

Kisame – Finally! I've been bored out of my mind since the manga ended!

Itachi – You stopped appearing in the manga long before it ended…

Shikamaru – I was starting to take it personally… This is my first intro and I had to wait a year.

Itachi – Writer's block and real-life problems are the bane of fanfictions.

Shikamaru – Can I at least take this one?

Kisame – Hey! Why does he…?

Itachi – Don't… Just don't…

Kisame – Grrr…

Shikamaru – Please enjoy, at long last, PHD's chapter 32 and the start of the next arc…

Ominous Star

Dust and dirt rushed into her lungs as she gasped causing her to cough violently while she struggle for air.

Trying to regain so composure, the girl found herself lying on the floor on her side. The cloud of dust that had risen up prevented the girl from being able to discern her surroundings, but once the debris started to settle back down, purple colored eyes caught sight of heaps upon heaps of broken pieces of wood and twisted metal poles.

A grunting sound caught the girl's attention, making her look up. Purple eyes widened at the sight of crimson red. "No…" She whispered.

"Are you… Alright…?" A pained voice echoed in her ear.

The girl heard the words, but her mind did not registered them, instead it focused only on the thick steel pipe and its pointy end stuck out of the chest hovering over her, blood ran freely down the metal shaft and fell onto the girl, staining her dress.

"He… Hey…!" The voice struggled to call out. "Can you hear me…?! Are you… Are you hurt…?!" More blood splattered over the girl, this time coming out of the mouth of the young man that stood before her. Behind him, piles of debris were being kept at bay, his battered body being the only thing that stopped them from crushing the girl.

Finally snapping out her stupor, the girl lifted one of her hands up towards the boy. "Ye… Yes… I… Mean no…" Her respond is abruptly stopped when the boy's strength gives up and fell to his knees, shocking the girl as the debris threatened to crush them. She immediately froze up again.

Gritting his teeth, the boy forced his knees off the ground. "You have to… To get out of here… Quick!" He barked as more blood sprinkled down. "Before… Before I…"

Purple eyes once again looked up at the boy's face. The back of his head must have been busted open since streaks of blood were running through the spiky blond hair and down his face, framing a pair of sapphire blue eyes.

She had seen blood and gore before, far more than anyone would expect a girl in her position would, but something about this boy dying in front of her terrified her beyond believe and stunned the girl in her place.

Angry noises came out of the blond as he extended one of his hands. He grabbed a hold of the girl's kimono and brought her closer towards him; to the point where all she could see were her purple eyes reflected in his blue ones. "I said, go!" He roared.

In a sudden show of strength, the girl felt her body being flung backwards, and all that she could do was watch as the young man disappeared in front of her eyes when the rest of the debris finally caved in on top of him.

"NO!" Shion screamed as he jolted up from her futon. Breathing heavily, the priestess of Demon Country scanned her surroundings. She was alone in her room in the temple, her mother's charm bell lying protectively next to her futon.

It was the dead of night and the compound seemed completely at peace, no lethal steel pipes, fatal heaps of debris, or dying boys in sight.

After several minutes of labored breathing, the blond girl finally calmed down. Taking the little bell in her hand, the priestess eased her body back onto the futon. "That vision again…" She whispered. "That boy…" Shion muttered right before she fell asleep once again.

Training Ground 17 shook with thunderous force as Naruto planted his feet firmly on the dirt to prevent his body from being push further back. "Sorry! I… I'm sorry, Naruto-san!" The toad, Gamaken, shouted out hurriedly from the other side of the clearing as he lowered his spiked pole.

The blond sighed in exasperation. "I told you not to call me that, Ken. Also stop worry so much all the time." He commented as the teenage toad in front of him started apologizing again earning another sigh from the boy. The magenta-colored toad was already over four times the genin's height, already at the verge of another growth spurt that would leave him at equal size to the likes of Gamabunta and Gamashiro, and, despite his younger age, Gamaken was already consider one of the best fighters in Mount Myoboku, sadly his self-esteem was even worse than Hinata's.

