully.

She shrugged. "Didn't do it for you." Her head tilted. "I do have a question though. How have you not said something awful? Like you're blandly modern. I mean at the least I'd expect you to use some problematic terms."

"SHIELD had a class on changes in jargon and what wasn't ok to say that used to be." Steve shrugged and then scratched at the back of his head. "And I don't get why everyone expects me to be racist or sexist or something."

Darcy hummed while swinging open his fridge and poking around till she nabbed a classic glass bottle of coke. "Expand my dude, I'm curious."

He gave an amused huff and leaned against the counter. "I grew up in Brooklyn, 1930's Brooklyn. It was an immigrant and social outcast type of place back then. And my Ma raised me by herself after the Great War. Kind of hard to look down on women when you were raised by one of the smartest, toughest and hardest working ladies around. Then in the war I insisted on the best people for my unit. We were one of the first interacial ones out there. People give too much slack to my generation for thinking awful things. They knew that stuff was junk back then and they know it now."

"That is...not what I was expecting." Darcy considered him. "What about sex?"

Steve's cheeks pinked slightly. "Well it's not exactly proper, but if you think my generation didn't have sex, especially with the war and everyone living like it was their last days, they didn't teach history right."

Darcy couldn't help the laugh as she opened the coke bottle. "Yeah I can see that. What about you, you get any war time nookie?"

He spluttered, his blush turning his ears red. "I was gone on Peggy almost as soon as I joined the army and before that it wasn't like girls looked at me."

"Well that makes sense then, you're just a prude as a person. Captain uptight. But it's cool, kinda sweet actually. You'll make Barnes a very happy man in like however long your angst over being queer takes you to process." She sipped her coke while looking at him challengingly.

Steve's shoulders slumped ever so slightly. "Are you ever going to give that up?"

"No, cause if I do you'll happily box it up and stick it in a corner and be miserable." She hopped up on the counter. "And while I might not be doing all this trial stuff for Bucky, for either of you really, doesn't mean I want you to be miserable."

Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're a good person, a bit crazy though." His lips twitched. "But stop. Please."

Darcy's eyes narrowed as she looked at the man. There was a certain resignation to him, an exhaustion. Maybe it was less repressed queerness and more something else? Either way she wasn't an asshole. "Fine, but in exchange for this boon, I get to make final call on what you're wearing to court."

"You can have final call on my court outfits." Steve relaxed. "Thank you."

She smiled at him, he was a bit of a shit but she liked the good Captain. "I got you. And fear not, we'll fix your hair so it's all nice, natural and respectable for the trial. But once Barnes is free your hair is no longer safe."

"I'll live in fear of what color you turn it next." Steve glanced at his pot of boiling...something. "Do you have a take out recommendation because that does not smell good?"

Darcy considered that, she could do with some greek. And being rich meant take out without worrying about the bill. Small perks, even if she was giving away 98% of her net wealth. "How do you feel about Greek? Cause I could eat."

"You're welcome to stay for dinner." Steve pulled out his phone and went straight to a food app. He was surprisingly good at the tech thing.


Tony paused as he read the last lab report. "Pep...my kid portaled Quicksilver to Asgard and back."

"They got the bridge running?" She asked as if that wasn't terrifying from where she was skimming through her own reports.

He swallowed, was this what other people felt when they saw his inventions? Because if it was it explained a lot of the hate. "No. Accidental portaling. He was in the testing room and she didn't double check. So she portaled him to the throne room of Asgard. And then got him back by using her sister to manipulate the artificial wormhole, to keep it open long enough for him to get back through."

"I didn't know Daisy could manipulate wormholes or blackholes or whatever world ending space science is happening in astro lab." Pepper actually looked up. "You know on a power scale Peter has more abilities and if Daisy wasn't a former agent I'd say he'd beat her in a fight. But then she goes and does things like that."

He felt kind of weak as his brain automatically did the math on what that meant for the sheer versatility of Daisy's powers. "My kids are terrifying."

"I don't know how this is surprising." Pepper winced slightly. "Also your daughter is using her guilt over the portaling to bug Hill."

Tony took a wonderful moment to imagine what Maria Hill dealing with Darcy would be like. "I want pictures."

"Tony!" Pepper glared. "Call your daughter and convince her to either go back to PR, legal, or the labs."

"But Pep, just think of what she'll do!" Tony had images of Hill marshaled onto blind dates and glitter taking over her office. It was fantastic.

Pepper just stared at him dubiously. "I don't think I want to know what you're imagining but it's not what's happening. Maria wants to keep her."

Tony stilled, that was a terrifying thought. "I'll call Darcy."

"And Peter, you were going to look at the specs on his drone." Pepper gently reminded him.

He nodded while climbing to his feet, he had calls to make. Half way out the door he paused. "Pep, I think I'm gonna stay here till the trial is over."

Her face softened. "Well we did need to have a negotiation with SHIELD. I'm sure Director Mace will be thrilled to have you personally attending."

"That's…" Tony winced..he was very sure that was not the case. And he very much did not want to deal with SHIELD. However it was a good public cover to avoid anyone asking him why he was avoiding the trial. "Fine, but I'm not waking up before noon."

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