

Izuku's brain had stopped at Miruko's words before jumping back to life. "What'd you say?" Izuku asked her again before he was roughly pulled in by the older woman and kissed hard. Miruko dominated his mouth with extreme passion. It was blisteringly fast ending in a flash as Miruko pulled back from him and licked her lips as her clouded red eyes stared at his.

"I'm in heat." She whispered draping her arms across his shoulders. "It crept up on me and I didn't take my medicine in time. I'm burning up and I need you to cool me down." She said sensually as Izuku's eyes gained clarity.

"Oh that makes sense, but Miruko I can't just you know…do you. I mean it wouldn't be right I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Izuku said as Miruko laughed.

"You're so considerate." She whispered stepping out of the bath and sitting on Izuku's lap the water from the bath along with other fluids seeping through his pants. "I see it every time you're out there. You're a true blue hero, and that is really hot." She said leaning closer. "Am I not good enough for you Izuku?" She asked as Izuku shook his head.

"No it's not that at all. I really like you; this has been great working with you. You're amazing and so strong and sure of yourself and if at all possible I would like to do… that with you, but I want it to be because we want to not just because you're in heat." He said looking at her his green eyes full of determination. Even through her haze of lust Miruko recognized his conviction and sighed as she slid off his lap and leaned her head back against the tub the tips of her ears hanging into the cold water.

"You really are just too good. Any other man would have taken his shot." She said letting her legs fall open. Izuku's green eyes shot open wide taking in the details of her flower as his cock became rigid. It was taking all he had not to go for it, but he knew this was for the best. Miruko laughed seeing his inner struggle before standing up. "Nice going JForce. I think I might have a thing for you now." She said walking out of the bathroom and shutting the door before hearing a large splash and giggled walking to her room.

Once inside Miruko picked up a bottle with her name on it and popped out two pills and took them dry. She swallowed as she sat down on her bed. The truth was she'd been neglecting to take her meds. She wanted to see just what kind of man JForce was and he did not disappoint. Allowing herself to be overcome with her heat just to test him that was something only the thrill seeking Miruko could do. "And he didn't take the bait. Kid is way too good for his own good." She said lying on her bed and looking at the ceiling. "Hmm he might just be my type."

Izuku crawled out of the ice cold water of the bath and put his clothes on hurriedly. He better get out of here before his resolve crumbled. He headed back to his hotel for the night and sighed as he rode the elevator up to his room. He scratched his slightly damp hair as he walked out of the elevator and headed to his room. It was as he rounded the corner he noticed someone standing outside his door.

"Can I help you…Sir?" He asked as a tall lean man turned to face him. He was dressed in a grey suit with a red and white polka dot tie. He adjusted his glasses for a moment as he gave Izuku a severely cold look.

"It's I who will be helping you." The man said before standing a little straighter. "I am Sir Nighteye and I know the secret between you and All Might." Nighteye said as Izuku's blood ran cold. "I would suggest you open your door so we can speak in private. This isn't a conversation to be had in the open." Nighteye said as Izuku nodded and quickly opened his door letting in Nighteye and closing the door after himself even going so far as to lock the chain on it.

"This may come as a shock to you, but I-." Izuku interrupted Nighteye.

"You were All Might's sidekick. He didn't tell me, but I've always been a big fan of All Might and you were a big part of his success, or so he said. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude but I was a little star struck. I don't know why you're here, but I'm honored to meet you." Izuku said with a bow as Nighteye looked down at the boy his face impassive.

"Let me clarify a few things for you. I do not care for you Izuku Midoriya. I do not approve of you as the successor to All Might. You are too young for starters far too immature for the power you now wield, and your actions up to now have only proven me right." Izuku was not expecting such a blunt confirmation of his abilities, but he knew that not everyone liked him or approved of his status and use of powers. One of the cardinal rules of the internet was not to read the comment sections and Izuku had broken that rule when he was expelled. He couldn't help, but wonder what people thought of him and had he been a weaker individual the comments and public opinion of him would have done him in.

After reading that he chose not to let the words and opinions of others get to him he knew what he wanted to do and would continue to do his best. Izuku took a deep breath as he looked at Nighteye. "I can't say you're wrong, nor am I arrogant enough to think that I am the perfect person to have this power. I'm sure there were others more qualified than myself to be All Might's successor, but he chose me and I have to make sure that choice was not in vain." Izuku said as Nighteye stared at the boy.

"Even if that means getting other people killed like All Might?" The hero asked as Izuku felt a pit open in his stomach. He stared back at Nighteye's cold face. "You've become quite popular, but all this popularity was paid for in All Might's lifeblood. You are so powerful Izuku Midoriya to the point I wonder if you even consider what you've done. If All Might hadn't chose you he would have still had his power to defeat All for One. He told me he chose a quirkless young man to take on his mantle I warned him against this. There was a better successor one hand picked and trained by me. That young man would be a true symbol of peace, instead we have you a reckless young man who jumps into the fray at a moment's notice either unaware or uncaring of what his actions might do to others. It's only through luck that you're a hero now, but luck runs out."