"Are you sure you would not prefer another training partner, Naruto-sa… I mean, Naruto?" The toad offered, correcting himself at the last second.

Naruto shook his head. "We've already been over this; you are the best one for this." He answered. "Now let's go again." The Sharingan users added as he concentrated. Dark blue chakra started to emanate from the Uzumaki's body and shaping itself into a humanoid form.

Three months had passed since the hectic mission and since Sasuke left with Jiraiya. During that time, Naruto and all of his friends had devoted all of their free time to training, and as a result the young man had learned to summon Susanoo at will. By now, the chakra construct had been developed enough that musculature covered the skeleton structure completely, and even some features were starting to appear on its head, such as hair, which, according to Gamaken, resembled the Fourth Hokage's.

The clash between toad and avatar sent another shockwave through the training ground. Naruto's Susanoo and Gamaken continued to trade blows for a couple of minutes until a powerful strike from the summon's spiked weapon managed to split the chakra construct's arm, hitting the ribcage and sending the blond flying back.

"I…! I'm sorry, Naruto-san!" A bewildered Gamaken called out as he hopped quickly towards his summoner.

Naruto shook his head trying to regain his bearing before dismissing Susanoo and standing up. "Don't worry Ken…" The genin said as he looked at the worried toad in front of him. "I was way pass my limit, yet kept the fight going. It was my fault." He pointed out. While training to master Susanoo, the spiky haired teen had soon discovered that, unlike Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, the third Mangekyou technique took a punishing toll on the boy. More than a few minutes with it activated made the construct unstable and left Naruto's eyes strained afterwards.

Despite his summoner's words, Gamaken continue to fidget in place. "Still… When my staff broke through Suanoo's arm, I should have been able to stop it before it reached you…" He commented miserably.

A groan escaped the genin. "Your constant apologizing is more aggravating that a hundred concussions, did you know that?" The teen said as he rubbed his tired eyes. "Anyways, I think we're done for today… If I tried to use Susanoo again I'm sure I'll get a migraine and that's the last thing I need for the meeting with Tsunade today." He added.

"Oh ok, Naruto-sa… Naruto." Gamaken said in responds.

"I'll be going on a mission today and it will probably be sometime before we can train again, so I will let you know." Naruto informed. "Thank for all your help, Ken, and give my regards to the Boss."

The magenta toad gave his summoner a small nod in understanding. "See you soon, Naruto." He said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Stretching his arms, Naruto walked towards one of the trees at the edge of the clearing and sat down beneath its shade. The spiky haired boy still had a few hours before being due at the Hokage's office for his missing briefing, so for now he had time to take advantage of the calm and tranquility of the training ground and just relax.

It took Naruto a while to realize it, but ever since the boy's battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End and his transformation with Kyuubi's chakra, the fox had gone completely silent. Naruto could no longer feel the Bijuu's presence inside of him. At first, he was relieved at not having the fox's nagging voice constantly commenting on everything the Sharingan users did, but after a while, the silence started to become disconcerting. Sometimes, at night, Naruto would suddenly wake up thinking that he could hear Kyuubi calling out to him, but when he answered back, he never received a responds.

Closing his eyes, the Uzumaki tried to concentrate on his tenant, checking for any trace of the fox.

"Naruto…" The boy heard his name echo in the distance. "Naruto…" He tried to answer but all word chocked in his throat. "Naruto!"

Startled, the spiky haired genin opened his eyes to find his teammate hovering over him. The angry look on her face did not bode well for the blond. "Where the hell were you? You were supposed to meet me at the bridge an hour ago!" The kunoichi stated. "We're going to be late!"

The boy stood up. "Sorry… I didn't intend to fall asleep, let alone for several hours." He said as he stretched. "I must have been more tired than I thought."

