
Did I Give You Permission To Stop?

Jules pov

My mouth fell open as Blaze tugged my pants down, over my hips and down my thighs. I tightened my grip in the sheets as my heartbeat accelerated.

When Blaze glanced up at me, he let out a tsking sound and I felt my cheeks heat up a little as he spoke.

"Did I give you permission to stop?"

I shook my head slowly before sucking in a sharp breath, eyes trained on the ceilings, trying to focus on the task at hand, which was for me to tell him my favorite things.

Although, it was quite hard for my brain to function properly when my pants were halfway down.

He has seen you down there before, Labyrinth.

I reminded myself because it seemed like my mind had forgotten about that.

I was undoubtedly nervous but I still tried to continue speaking, because I wanted to please him.

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