

Suit: Check.

Cuffs: Check.

Gadgets: Check.

Girl: Check.

Izuku examined himself in the suit that had been provided for him by the dungeon. This challenge was an interesting one, taking place inside of a spy novel, with a limit on the number of people that could enter. In the end he decided that Itsuka would be the best for a spy novel. Mostly because the challenge required no quirks, which gave Itsuka with her raw strength and fighting abilities an advantage.

The suit he was wearing fit well, more than well, it was amazing how many layers of clothing he had on and how nimble he felt in it. Every part of the suit felt like it was tailored to his build and brought out the best in him. He felt good in it, sharp, clean, mature, handsome. It was like putting on this suit had erased years of being an awkward teenager and pretty much a major loser.

[Achievement Unlocked: Dressed for success

Congratulations, you figured out that a suit is a woman's greatest weakness, cause daym.

Reward: the fucking suit.]

[Skin Unlocked: Suit of Desire

If skin stays on for more than six hours find nearest female]

[Izuku Midoriya: Thanks, now I have to guess if my own quirk is attracted to me.

Sys-admin: You're going to keep guessing, because honestly I have no idea either. But, by the way, Itsuka is looking fine.]

Itsuka's reflection appeared in the mirror and he found himself agreeing with Menu greatly. He turned to look at her, the black dress she had on was worn with confidence, and highlighted her beauty to the maximum. Much of her neck line was revealed as well as her upper arms with only a pair of black straps holding the dress up over her shoulders, a see-through mesh covered her cleavage, and a slit in the flowing skirt revealed one of her strong powerful legs from the thigh down, gold trim in the shape of a dragon hugged her hips providing just the slightest bit of color.

But the real charmer was Itsuka's hair. It wasn't just free from her normal ponytail, that would be how she normally slept with a wild mess of orange hair that spread out everywhere, no, right now her hair was done. Soft orange curves fell down her back resting equally on each shoulder for a brief moment.

Right now, her beauty felt unmatched.

"Hey," Itsuka gave a small smile and pushed back at some of her hair with a small lip bite. "You look really good in that Izuku."

Well apparently the suit didn't completely get rid of his awkwardness, even around his girlfriend.

[Itsuka Kendo has inflicted you with awkwardness! Say something clever to remove it!]

Izuku took a breath and stepped forward and grabbed Itsuka's bare hand. "You look amazing as well." He kissed her hand and smiled.

[... +5 suaveness.]

"Guh, seriously dude?" Itsuka placed her palm to her forehead and rubbed laughing at him. "I know how cheesy that was, but it still makes me stupid happy to hear that you know."

"I know, that's why I said it, but hey, apparently this suit is now a skin for me so I'll be sure to wear it more often." Izuku adjusted his cuffs one last time before smoothing the suit out.

Itsuka grabbed his tie, she took a step in close and was all but pressing her body against his, her teal eyes focused on his neck. "Well, I hope it doesn't come with the sloppy tie, because I've never seen you with one actually right. Then again, around the other's I doubt you'd be wearing this all too long anyways."

"Tha-" he was cut off by Itsuka pulling the tie a bit too tight, only for her fingers to brush against his neck and loosen it the slightest bit. "Thank you."

"No problem, even if this is in the middle of a dungeon, I still want you to look good." She gave him the slightest kiss on his cheek and winked at him. "Now, let's hit the party and try to discover the truth."

Izuku nodded and followed Itsuka—taking a moment to glance at her exposed back— out of the prep room and into the much larger party.

They paused at the threshold, the dungeon giving each of them a mask. Itsuka's mask was a simple, black cloth wrapped around her eyes with holes for her to see out of. Now she looked just as bad ass as she was beautiful. "Well, good luck."

Izuku nodded and tapped on his own mask, it was harder, and he really didn't even know what it could be, but if Itsuka didn't say anything it probably was important. Though it did have a peak over his nose.

They entered the party fully and were greeted by a lavish sight that could only belong in some trippy film or video game, though all of the characters in here were wearing suits, dresses and other formal wear, none of them were human. The bodies were human shaped, but the heads were anything but, a dragon served at the bar, a rhino played pool with an orc, and a cat with cream colored fur strutted on by in a red dress with a plunging neckline.