Sakura shook her head in disapproval. "I've told you a hundred times that you are overdoing it." She reminded her teammate. "But since clearly you won't listen, I won't waste my breath anymore… Come on we are going to be late." The pink haired girl stated before she turned around and started to walk way.

A sigh escaped the Jinchuuriki as he begun to follow his teammate. "I already said I'm sorry…" The boy commented in defeat.

The two members of Team Seven walked silently for a couple of minutes. By the time they left the training ground, most of the kunoichi's anger had already dissipated. "You need to take better care of your body, Naruto." She stated. "Training all day and only stopping to eat ten bowls of ramen is not healthy."

Before he could catch himself, the blond rolled his eyes. "You have been in Medic Nin training for what? A month now? And since then all you've been doing is lecturing me on everything I do…" The boy complained. "And for the record, I only ate ten bowls because Chouji dared me that he could finish his faster…"

A glare was the sole responds that the blonde's word earned from his teammate.

The pair of genin continued in silence for a couple more minutes before the kunoichi spoke again. "Have you… Have you gotten any word from Sasuke again?" She asked almost timidly.

About three weeks prior, when Naruto had summoned Gamaken for training, the blond was surprised to find that the toad carry a letter from Sasuke addressed to him and Sakura. The letter was actually quite short, he was doing alright health-wise, and they were somewhere near Hidden Waterfall going towards the border with Earth Country.

The rest of the letter was composed of Sasuke ranting about the fact that, aside from some basic drills, he had yet to see any kind of real training. The raven haired boy complained that Jiraiya spent most of the previous two months hopping from brothels to cabaret bars to casinos as they made their way toward Earth Country, which led to the Uchiha spending several nights sitting by the door of such establishments as he waited for his new teacher to be done, or at the very least get kicked out. The fact they were in the middle of rain season did not help the boy's situation at all.

In their respond back, Sakura had given a detailed account of everything that had happened in the village and with all of their friends during the last two months, which was ultimately rebuilding and training respectively. As for the blonde's contribution to the letter, Naruto simply added and entire page, front and back, in which he laughed at Sasuke's predicament and, despite Sakura's disapproval, refused to change it.

"No, sorry, there wasn't a letter this time either." The Jinchuuriki answered, receiving a sigh of disappointment from his teammate. "But if you wanted to, I could ask Gamaken to pass another letter along to him next time." The spiky haired boy offered.

Sakura gave a long thoughtful look. "Yeah… Maybe…" She said quietly.

As the two continued on their way towards the Hokage's office, Naruto's thoughts drifted back to the last couple of months.

Lee and Neji fully recovered from their surgery and wounds respectively, and for the first time since they were put on the same team, the Hyuuga went along with Lee's insane training regimen in order to make up for lost time.

Soon after returning to their village, the Sand siblings had apparently been promoted to chunin rank. After their peacekeeping mission, Gaara had actually kept in touch. An uncanny friendship of some sorts had sprouted between the two Jinchuuriki and, while they were still awkward with each other, they had exchanged a couple of letters back and forth since.

Sakura herself had decided to start training to become a medic nin, not wanting to stand helplessly at the side while her teammates endangered their lives anymore. Despite the Haruno's protest of embarrassment, Naruto had actually helped her by talking with Tsunade and convincing the legendary medic to take her as a student, though Shizune would be in charge of teaching the younger girl the basics before she was ready to train with the Hokage.

And then there was Kakashi. To say that their relationship was still strained at best would be like saying Kiba had a passing fondness for dogs. Despite the jounin's apology on the way back from the Valley of the End and the repeat when the blond got out of the hospital, the two Sharingan users were still uneasy in the presence of the other. Sakura tried to help by excusing herself from one of their missions, forcing the two to escort a caravan of merchants to the edge of Fire Country together. The mending process was slow, and at some point felt painful, but at least things seemed to be getting better.