Nighteye watched Izuku's face and saw flickers of emotions. Anger, sadness, frustration. "You fail in even the smallest ways. All Might would never have let a conversation like this drop the smile from his face." Izuku then clenched his fists.

"I'm not All Might. I wanted to be, but not anymore. I don't want to be a copy of the last symbol of peace. I will shape my own symbol of peace that's what being the number one hero means to me. If you came here to discourage me from that, then I'm sorry but you failed." Izuku said defiantly. Nighteye nodded as he headed for the door.

"I would have been even more disappointed in you had that tactic worked, but no Izuku Midoriya I did not come here to verbally discourage you from being a hero. I came to offer you a place at my Agency. It has come to my attention that I've been procrastinating about this, but no more. Come to my agency and see how real heroes do their job, and after you see how it's done I hope you have enough integrity to admit that you are ill suited to take All Might's place and relinquish One for All to its proper inheritor." Nighteye said before opening the door and leaving.

Izuku looked at the door for a moment before collapsing on his bed. It took everything he had to keep a straight face. After what happened with Miruko he was already exhausted, but that talk just now drained whatever battery he had left. "I had no idea Nighteye felt that way, but I can see his point. From his perspective I am not a good choice. A quirkless kid is not a bet anybody would take." Izuku said before clenching his fist. "All Might did though, so I can't let any of that turn me away from being the best. It's the only way I can pay everyone back for their trust and belief in me." He said scratching his head as he got ready for bed and crawled under the covers.

"Can you believe that jerk! Who the hell does he think he is? I'm seriously burned after all that!" Shouted a voice as the sounds of a fist hitting something sounded off. "We should have decked him right in those smug four eyes of his." There was a roar after that sentence. Izuku shifted in his bed as the voice in his head ranted and raved in his mind. As he tossed and turned in his bed his body started to sweat. Izuku's unconscious form kicked the covers off him as his skin took on a slight pink hue. There was steam coming off his body as he lay there that eventually took on the form of a heat haze the air shimmered around him before coming to a stop as his body slowly began to cool and his panting evened out to normal breathing.

Miruko was running on her treadmill when she heard a knock at her door and opened it to find the pro hero Nighteye standing there. She arched a brow before stepping aside and waving him in. "You are literally the last person I'd expect to see at my front door. Has hell frozen over or what?" Miruko asked. To be honest Miruko hardly knew anything about Nighteye. They'd met in passing maybe once or twice, but the vibe she got from him was that he did not care for her.

Nighteye struck her as one of those hero snobs. Someone who expected heroes to act in one way and one way only and that was just not possible. No two heroes were the same and the varied situations they were called in on required, no demanded flexibility. A rigid hero mindset would not take you very far. Nighteye stood in the middle of her living room as Miruko leaned back on her counter looking at him. "So why are you here?" Miruko asked as Nighteye turned to face her.

"I'll be taking Izuku Midoriya to my agency. I've already extended the invitation to him and thought I'd let you know." Nighteye said as Miruko stood up off her counter.

"What'd you say? Because it sounded like less of a notification then a simple command. What do you even want with him? You're not the type to take on interns or work studies. You took what one in like the last five years?" Miruko guessed not really sure about that. Nighteye took her words in stride.

"Then by that logic I'm overdue for another one. My interest in him is purely selfish. If he continues like this he'll get himself or someone else killed and that will reflect poorly on all heroes, so I'll be taking him to instill some discipline and give him a proper role model to follow." Miruko's ears flicked as she rounded the corner of her counter.

"There you go telling me what you're going to do, and what do you mean proper role model? Are you saying I'm not up to snuff?" She asked as she stood a foot away from Nighteye who adjusted his glasses.

"You are a fine hero in your own way Miruko, but Izuku Midoriya needs a far steadier hand if he's to make the right choices in the future. We are in a very turbulent time right now Miruko. The symbol of Peace is gone, and Endeavor as much as he may try cannot fill such a void the way he is now. The people's faith is failing in heroes, the last thing we need is a young hero aiming too high and falling to crush the rest of us underneath his folly." Miruko looked at Nighteye and sighed.

"Thanks for the heads up Nighteye, if JForce accepts your offer then great. He's his own hero so his choices are his own. Here's a piece of friendly advice for you though. If you think Midoriya will crumble or falter under your mentorship you should think twice. The kid is stronger than you think don't underestimate him." Miruko said as Nighteye nodded.

