

Chapter XVIII: Revelations.

Last Time.

Fawcett City; September 30, 15:00 CDT.

Kage walked up to the Batson's residence before knocking. After a moment, he saw Billy's Uncle Dudley answer the door. "You here for Billy? He already left to the Watchtower." Naruto shook his head before answering.

"No, I'm here for Mary." Dudley blinked before allowing him inside the apartment.

"Mary! Company!"

Mary walked out and gasped before dashing over to Naruto. "Oh my gosh, you're Kage! I'm your biggest fan! Can I have your autograph? Oh, this is awesome I never get to see Billy's friends."

Naruto smiled before pulling out a digital camera. "I just met your brother outside of meetings a few days ago. How about a picture?" Dudley took a picture of a smiling Mary standing beside Naruto who had his hand on her shoulder.

"I was wondering if you would like to join my Team Mary. I want another powerhouse for the Team for when my daughter and Superboy are on a mission, and not with the Team." Naruto explained leaning against the wall as Mary smiled.


Mount Justice October 1, 18:13 EDT.

Naruto, without his coat, wearing his vest, along with Captain Marvel, and Zatara were watching Kaldur, and Robin spar before hearing whispering. Looking over to the Zeta-Tube, he saw Conner and Donna talking as they held hands making him grunt, and cross his arms.

"Calm down Naruto."

He looked to see Diana wearing black jeans, and a red shirt smiling at him. "She's old enough to da-" He cut her off as he uncrossed his arms.

"She's barely a year old Diana..." She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm sure we'll have another that'll grow up normally but you have to accept she's sixteen."

He huffed and was about to speak up until Diana silenced him with a kiss before breaking it. "By the way Diana... I have an extra room on the top floor of the building. I want you, and Donna to get one of them." He said after breaking the kiss.

"Well... I'm sure I'll take one." She said before looking at her daughter. "But I'm sure Donna wants to stay here with M'gann, and Conner. I know M'gann doesn't want to leave the cave... At least until Conner finds a place. Unless you'll be willing to give him one."

He sighed before answering. "He can have one in the basement of the building."

She sighed before smiling at him.

"Recognized: Batman, 02."

Naruto turned to see Batman walk over to the middle of the room bringing a news feed with Cat Grant of plants attacking Metropolis with Superman helping save people with three other heroes.

The first is an African American male with a slender build and short black hair and he's not wearing a mask to conceal his identity.

His costume is mostly black, except for green parts on his wrists and his shoulders and upper chest. He also has a Green Lantern symbol on his chest. (1.)

This is John Stewart AKA, Green Lantern, one of the three Green Lanterns for Earth.

The next is also a man wielding a large spiked mace whose most distinguishing features are the giant wings on his back and his heavy armor. He's wearing a black cuirass with a hawk logo in a red circle in the middle. His belt, spaulders, greaves, and gauntlets are golden. He also dons a golden helmet with a beak-shaped front and outstanding wings on top.

This is Hawkman.

The other is a woman also wielding a large spiked mace. And like the man, her most distinguishing features are the giant wings on her back. She's wearing a golden breastplate, leaving the top of her torso bare, and a black skirt with dark red plating.

Her arms are wrapped in black and dark red cloth, with extra padding around the shoulders and knee-high greaves. Her helmet is shaped like a hawk featuring two brown wings facing outward allowing her red hair to flow out the back.

This is Hawkwoman.

Diana noticed Naruto staring at the news feed before elbowing him. "You know she's married right?"

"Yes... It's not that. I'm not that kind of guy. I have just been getting Déjà Vu whenever I'm put on a mission with her is all." Naruto replied as Batman started explaining the plants are likely on Kobra-Venom as the Team talked about the missions dealing with it as Batman brought up a hologram of the plant showing Kobra Venom in its veins.

Robin brought up a keyboard before bringing up other attacks in Gotham, Paris France, Star City, and Taipei. "Think this has to do with that group we've been encountering?" Naruto asked before the screens went blank.