Kakashi had even offered to teach Naruto the Chidori and seemed genuinely sadden to learn that his spiky haired student was not adept to use Lightning chakra and thus would not be able to learn his signature technique. Though, on the other hand, the Hatake was quite impressed that the genin had been able to modify the Chidori into a Fire release jutsu. They even joked a bit about Naruto teaching his teacher the Houyoku one of this days.

As for himself, Naruto had dedicated almost all of his free time to training. After the Chidori debacle, Kakashi had taken to train the blond in advanced chakra manipulation instead, an endeavor that would soon show fruit as Naruto learned how to use Blaze release with the Amaterasu flames, letting the boy more control over the extremely potent, but dangerous, technique.

Unfortunately, the Jinchuuriki's success with his training did not include tapping into the chakra he had taken from Kyuubi. Whatever the fox did to him during to transform his body during the fight with Sasuke after his teammate plunged a Chidori into his chest, the blond was having problems replicating it. Just like the Bijuu itself, it seemed as if he was cut off from that as well.

"What do you think this mission is going to be?" Sakura asked as they turned onto the street of the Hokage Tower.

When Naruto and Sakura entered the Hokage's office they were surprised to find Team Gai, minus their instructor, and Shino waiting inside along with Tsunade and Shizune. "Kakashi is starting to rub off on you two. You guys are late." The village leader stated as she glared at the two genin from her desk.

The spiky haired boy rolled his eyes. "Feel free to stab me through the heart with a poisoned kunai if I start reading the Icha Icha books" Naruto stated before turning to look at the other genin. "What are you guys doing here?" The blond asked, giving his friends a curious look.

"The reason for us being here should be obvious to you, Naruto." Shino answer in his own cryptic way. "It is because we too will be participating in this mission." He added as he pushed his sunglasses back.

"Yosh! We all get to go together, isn't that exciting!" An energetic Lee exclaimed, almost jumping where he stood.

"Geez, Lee, calm down…" Tenten berated her teammate, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Tsunade cleared her throat to gain the younger ninjas' attention. "I have gather you all here because both of your teams have been assigned a mission in Demon Country together. Since Uchiha Sasuke is currently away from the village, Aburame Shino has been temporarily assigned to Team Seven." The Hokage started to explain, going through the official rundown of their assignment.

Shyly raising her hand, Sakura requested permission to speak. "Uhm… Tsunade-sama? Where are Kakashi-sensei and Gai-sensei?" The younger kunoichi asked.

"They would not be accompanying you on this mission." Tsunade said matter-of-factly. "It would just be the six of you."

The revelation took the genin by surprised. "We are going to a mission to another country without our jounin instructors?" Tenten said, still not believing what she was hearing.

A small laugh escaped Shizune. "Usually, this type of task would be considered too much for kids, but you have to agree that you are a very peculiar group of young shinobi. I'm sure you will be alright on your own." The medic nin stated with a smile.

"If I could continue…" Tsunade cut in. "I am assigning the leadership of this mission to Hyuuga Neji, who is henceforth promoted to the rank of chunin." She stated.

"What?!" Neji blurted out in surprise before he could help himself.

Next to the Hyuuga, Lee's eyes widened in wonderment as if he had been the one promoted, Shino pushed his sunglass back again, while Naruto coughed to the side. "Coughbullshitcough."

Tsunade took a few second to glare at the younger blond before continuing. "You are to provide protection service while you are there. This mission is expected to last almost two months."

A collective groan escaped some of the younger shinobi in the room. "Bodyguard duty?" Naruto complained.

"A month… This will definitely affect my training…" Neji muttered.

Shino simply pushed back his glasses, though his finger lingered on the root of his nose just a second longer than usual.

"Oh? You are not satisfied with a mission like this?" Tsunade asked in a mocking tone. "Then I guess I would have to look for another group of teenagers that would like to be Fujikaze Yukie's bodyguards."

"What?!" All six teens shouted in unison this time, including Shino.

The Hokage and her assistant were slightly taken back by the sudden outburst from the younger ninjas.

