

Kenzo had just killed Ivy, and there was no remorse in his eyes, despite the injuries he had sustained. In fact, he reveled in the pain, relishing the sensation, and had no desire for it to end anytime soon. 

This self-inflicted vulnerability only heightened his excitement.

The realization that they had seen his face struck him. 

There was no way they could leave this situation alive. It made him aware of his own carelessness, something he couldn't afford to repeat. On a good day, they shouldn't have been able to lay a finger on him, yet somehow, they had managed to expose him to this extent.

This couldn't happen again; Kenzo had already caused enough chaos for one day, and he wanted to savor every moment of the pain. As an Incubus, he was unsure if he would still feel these sensations, so he intended to enjoy them while he could.

Several minutes had passed since the incident, and Kenzo had done a commendable job of temporarily concealing the bodies, just in the nick of time.

He knew people would still frequent this place despite the late hour, and he was proven right when he heard footsteps approaching, accompanied by the faint scent of alcohol.

Although Japan was generally safe, this situation was risky. 

Alcohol and late-night gatherings often led to unpredictable outcomes. 

However, Kenzo noticed that the approaching group consisted of several women, which reduced the likelihood of being attacked. 

This was his opportunity to seek "help."

He stumbled in their direction, purposefully exaggerating the extent of his injuries in his gait. The women's giggles abruptly ceased when they caught sight of the stranger, covered in blood. 

Sensing danger, they began to retreat, prioritizing their safety.

Kenzo, an expert at deception, played his part to perfection. 

He collapsed onto the ground, portraying a sense of helplessness. 

This not only gave the illusion of harmlessness but also emphasized the urgency of his situation.

"I-Is he okay? Should we call the police?" one of the ladies inquired, concerned.

Calling the police was the last thing Kenzo needed. 

He had a feeling they wouldn't, given their intoxicated state. 

"That wouldn't be a good idea," a calmer lady responded, confirming his suspicions.

Kenzo heard someone approaching him. He knew that people were often inclined to help the helpless, particularly if they appeared to be of a higher social standing. 

The woman crouched down beside him, much to his surprise, and began searching his pockets, eventually finding his wallet and extracting it. 

She emptied its contents, revealing a significant sum of money. 

To her, it presented an opportunity for even greater gain.

"What are you doing, Hitomi?" the lady who had suggested calling the police questioned.

Hitomi pondered to herself, realizing that he hadn't been robbed, yet his wounds were clearly his own. 

Someone had attacked him, but were they still alive? Though skeptical, Hitomi recognized that helping him would put him in her debt. 

Only then did she take a good look at his face, and she couldn't believe how attractive he was.

"Oi, Mizumi, help me get him up!" Hitomi called out to the remaining lady in their group.

Mizumi sighed, knowing all too well that this would be the outcome the moment Hitomi approached the man. 

"You can't be serious, Mizumi!" the other lady protested, the only one fully grasping the danger of the situation.

"A gunshot wound?" Hitomi muttered to herself, realizing that guns were a rarity in Japan.

Hitomi exuded confidence in her belief that the person who had attempted to take Kenzo's life was no ordinary robber. 

She had a valid reason for her certainty. Hitomi, along with her friend Mizumi, had undergone extensive self-defense training at a prestigious institution and currently held black belts in karate. 

Their physical prowess was evident in their fit bodies.

Hitomi possessed a petite build, but her rock-solid abs were a testament to her dedication to physical fitness. 

On the other hand, Mizumi, despite her tall stature, had a muscular physique that defied gravity. Her curves threatened to burst out of any clothing she wore, including the shorts she had on at the moment.

"We can't be good Samaritans every time, Hitomi," Mizumi pointed out as she positioned the man's arm around her and lifted him up.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Hitomi replied, a devious smirk adorning her face as she flaunted the money she had obtained from him. 

"He has paid in advance." Hitomi concluded.

Kenzo couldn't help but be intrigued by the nature of these women. 

They were certainly not what he had expected.

"Hey, Yuki! Get it together, aren't you a med student?" Mizumi barked, urging their other companion to focus on the task at hand.

"That's not the point!" Yuki retorted, clearly flustered.

For some reason, Kenzo found himself drawn to playing along with their game. He needed to escape from this place, and their offer seemed like the perfect opportunity. Moreover, he had to lie low for a while to avoid the wrath of the dons, who would now be doubly determined to find him. 

Returning home was not an option; it would only risk bringing his dangerous work to his doorstep, a disastrous scenario.

Kenzo understood that he needed to find a temporary place to stay, far away from the succubus who could potentially complicate matters. He didn't need to worry about her being killed since she was technically immortal. 

Being taken to their home would be the only likely destination these ladies had in mind.

Kenzo's good looks often subconsciously led people to view him as not only superior but also of a higher social standing. This would work in his favor.

The first phase of his plan was complete, and now he awaited the outcome.

Kenzo had executed one of his best works yet. He had meticulously removed the entrails of his assailants and fashioned them into a grotesque display, hanging their bodies with a chilling message. 

"To face you me is to kill yourself."

He was gradually transforming into a serial killer, as he now killed indiscriminately. However, as he suspected, his earlier massacre did not make the news, confirming the influential reach of the dons in Japan.

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