"Thank you for the advice." He said before making his way to her door. "Good night Miruko." Nighteye said before shutting the door. Miruko stood in her living room and stretched before heading to bed.

The next day Izuku showed up at the normal time in his hero suit. Miruko opened the door and let him in. She looked the boy over noticing the slightest of blushes. "If you're worried about not taking me up on my offer yesterday don't worry about. You've got a good moral compass. Anyway Nighteye showed up to tell me he came to see you and "invited" you to his agency. Is that right?" Miruko asked as Izuku nodded.

"Yes we talked yesterday and he did say for me to come to his agency." Izuku left out the part where it was more of a challenge than an invitation. Miruko nodded.

"So do you plan on taking him up on that offer?" She asked genuinely curious. She'd kind of gotten used to having the green haired boy around, but she didn't want him to stagnate here with her and she was a solo act to begin with if he stayed around much longer she'd start depending on him to be there and that just wasn't her.

"I think I will. No it's more like I have to." Izuku said thinking about what Nighteye said to him. "I do not approve of you as the successor to All Might." "I have something to show him." Izuku said clenching his fist. Miruko smirked before stepping up to the boy and placing a hand on his head before placing a kiss on his lips.

"Well when you do go make sure you give him everything you got, oh and when you take the number one hero spot come back and see me, and I'll give you reward. I think I'll like having the number one hero as my man." She said licking her lips with a predatory gleam in her eyes. Izuku swallowed hard once before giving a nod.

"Count on it Miruko."

Tomura was walking around the room and flexing his limbs. "It took some time but I think I finally have it." He said before holding out his hand and watching black sludge form in the air and slowly widen before snapping closed. "Almost there. I should have this tutorial done in a day or so." He said scratching his head and noticing the length of his unkempt hair. "It's probably been about two months that I've been locked in here. No doubt Kurogiri has everything under control until I return." He said flexing his hands before holding his hand out and watched as his fingers became black with red lines going through them. They sprung out and pierced the bed watching the frame corrode before Tomura pulled them back. "So this is All for One." He said smiling and feeling his chapped lips split and bled some only to heal shut. "This is the power I'll use to crush this pathetic hero worshipping society and kill Izuku Midoriya." Shigaraki said beginning to laugh.

Overhaul stood in front of a chair wiping his hands off. He looked down at the panting and recently reconstructed Eri. "You've been doing well lately Eri. No escape attempts and you don't even cry anymore. You've been a good girl." Overhaul said as one of his underlings undid her restraints. Even though he complimented the young girl on her obedience he couldn't help, but be suspicious about Eri's change in attitude. Overhaul waved Nemoto over to him to question the plague mask wearing Yakuza. "Nemoto have you noticed anything strange or out of the ordinary going on with Eri?" Chisaki asked.

Eager to please Nemoto shook his head. "I have not Overhaul. She seems the same as always. Maybe she's given up hope?" Nemoto asked as Overhaul looked at the girl sitting silently as her arms were bandaged.

"I don't think that's it." He said noticing a small light burning in those brilliant red eyes of her. Eri ignored the pain in her body. Being reconstructed always hurt, but now she had a goal something to work towards and to that end she stopped being obstinate. She knew that out there somewhere there was a hero who would save her she just had to wait until he came for her. In her mind's eye Eri saw a green haired boy silhouetted in light as he extended a hand to help her. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. That would tip off Overhaul and she couldn't risk that.

Toga skipped back into the League of Villain's hideout seeing Twice sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette. "Oh hey Toga-chan how was your day. Not like I give a damn!" He shouted as Toga held her face and wore a huge smile as she remembered something.

"It was really good Twice. I learned so much about Izuku." She whispered as the memories replayed in her head.

Himiko had been searching for Izuku since he started working with Miruko and had finally found the hotel he was staying in. She'd planned on making a move on her beloved using a special disguise she knew he couldn't resist, but when she found out what floor he was on after listening to some of the female staff gush about him. She'd wanted to slit their throats, but she held back. Kurogiri would be up her ass again if she did something reckless like that, so instead she just climbed the stairs to her love's floor.

Sure it was one hell of a work out and her legs were ready to fall off, but all that paled in comparison to seeing and spending time with Izuku. She waited near his room for nearly an hour knowing he usually parted from Miruko around this time, but during her time waiting another man showed and waited directly in front of Izuku's door. Toga hissed as she glared at the man, but then Izuku showed up and her anger disappeared. It was then that she heard something really interesting. "I know the secret between you and All Might." Of course no one but her would have been able to hear it. She had very sharp ears when it came to things that interested her, and this definitely did.

Unfortunately they went inside and Toga couldn't hear anything after that even with her ear to the door, but the point was she now knew there was a connection between All Might and Izuku and that made her feel so much closer to him.

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