Among the teens, Tenten was the first to partially recover from shock. "You… You mean that Fujikaze Yukie…? The Adventures of Princess Fuun's Fujikaze Yukie…? One of the biggest female actors around is asking us to act as her bodyguards?!" The young kunoichi asked while still in her bewildered state.

Leaning back on her chair, Tsunade smirked knowingly. "The very same…" She answered. "Apparently her studio is about the begin filming her next movie and have reached out to us for help with security, but, I like I said, if the prospect of bodyguard dutydoes not appeal to you, I'm sure I can find another set of young shinobi more than willing to undertake this mission."

Shizune could not help but laugh as the kids stumbled over each other trying to take back every complaint they had made. "I think that they are in, Shishou." She commented.

"Very well…" The blond woman started again as she begun arranging the necessary paperwork. "You will be setting out in three days. This contract is for seven weeks, so make sure you make all the preparations required." The village leader explained.

"Excuse me, Hokage-sama… I have an inquiry…" Shino's sullen voice cut in.

Immediately, Naruto turned to glare at his former classmate. "Shino, I swear to god, if you ruin this for me…" The spiky haired boy threatened, but was aptly ignored by the Aburame.

"While I do understand that a famous celebrity like Fujikaze Yukie requires professionals to see to her safety, it does appear abnormal to me that two ninja teams are being deploy on this mission." Shino revealed as he fixed his sunglasses in place.

Tsunaded regarded the brunette boy for a few seconds. "That is actually a good point…" The blond finally stated. "I'm sending six of you because the High Priestess of the Demon Country seems to be a big fan of Fujikaze as well. It seems that the priestess stubbornly decided she wanted to attend the filming, so her safety will be among your duties."

At those words, Naruto, Neji, and Shino instantly glanced at each other. The faintest shred of fear crept up on the young men. The spiky haired boy's eyes moved towards his boss. "Meaning…?" He hesitantly questioned.

"Meaning that I will separate your squad in two, one will be tasked with keeping Princess Fuun safe, while the other will be in charge of looking out after Demon Country's little priestess." Watching her subordinate tense out brought an almost perverse smile to the Hokage's face. "But do not worry… The teams have been selected at random…" She said as she handed them their deployment orders.

"At random my ass…" Naruto gritted to his teeth for the umpteenth time in the last ten days as he glared at Neji and Shino from across the field and through all the set lights and cameras scattered around. The two boys and the two girls in their team were standing just a few feet away from where Fujikaze Yukie was sitting as her assistant applied her makeup.

A soft pad on the Jinchuuriki's back took him out of his train of thought. "Oh, don't be sour, Naruto-kun." Lee said with a big smile on his face. "Protecting a High Priestess is just as noble and youthful as guardian a famous movie star… Perhaps even more so!" He cheerfully pointed out.

The blond simply stared at his friend for a couple of seconds. "Lee, we've been over this. There is nothing you can say that can help me right now, because your words do not get me any closer to Princess Fuun." He said. "In fact, my problem is not that I'm not in Yukie's group, or that Neji and Shino are. My problem is that I'm stuck with her for the next month and some change!" The Sharingan user exclaimed.

In all true, according to Sakura, being Yukie's bodyguard was not all that it was crack up to be. Apparently the celebrity was the personification of snobbish. Demeaning and insulting everyone around her from her assistant, to her manager, her producer, and even the shinobi assigned to keep her safe. Whatever fantasy the Haruno had about the movie star was shattered within the first few minutes of meeting her in person when Princess Fuun revealed herself to be a genuine B-I-T-C-H.

However, as far as Naruto was concerned, as unpleasant as Fujikaze Yukie may have turned out to be, when it came to spitefulness she was trumped by the Demon Country priestess, Shion.

Not only was Shion as every bit of arrogant and demanding as Yukie, but the girl seemed to have a personal grudge against the spiky haired Leaf nin. During the entire week, the priestess had spent their time together glaring at him, insulting him at every turn, and complaining about his mere presence at her side.