Itsuka elbowed him in the side. "Hey, no looking."

"Relax, you're my favorite cat girl." Izuku gave her a wink and nodded towards the party. "Alright, we just need to find out who has the word without getting caught."

"Shouldn't be too hard." Itsuka gave a stretch and headed out into the party.


Why did it feel like she got stuck with the worst one?

Momo held up the torch, pushing some of the thick vines out of the way as her and Shoko had been given the classical adventure challenge. Already it felt like they had fought their way through miles of orc infested countryside and now, to find the creature that held the word they were looking for, they had delved deep into the catacombs of some ancient civilization. And a lot of the fights weren't exactly easy.

The clunky clerical fantasy armor that she had been dressed in made it difficult to produce items rapidly enough and even her favorite fear gas just billowed up inside.

On the plus side she had discovered that hitting things with a blunt object was rather enjoyable.

Shoko on the other hand, had no such problems with her quirk or her outfit. Where Momo had heavy decorative cloth layered on top of heavy protective armor Shoko's was, well honestly Momo thought it was painted on at first. There was just so little there and what was there barely covered anything, the fox-eared girl's surprisingly toned stomach was on full display as were great expanses of her cleavage as the thin material of the robe pushed Shoko's full breasts up and out.

Honestly, there was more fabric in Shoko's hat than there was in the rest of her robe.

It really did feel like one of those images where people compared female armor in video games compared realistic armor.

"Hey, Momo," Shoko muttered, holding a shining blue flame in her hand. "Is now a bad time to talk?"

"In the middle of a dungeon where undead or other evil creatures would come to us if they hear us, I don't see why not."

Was that too harsh? She didn't mean to sound quite so bitchy with it.

"Oh, okay, good."

Right, Shoko—while rather smart—had no idea what sarcasm was. It was cute, in a way. And was rather satisfying watching her chase Menu around for clarifications because apparently Izuku's quirk was a master at sarcasm.

"So, I've been wondering for a while," Shoko turned around the corner and effortlessly blasted at a skeleton in the head with a chunk of ice. Which was good because it was one of those moving skeletons. "Am I in the way?"

"What? You just destroyed that skeleton no problem, and you've been doing a lot of the heavy lifting, you're doing great in this challenge." A lot better than Momo was. Why did so many of them have to require no quirks? She didn't get it, what was the point of it? Menu didn't know. "What brought this about?"

"Oh, I didn't mean in here, I meant, in terms of the relationship."


That was a much deeper topic than Momo was prepared for. "Are you referring to how compared to the rest of us you're still rather recent?"

Shoko nodded and effortlessly fireballed a giant bat out of the air with the flick of her finger. "Yeah, compared to you, Itsuka, and Nejire, I've barely known Izuku before joining his party and becoming a lover. I just feel like I'm more distant than you and the others. I can tell that the way you look at Izuku and Itsuka is different from how you look at me."

Shoko's ability to have this conversation while fighting off undead and other enemies was rather impressive.

"I'm sorry about that Shoko, I really am. I don't really mean to treat you and Nejire any differently, but I fell in love with Itsuka and Izuku first. Pretty much at the same time. It was a very confusing time for me and was made even worse when Izuku and Itsuka started dating first. So when I was finally able to be in a relationship with both of them, I was really happy. But then Nejire kissed Izuku and said that she was going to be in the relationship too, I was confused, and kind of angry at Nejire."

Momo gave a battle cry and shoved her mace into the skull of a skeleton that got to close and proceeded to beat it to nothing but dust. That felt so good. "But, I eventually learned to accept her feelings as well, and she had been our friend for a long time too, and even stole Izuku's first kiss. So, we were happy that all four of us could be happy."

"I like what she does with her hands and quirk." Shoko casually summoned a lightning bolt and completely shattered a giant suit of animated armor.

"Yeah, that helps." Momo felt herself blushing, as the first time she had submitted to Nejire's touch she had practically been a puddle for over an hour in a sleepless state of pure exhaustion. "But don't worry Shoko!"

Momo blocked an attack, and countered by throwing her mace into the hollow skull of a massive skeleton. It exploded with holy energy and she conjured another mace beneath her robe and attached it with a chain to her arm.

