

Chapter 3 - Parajaunel Activity

"So this is our room?" Their young leader said nervously, shuffling on her feet outside the locked door. She looked back to them for a moment, as though to ask for permission, before swiping her scroll over a plate by the door. A light flickered green, before an audible click heralded the door unlocking. "Well let's see what Room RWBY looks like!"

"Yeah!" Yang punched one fist toward the ceiling, jostling the heiress who complained loudly about the assault on her person.

"You all go on ahead," Blake said with a small smile, wincing as the three other girls turned to regard her, "I just need to make a call to a friend. I promised I'd let them know how I did before bed." She waved her scroll at them, though whether it was as some kind or proof, or to ward them off - she wasn't sure.

"You can do that in the room." Yang said, before her lilac eyes lit up. She leaned forward, one hand cupping the underside of her chin. "Ohhh, I get it. One of those friends, eh? Kinky."


"Nothing partner of mine, nothing. Come on girls," Yang said, ushering the other two inside, "let's leave our little Blakey to have some alone time with her man."

"It's not like that!" Blake's called after them.

"Her woman then, I won't judge." Her new partner laughed, closing the door.

"I like her." The man at her side said. A wide grin on his face.

"You would." Blake shook her head, walking a few metres down the corridor lest they decided to listen on the other side of the door. She wouldn't put it past Yang. "Look… Jaune was it? We really need to talk."

"Guess so." He floated up from the floor, somehow sitting upside down on the ceiling, his face now level with hers but the other way around. Blake's golden eyes crossed. "So…?"

"So... you're dead?" Okay, not the best starting point, she could admit that. But what were you supposed to say when talking to a dead teenage boy sitting upside down on the ceiling?

"Looks like it." Jaune Arc, the ghost of? Was it even the same thing anymore?

"You sound remarkably blasé about that fact. One would think you'd be a little more concerned." She had things she wanted to achieve before she died, equality to secure - hatred to change. Death was an ending, to more than just your life. It represented the lost opportunity for you to achieve anything in the world. Didn't he realise that? Or did he just not care?

"I think I should be… except that I'm already kind of dead, you know? Hard to worry about it when it's happened. It's… complicated."

"Sounds like everything with you is complicated." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Oh well, my apologies for that – but I appear to have come down with a rather sudden case of death. This isn't exactly easy for me to understand either."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me." She brushed her hair back with the same hand, slipping over her ears that remained still hidden behind her bow. She'd never been the most social person at the best of times, being partnered with a social brick wall like Adam tended to do that to you. "So, you haven't moved on or anything?"

"I've not felt anything like that," he shrugged, "the first thing I remember is you apologising for not being able to help me. And then there I was, stood next to you cradling my dead body. Whoah, now that I think about it, is it even my body when I'm dead? Wait, did we just leave it there? Oh my God - my body's probably been eaten... I've probably been eaten... What if I've been digested and I'm just a steaming pile of-"

"Focus Jaune…please." She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, face twisting as she tried to remember any of the legends about the dead she knew. They were fairly limited, since Grimm were the most common origin of tales and legends in Vale. "So… what are you going to do now?"

The question seemed to catch him off-guard, if that's what his languid descent from the ceiling meant. He righted himself mid-fall, an easy tank since gravity seemed to have no hold on him.

"I hadn't thought of anything." He admitted, one ghostly hand coming up to scratch his head. She idly noted how even as a spectre, his fingers still ruffled his locks, which moved around as they might have in life. In fact even when he was upside down his hair still fell, as though affected by gravity when his body clearly was not - how did that even work anyway? "I just planned to hang around with you, until something happened."

Uh-huh . . . really now?

"Is that the best option though?" She cocked her head to one side, looking at him from the corner of one eye. "I mean, if you are supposed to move on to somewhere then staying here doesn't sound like the best idea. You died at Beacon, maybe it's the Academy which is keeping your spirit trapped. Have you tried flying upwards?"

"You're trying to get rid of me aren't you?" The spirit deadpanned, eyes flat. Well, no one had ever accused her of being subtle.


"Won't work I'm afraid." He shrugged. "You're literally the only person who can see or hear me, you'll have to forgive me if I don't want to spend the rest of eternity trapped in my own isolation."

"I get that," she said. Honestly she could understand where he was coming from, the idea didn't sound all that good to her either… but she didn't want some random guy following her around for the rest of her life either. No matter how she looked at it, that sounded like a bad deal.

"I can't either - even if I wanted to."


"I can't leave you." A ghostly shrug. "I don't know why, but whenever I get a certain distance from you my entire body freezes up. Remember when you were knocked off that bridge by the ginger girl? Well I fell with you, and then once you started swinging I was with you again." He floated towards her, and she took a step back instinctively. "I didn't follow you Blake, you dragged me along."

"So I'm stuck with you?" And was that a migraine building behind her eyes? Certainly felt like it… come to Beacon they said, live a new life they said…

If this was what redemption felt like she'd have been better off with Adam. At least he didn't talk as much.

"Looks like it."