The priestess' attendant, Taruho, had told Naruto and Lee that Shion could be a little difficult to work with, but even he was taken aback by her treatment of the blond genin and her unwarranted hatred of him. It was as if the Uzumaki's every breath offended the blond girl and the very sight of him anger her to the very core, so in turn she would do the outmost possible to make her protector's life a living hell while in this mission.

For starters, Shion refused to use Naruto's name. Coming out of her, it was always YouWhiskersUrchin hair, or, Naruto's personal favorite, Bastard with a stupid face. She would also ignore every precaution she was given if it came from the blond boy, and she would go on a full blown rant if they so much as brush shoulders by accident.

Yet, despite all that, the Sharingan users soon noticed that every time he left her line of sight for whatever reason, she would soon start searching for him frantically, just to insult him yet again the moment she found him.

"There you are!" A shrill voice caught the blonde's attention right before Shion came stomping towards him and Lee. "I've been looking everywhere for you two! I'm thirsty, so go and find me a soda!" She ordered.

Naruto could feel the veins in his forehead throbbing. "Sure, as soon as I become the Water Daimyo I'll get right on it." The genin said without looking at his charge.

Violet colored eyes glared at the other blond. "Argh! You Leaf ninjas are the worst attendants I've ever had!" The young woman complained as she stomped the ground.

"For the last time, we are not your servants!" Naruto responded loudly. A small crowd from the production staff had already stopped working in order to look at the pair of blondes. "We were hired to simply make sure you don't get yourself killed, so unless this soda is going to prevent you from dying from thirst, I honestly do not care!"

By the look in Shion's face, any newcomer would thing that the spiky haired nin had physically struck her. The priestess stood there in stunned silence for several seconds and Naruto was actually staring to worry that she was about to cry. Then suddenly, in a surprisingly feat of speed by a civilian, the girl drove one of her feet down onto one of the boy's, putting all of her weight on top up it.

"Argh!" Naruto cried out at the sudden attack as he jerked back. "What the hell are you…?" The Sharigan user begun to say, but the priestess was already running away from the scene as fast as her feet could take her.

"You need to be more delicate with girls, Naruto-kun." Lee offered as he padded him in the back again.

The brunette's words earned another glare from his blond teammate. "I'm not going to make it a month, Lee…" Naruto revealed in defeat. "Tell me, do you think you can take me on?" He asked.

Lee cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean, Naruto-kun? Do you want to spar?"

The blond shook his head. "No, is not about that… I'm asking because I'll be counting on you to stop me if I end up trying to kill her myself…" Naruto said before sighing and setting out to find his charge and make sure she did not get herself hurt in her recklessness.

By the time the girl finally stopped, she was already breathing heavily. "That jerk…! That stupid… Stupid… Jerk!" She screamed as he kicked one of the metal legs of a tower that held up one of the set's props.

Usually, Shion never let anything bother her so much. Despite her young age, she had already witnessed far more death than a typical shinobi. Thanks to her gift and curse, the priestess had already seen more people die that she dared to count. Her visions have shown her a lot of the horrors in the world and numbed her to the woes of human bereavement. She thought there was nothing left for her to see that would faze her; that is until she met the young Leaf ninja, Uzumaki Naruto.

Over the years, Shion had grown used to you her visions. She would see the death of someone in her close proximity, and then sooner rather than later that person would die in real life. With the blond shinobi it have been different though. The vision of his death had come to her while she was sleeping and, unlike the one-off vision she had known until then, she had seen it every night since. For the past four months, she had seen Uzumaki Naruto die saving her.

The girl had been ready to write the vision off as a recurring nightmare brought about on her after all the dead she had already witnessed. However, her plans were shattered the day she arrive at the filming site and was introduced to her security detail. To say that she took meeting Naruto badly would be a huge understatement.