The ground of the temple rumbled, the walls and floor falling away as the boss arena appeared. A gigantic skeleton began to form made up of rubble, magic, and bones, it's head taking on the shape of a dragon. Only much fowler.

Surrounded by the hordes of undead Momo couldn't help but smile as she grabbed onto Shoko's waist and smiled at the shorter girl for just a moment. "We all worked hard for your happiness, and we're not going to stop until you feel loved."

She kissed Shoko, hard, fast, and with just a hint of blood. Leaving the girl in a daze that nearly lasted too long, and then, Shoko really started to let her quirk fly.

Momo just hoped the others were having an easier time than they were.



"Pew Pew!"



"Blocking noise!"



Nejire laughed, having the hardest time sitting still in the seat she was strapped to. Her hands and legs were firmly planted onto the controls of her dungeon challenge, she glanced around at the screen, another enemy robot guy — apparently they were called mechs? — appeared from her left side.

She slammed onto the foot pedals, her hands guiding the arms of her own mech to the side as she aimed her laser canon at them and fired it.


"Ms. Hado!" The grumpy sounding old man that had told her her mission — blow up some super big thingy — appeared on one of her little screen thingies. "You do not need to make noises like that! Especially—"

"Zoom!" Nejire cheered as she dodged around another one of the mechs, effortlessly guiding her really cool laser sword right through it. "Zwish!"

"Ms. Hado! Would you please stop cluttering up the comms with your—" The annoying head guy was replaced by a warning sign as the inside of her robot turned all red, kind of like the pretty red of Shoko's hair.

Nejire spun her mech around and saw the gigantic robot thing that she was supposed to beat up with her much smaller robot thing. "This is going to be a lot of fun! The big ones are always super duper tricky!"

She made the go fast meter go all the way to the maximum as she charged right for it, her gun going pew pew all on it's own as she kept going faster. More and more of the other little mechs appeared trying to stop her but she managed to cut through them with her laser sword. Was this what a video game was? It felt so much fun!

She needed to get Itsuka to show her a game like this!

Flying was her favorite thing! Well favorite thing that wasn't sex, and all of her other favorite things, but right now it was really really fun! It was almost funner than when she flew on her own. Actually she really didn't know.

"Ms. Hado! You're running out of—"

She ignored the grumpy face again and started to attack the giant robot, shooting at the red glowing weak spots that her screens said to hit, while dodging all the other mechs that were coming her way.

Then, for no reason, her mech stopped.

The lights went dark, leaving her only with the outside view of her mech.

"Huh?" Nejire shook the controls but found no matter what she did the mech wouldn't move anymore. "What's wrong mecha-Nejire? Why won't you move?"

" !" The grumpy voice called her but his head wasn't there. "You ran out of power! Wait for—"

"Power?" Nejire tilted her head and then smiled.

She saw a massive hand coming towards her mech. It made contact, the red lights turned back on and she could hear her mech creaking under the pressure.

"Right!" Nejire grabbed onto her controls and smiled. "If it's power it wants! Then I got lots and lots of that!"

She used her quirk, pushing it out of her hands and into the mech itself. The lights all flashed, the bars began to fill, and then they broke! The colors spilling out and surrounding her as her mech began to change. It was growing smaller, more compact, closer, faster, stronger, more powerful.

[Skin Unlocked! Mecha-Nejire!

Just who the hell do you think I am]

Was that a reference or something?

Nejire felt her mech close in around her, forming a suit, and still getting closer! She was super charged now. She charged her entire body up with her quirk and let out a massive blast that knocked the robot's hand away.

"Spiral Energy at 100000%!" A cheerful voice in her head said. "Go for it Nejire! Our hopes and dreams are with you!"

"Okay!" Nejire shouted, her voice sounding like a super cute robot's! She clutched her hands and found that they were part of the mechs. Awesome! She was a robot! That was neat! Charging her quirk up again she flew towards the giant robot, aiming right for it's head.

She blasted past the other — now much bigger — mechs and slammed into the giant robots head, going right through it and taking out it's robot brain with one super blast of her quirk!

"Transmission received: Will."

Will. Okay. That was the super important word that she needed to remember. Oh. Wait. She could just tell Menu!


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