"This sucks…"

"You'll forgive me if I'm not very sympathetic considering I'm probably right now smeared across the forest floor as fertiliser."


"Were you this sarcastic in life?"

"I-… actually, no." He paused, seemingly uncertain - maybe even troubled. "I was pretty shy, especially around girls. I mean I always thought like this… in my own head."

That was interesting… had he left something behind when he died – changed somehow in ways he was not aware of? It was an interesting thought, though she hoped he didn't leave anything like his respect for human life or something behind. The only thing she could imagine worse than this was if he went insane and started trying to kill her or something...

And now she wasn't going to be able to sleep at night, she really needed to stop reading those kind of books.

"Maybe you're just more honest like this," she mused, "if it was your confidence that was holding you back from speaking your mind, then now that there's no consequences, maybe you're just saying what you think."

"Maybe… what's that saying – in vino veritas?"

"Perhaps in this case it would be `in mortem veritas.`"


"Anyway, you realise that when I'm with my team I can't exactly talk or even acknowledge you, they'll think I've gone insane."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll be as quiet as a mouse, as unobtrusive as a… well, a ghost."

"You're going to be an absolute pain aren't you?" She sighed, kneading her forehead with one hand. This was going to be an unmitigated disaster, she just knew it. But what was she supposed to do? He'd already said he couldn't – literally could not – leave her alone. And obviously she couldn't do anything to get rid of him… yet ... Note to self - find books on exorcism. But for now, she really was stuck with him.

"I won't!" He said in an offended voice. "Cross my heart and hope to- uhh..."

Ugh… time to face the music. She didn't respond to him, instead stomping back down the corridor before swiping her scroll over the door. Out of petty spite she made sure to slam the door in his face – only for him to float through it unperturbed.

"How'd it go?" Her partner asked once they were both inside. The other two girls were wandering around the room, arranging their belongings in one way or another. There were four beds arranged about the room, which really didn't leave much space for anything else…

"Fine." She said as she hesitantly sat down on one of the remaining beds, feeling the mattress give beneath her. It felt comfortable enough… "How's the room?"

"Pretty good." The blonde grinned, bouncing back on her own bed in a way that made her ample bosom bounce. Blake simply rolled her eyes, though she wished she could punch the boy sat beside her, who suddenly started paying more attention. "We've even got an en-suite bathroom!"

"An en-suite..." He went silent for a second. "Maybe this is heaven after all..."

"Sounds… great." Blake hesitated, a feeling of dread pooling in her stomach. She hadn't thought about that, oh bloody hell… what happened when she needed to get changed, or have a shower? Or go to the toilet!? One golden eye swivelled to the ghost next to her, narrowing as she saw his shit-eating grin.

"Room's a bit small, but we'll figure that out in the morning – I'm bushed."

"Same." Blake sighed, stretching one arm and making an appreciative noise when the bones within cracked. It really had been a trying day, mentally as well as physically. She just wanted to get a good night's sleep, and prepare for the lessons ahead. Being an actual student was sure to be a new experience for he- "What are you doing?" She choked out, noticing Yang pulling her top off, revealing her bright red bra.

"Uhh… getting ready for my shower?" The blonde girl said, raising her hands to make quotation marks as she spoke.

"Yeah Blake…" Jaune said from precisely one foot in front of Yang, staring at her body unashamedly. "She's just getting ready for a shower."


"Oh I see, are you one of those shy girls partner? Don't worry, you haven't got anything I haven't seen before."

"Just… get changed in the bathroom, please." The blonde girl laughed, bowing as though in acceptance of her royal decree – and oh didn't she notice how he appreciated what that did to her assets, before the buxom girl wandered into the bathroom to get changed.

"Nobody likes a party-pooper Blake." The perverted ghost sighed, collapsing next to her on the bed once more. "Seriously, I'm dead – let me have something."

She ignored him, thinking over her own situation. She'd just need to get changed beneath the covers each night, while making sure to keep him in sight. As for showers… she'd figure that out come the morning. For now she settled for glaring evilly at him, which he seemed to ignore as he languidly floated around the room, apparently testing the area.

Not on my watch bucko…

"I'm having my shower now!" Yang called from the room, as the sound of running water started. "You guys can decide who goes next."

"I… I have somewhere I need to be…uhh… yeah…"

He paused for a moment, as though trying to think up an excuse before giving up and flying towards the door. Blake made to stand up, only to grin viciously when he seemed to collide with something a good foot from the wooden portal, bouncing back onto the carpet.

"I'll have mine tomorrow morning." Blake said to the two smaller girls, smiling enigmatically as the ghost of Jaune Arc scrabbled frantically on the floor, one hand reached out as though to drag himself forwards. "You two can decide between yourselves."

"Thank you." The white-haired girl said with a nod, before turning to discuss things with Ruby.

"Damn it Blake, think of the paradise, I think I can see it… a chance to move on. What keeps me here as a lingering spirit!"

Blake simply smiled, reaching down into one of her bags to pick out a thick book. Maybe an hour reading before bed would help calm her down, she had a long day ahead of her after all.


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