After learning to disassociate herself from the people she saw dying in her vision, she was now looking at someone who she had seeing die almost a over a hundred times, and knowing that there was a ticking clock winding down on him was too much for the priestess. "It doesn't help that he's such a jerk… Angry because he doesn't get to protect that stupid Yukie…" Shion muttered to herself before kicking the metal pipe again.

The entire metallic and wooden structure started to groan. Shion took an uneasy step back as she looked up in worry. The metallic construction seemed to slowly sway side to side before it suddenly started to lean forward, its shadow completely covering the young priestess as the tower collapse on its support and came thundering down on the girl.

Shion did not scream. After all that she had seen, she was not sure if you remember how. As the heaps of metal and wood came down on her, she simply did the only thing she could down. Crouch down, put her arms over her head, and wait for the worse.

Pain never came, not that she was expecting any. Half way through it, Shion realized that this was it, this was her vision of Naruto's death, and she already knew the outcome.

"Are you alright…?!" The words confirmed the girl's suspicions. However, when she opened her violet eyes, the immediately widened in surprise.

Instead of the blond standing over her holding the rubble back, she found a large skeletal-looking arm glowing with dark blue chakra, and Naruto standing a few feet away, safe and sound inside an equally blue ribcage from which the arm originated.

With one fell swoop, the skeleton heaved all the debris away and disappeared. "Geez can you go fifteen minutes without causing trouble?" Naruto asked as he walked towards her. "Are you hurt?" He asked.

Shion stood in her place almost petrified. Her eyes fixed on the young shinobi.

The young man gave the girl a confused look. "What wrong? Are you alright?" He asked again and reached out to the priestess shoulder with one of his hands.

Suddenly, Shion felt a sense of panic overwhelm her, she could feel tears welling up in her eyes and before the girl knew what she was doing, she pushed the other blond back as hard as she could before turning around and bolting away again, leaving a dumbfound Naruto in her wake.

"He… He's alive…! He's alive…! The vision was wrong!" The girl continued to repeat in her mind as tears ran down her cheeks. "He survived…! The vision didn't come true…! He…" Her train of thought came to a screeching halt when the priestess felt a familiar sensation envelop her.

Naruto struggled to stand in a snow covered field. There was a weird metallic brace wrapped around his body that seemed to cause him a great deal of pain. "Get out of here… Now…!" He barked as blood spat out of his mouth. "The others are waiting… They'll get you to safety…" He said as he took an uneasy step forward.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake a pair of long, dark figures sprouted out of the snow and started coiling in the air as a roaring sound echoed on the field.

"Quickly, go…! He's coming!" Naruto shouted as the end of the two serpentine figures took the shape of dragon heads. "Run! Koyuki!" The boy exclaimed before the twin dragons set their sights on him.

Shion screamed. She did not know what she was saying, but the priestess shouted as loud as her lungs would let her just as a pair of jaws came down on the blond ninja.

Her vision ended just as sudden as it started and Shion was left standing in the middle of the outdoor filming set as the world seemed to be spinning around her. That last thing the young girl was able to register was the spiky haired boy rushing in her direction and a last tear fell down her cheek just before her entire world was swallowed in darkness.

Kisame – So… We are doing the movies?

Itachi – Yes. The first movie and the first Shipuuden movie are Phoenixsun's favorite, so he wanted to adapt them here.

Kisame – Huh…? By the way, you wouldn't happen to have copies of those movies lying around, would you?

Itachi – Why…?

Shikamaru – Other than Road to Ninja where you appear, you haven't seen any of the Naruto movies, have you?

Kisame – What? No…! Of course I have seen them!

Itachi – Ok. Name two.

Kisame – Well… Uhm… There is… There is the one with the two Digimon fuse… And… And the one where the ice captain is frame for treason…

Itachi – …

Shikamaru – 

Kisame – Shut up! *Runs away*

Shikamaru – He's too easy, isn't he?

Itachi – Half the time, you are just playing against yourself…

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