"Ladies, and gentlemen... We interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem. To bring you this important announcement."

They saw the Joker holding a switchblade before moving the camera to show Ultra-Humanite and five other people with one a female.

The woman has long red hair, green eyes a pale green skin tone with vines over her shoulders, and her face. She's wearing a green outfit that resembles a one-piece bathing suit with a tear along her thighs, shoulder-length gloves, and thigh-high boots.

This is Poison Ivy, real name Pamela Isley. A villain of Batman

The next male appears to be very dehydrated to be nothing but skin and bones. He's wearing a dark yellowish-green costume without any mark of distinction. He has a set of vertically positioned tubes in his midriff. He also has a dark green helmet and goggles.

This is Atomic Skull.

The next is a muscular black-eyed male with short black hair that's slicked back. He also has pointed ears. He's wearing a skintight black uniform with yellow boots, a sash, and a golden lightning bolt insignia on his chest.

This is Black Adam.

The next is a Caucasian male with blue eyes, white hair that's slicked back, and a widow's peak hairline. He's wearing a lime blazer on top of a brown waistcoat and a dark green ascot with a golden broche. He also has a dark green cape and matching pants and gloves.

This is Count Vertigo.

The last male has light blue skin and red eyes with black sclera. His hair is black, with a devil-horned hairstyle, and a pointy black beard. His clothes are pure red-colored, and he's wearing a black cape with gold accents.

This is Wotan.

Artemis walked up and noticed Naruto staring at the woman before stomping on his left foot. "Ow! What was that for?!"

She huffed and crossed her arms. "You were drooling over her."

Naruto groaned as he stopped hopping, and put his foot down. "Not my fault I'm attracted to red-heads... Blame my father. Besides she's like my Catwoman to Batman. We never go past flirting."

"…from The In-Justice League..." Joker finished with a chuckle as Vertigo spoke up after him.

"We are responsible for the attacks on your Cities... If you wish to save them a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required... Delivery and Instructions have been delivered to the U.N... There is no time limit. But the longer you wait.."

The camera panned back to Joker again. "The more we get to have our... Jollies Ha-ha-ha." He finished with a crazed laugh before the screen went blank as Batman puts a hand to his cowl.

"Roger that Aquaman. We'll prepare the ransom as a fallback. But it won't come to that." He said as Naruto brought up a keyboard, and rewind to the group.

"Ultra-Humanite, Black Adam, Count Vertigo, Poison Ivy, Wotan, Atomic Skull, and the Joker. I don't think they're the group behind the past deeds we've dealt with. They're probably a front. But they're dangerous nonetheless." Naruto finished as Batman spoke up.

"The League will handle the plants. I have another mission for you."

"Oh, man," Wally whined as Stephanie punched him in the shoulder as Naruto spoke up.

"The... In-Justice League must be operating from a base somewhere. Your mission is to find it, and destroy it."

Zatara's eyes widened at that. "Are you sure they're ready?" Naruto deadpanned over to him before speaking up.

"Yes, I've trained them, and besides I was... Eleven technically when I help the others stop the Appellaxians. They are ready to take them." (2.) Naruto said before realizing something. "Oh since Black Adam is Captain Marvel's arch-foe, I brought some help. His protege... Mary." Naruto finished as the tunnel lights up.

"Recognized: Mary Marvel, B10."

Everyone saw a Caucasian teen girl with long black hair pulled into a ponytail wearing an outfit similar to Captain Marvel with a black shirt underneath her red one, and a skirt over black shorts. "Hi." She said with a wave before jogging over, smiling at Captain Marvel's face who looked ticked.

"Naruto, I'm not sure..." Naruto raised a hand silencing Captain Marvel.

"Don't worry Marvel... I didn't rush into this... I thought we could use another heavy hitter on the team especially whenever the League's arch enemies come out of hiding." Naruto said putting on his coat and his quiver with his bow hooked on.

