
Chapter 67

AN: 5th day upload streak!!! We're halfway people... Halfway, I almost wasn't able to upload today, I woke up early, and worked my ass off on my IRL job to finish a bit earlier so I can write this.

Haa, ROB... Wait, not just any ROB, some decent ROB out there who isn't into torturing souls, ISEKAI ME NOW!!! Just not anywhere difficult or worse, hard mode like Warhammer or something.

Ok, I guess that's enough nonsense update bout my life.


Last scene with MC:

While we were walking outside to only God knows where I looked up at her and tugged her jacket. And when she looked down at me, smiling gently, I had to fight myself from being dazed to say...

"Hi, thank you for saving us... I'm...



Going back in time to when MC just saved the mother-daughter duo.

Robin's POV

Hmm... the name sounds familiar, but I don't quite remember where I've heard it before... I'm pretty sure I've heard it from my previous life, I just can't quite pinpoint where and who the person was in history. But I might be wrong, I wasn't really caught up in regards to meme culture or whatever it's called.

[AN: Oh, Guess we know which generation you're from in your past life huh? 😂]

Whatever, might just be coincidentally having the same name, it's a pretty common combination of names... I think... Ok, I don't want to discuss this anymore, You're just making me waste people's time!

[AN: 🤷 meh... you'll see in the future how stuuuupid you were]

So to more interesting and important matters, after leaving the bar with the two females while dragging garbage a bit away from the entrance of the bar. I took them to a nearby diner, not too far from the motel, there weren't many customers inside, just 1... Understandably so, it is late.

The single customer didn't mind us, and didn't even give us a glance, which was nice, one less person to compel, I guess. I asked the 2 to sit down While I placed the unconscious man in the seat behind us.

During all this, the waitress and cook were eyeing us, we, can't blame them, imagine two grown delicate looking women with a cute little girl entering a diner in the wee hours, one of them dragging a man on the floor like a Sack of shit or something, like it was nothing? In the 2000s sitting might not be too much of a stretch to find muscle mommies that can do so, but this is me we're talking about, I look dainty, and frail from the outside.

So, I went to the waitress, smiled at her like I knew her personally, opened my arms to hug her, and whispered in her ears, compelling her to explain to her boss that the unconscious drunkard was part of our family, and we just picked him up from the bar, but the little one got hungry so we decided to drop by here first. I also asked for a pen and paper since I seem to have forgotten mine in the bar.

After this, she went and followed me to the table to get our orders, the 2 were reluctant at first but gave in in the end.

When the waitress left to prepare our orders, I began to write down something. And the two just waited for me to finish, curious as to what I was gonna say. I slid the note towards the mother as soon as I was done.

((I know that you're still a bit shaken about all that's happened and that he is your husband... But I need to ask you something, and depending on your answer, my next actions will vary... Is it ok for me to proceed? The sooner we deal with this, the better. You don't have to be afraid, he's fine, but he's not gonna wake up anytime soon. I won't let him get to both of you if you don't want him to.))

The two read the note, and the older woman's eyes started to flood with tears again, but she suppressed her sobs to not make a scene...the little girl looked at her mother and started to rub her back gently... What an emotionally mature child, too mature to be honest... I can only imagine what she had experienced in the foster care system to turn out this way...

Don't get me wrong the brownish-haired girl was so cute with their button nose and squishy-looking cheeks, but you can already see a promising future, look-wise. She's going to grow up beautiful... But being good-looking while being in the system has its pros and many many cons... The cons outweigh the pros.

SO I decided to offer a helping hand, I ain't one of those irresponsible heroes who go helping people, without even thinking how their °HELP° could affect the ones they've given it to.

Like, why would you give a person a wad of cash or some food in front of other starving people, and then leave? What do you think will happen to that person? What do you think the surrounding desperate people would do? And Bish, I don't want to see anybody telling me that they'll mind their own business, and leave that receiver alone... Ya'll know the truth if you don't. We'll God or whatever you believe in bless you for staying naive, good for you from having a healthy mind... And warm heart, but please NO.

I then heard the woman ask me something, she was now starting to calm down, and the little girl was handing her some tissues.

"Why are you helping us? Why are you going so far for us, we're complete strangers to you... You could have gotten seriously hurt... I'm thankful, we're thankful for your help, but we don't have anything to offer to repay the favor..." She asked, her eyes showing sadness and doubt.

((I have many reasons really, might not sound valid to you, but trust me, darling, it is for me...

1. He had a punchable face.

2. NJ here is too cute, I wanted to get rid of the bad man for her.

3. I'm not known for and will never known for irresponsibly helping people, haphazard help could be more dangerous for those rescued.

4. I love blondes, and you my dear, have just hit my strike zone, I couldn't resist.))

I saw the woman's face turn crimson, her previous pale face now as red as a tomato, the little girl eye's widened for a few seconds after reading it... Oops, I forgot she was also able to read it... Aaah... But Then I saw her smile... And weirdly enough, the young girl looked like she had just gone through enlightenment.

I swear... It was an honest mistake guys...


AN: ok... I'm gonna upload this first without editing... Then fix it a bit later.

Edited: Sorry guys, had to. I was running out of time. Was that cheating? Am I disqualified now? Haaaa...

Anyway... Thanks for all the comments and power stones, also shout out to the new, and silent readers. Muah muah muah... I love you guys...

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇


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