"I'll trust your judgment on this Naruto," Zatara said as Naruto looked at him.

"And I'll trust you to find Wotan since he'll probably be with the others at their hideouts," Naruto replied as Mary excitedly talked to the other girls.

Naruto brought up a hologram of the World as Zatara spoke a spell. A red dot came up in Louisiana. "The Louisiana Bayous makes since they would be in the South. More woodlands to hide a big plant."

"OK, Team get suited up and head out. Starfire won't be going because I have something for her to do." Naruto said before kissing Artemis as Wally sped to get dressed. Naruto gave a quick kiss to M'gann just as Kid Flash sped back in fixing his goggles.

Bayou Bartholomew; October 1, 18:52 CDT.

The Team and Wolf in their stealth outfits with Mary's red now black flew in the Bio-Ship over the Bayou as Kid Flash looked towards his left, and saw a duffel bag under Aqualad. "What's with the duffel?" He asked as Aqualad looked at him.

"Plan 'B'."

Suddenly Miss Martian groaned before holding her head. 'You alright?" Superboy asked as she looked at him.

"Dizzy..." Miss Martian replied as Robin, and Kid Flash looked at her.

"I didn't know Martians get airsick," Robin said before Miss Martian shook her head.

"Not me... Her." The other girls shook their heads.

"Not me."

Miss Martian shook her head again. "No... The Bio-Ship she's protecting us."

Suddenly, they felt something hit them making them fall into the swamp before seeing vines pull them under. Black Adam tore a hole in the ceiling making Miss Martian hiss. Mary flew up and punched him away before she and Wonder Girl flew after him. Water came in as the others put on rebreathers.

"No way am I nearly drowning three missions in a row." Spoiler said before handing Kid Flash a rebreather.

"Uhh... Thanks." He said before taking it.

"M'gann we need to get out of here," Superboy said as M'gann slapped her forehead, and grew gills on her neck.

"Hello, M'gann of course." She created a hole on the floor having them swim out onto the shore.

They turned around and saw the Bio-Ship go under the water. "She's in shock! She'll need time to recover." Miss Martian said before all of them fell to their knees.

They looked up to see Count Vertigo. "Vertigo..." Kid Flash said as Count Vertigo sneered.

"It's 'Count' Vertigo to you peasant."

Mary flew back from a punch by Black Adam before growling. Wonder Girl pulled out her lasso and wrapped it around him as Mary called upon lightning, and hits him in the chest.

Black Adam reached up, grabbed the lasso, and started spinning having Wonder Girl fly into Mary. "Dang it.." Mary said standing up as Adam smirked.

"Think you can take me, little girl?" Both he and Mary flew to each other and clashed fists creating a shock wave that sent Wonder Girl flying back into a tree.

Mount Justice October 1, 18:00 EDT. (3.)

A clone of Naruto stood in the field with Starfire looking up. "Friend Naruto... Why are we here?" Starfire asked as Naruto smiled.

"I have a surprise for you."

A moment later, one of the Javelins flew over to them and hovered. Starfire's eyes widened as Blackfire flew down to her out of the Javelin. "Sister!"

Starfire tackled Blackfire in a hug before dragging her in the Cave as Naruto followed with the Javelin flying off into the sky.

Paris; October 2, 01:55 CEST.

"Sorry about this Ivy," Naruto said looking at the vines covering the Eiffel Tower before going through hand signs. "Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!)"

Fire came out of Naruto's mouth in the shape of a dragon, and went on to the roots of the vines, just as Martian Manhunter and Aquaman got the people trapped in the Tower out. Suddenly, a vine hits a helicopter, and Naruto looked behind him. "Icon! Rocket! Help them!"

Icon resembles a tall African American man with short-cropped black hair. He's wearing a domino mask, a red tunic with crossed black bands and a golden ring in the center, black pants, and a large green cape. The back of his cape features a thin golden circle with a stylized 'I' in the center.

With him is an African American teenage girl with short spiky black hair. She's wearing a form-fitting blue shirt that also included a partial hood that covers her cheeks and forehead. Over this, she wearing brown coveralls, and a belt, which is red and has three blue glowing circles on it. The belt is kept in place by black straps on her thighs.

She also has black knee pads, three silver hoop earrings on her right ear, and two on her left ear. Rocket flew up as pink energy surrounds her, and grabs two men who fell out as Icon grabbed the helicopter.

With The Team.

"I hate monkeys," Superboy said before dashing to Humanite as the Team looked at the vines coming out of the ground.

Artemis reached for her bow, only to find it and her quiver missing. "I feel naked. And not in the good way."

Ivy walked up beside them and attacked as Aqualad glared. "We'll make our own luck! Like we've been trained. Maneuver 7!" He clasped his hands together as Artemis ran over having him catapult her over the vines, and kick Ivy in the face.

Over with Spoiler, she dodged a beam shot from Skull's head before dashing over and punched him in the stomach. She jumped over and dropped a small bomb that exploded in sleeping gas.


"My babies!" Ivy shouted as the giant plant exploded from Robin's, and Miss Martian's planting bombs.

Mary quickly flew over to Black Adam and punched him in the stomach creating a shock wave as he flew to Wonder Girl who had orange pigmentation around her yellow eyes. She punched him into the water having it spray up in the air as a crater was formed underneath him.

As everyone was fighting, Wotan called lightning and hits everyone on the Team before a golden light stopped him.

"Wotan you are mine."

Aqualad said in Dr. Fate's outfit. Wotan growled before attacking as Aqualad/Dr. Fate countered everything he threw.

Spoiler saw Joker pull out a switchblade, and slash at Robin before dashing over, and kicked him in the back. As Joker got up, a boot hits him in the face having him fly into a tree and causing a small dent.

"Ha! That would make Gai Sensei proud!"

Spoiler looked to see Naruto smiling with Rocket floating above him as the Justice League followed after them.

"How could you let him put the helmet on?!" Kid Flash yelled picking up a small piece of Vertigo's cape. "Nabu will never-" He stopped as Naruto walked up to Aqualad.

"Nabu, You need to realize that you need an adult body. That would be better suited for your magic." Aqualad lifted the helmet off as Batman walked over.

"We're done here. The Secret Society of Supervillains has been neutralized. And your work here..." Batman looked to the team for a moment before continuing. "Was satisfactory."

Artemis walked over to Naruto who was whispering in a blushing Miss Martian's ear and crossed her arms.


Naruto stopped his whispering and looked to her. "Yeah?"

Artemis pointed at Rocket who was standing beside Icon. "I've noticed the teammates you've picked up recently are all women.. Care to explain why?" (4.)

Naruto shrugged before replying. "I can't help it if women flock to me. Besides, you can't count Mary... She's actually ten." Miss Martian and Artemis looked to him in shock.

"Don't say anything to the others... That's hers to say... She turns sixteen when she calls upon her powers. Perfect secret identity too huh?" Naruto finished walking over to the League with the Team following.

Unknown Location.


Said a man walking to monitors showing the League fighting the vines. He is a tall, muscular male with medium-dark skin tone, strong, rugged features, broad shoulders, and square jaw. He also has three pale scars across his face, brown eyes and black long hair pulled back. He's wearing a long lapel less dark-blue coat with a red stripe on the edges. He also dons black gloves and boots.

This is Vandal Savage.

"The plant creatures have proven themselves as useful as protection. And more importantly... The so-called 'Heroes' believe our group exposed itself and has been captured. With the Injustice League acting as our proxy... We can once again to operate with impunity"

He looked back as Brain, Klarion, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Ocean Master, and Ra's walk out of the shadows and stand beside him. "And shadows can still see our Light." He finished with a smile as the monitors shut off.

To Be Continued.

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