
The Breakfast Showdown

The two talked for a while after everyone else had gone back to minding their own business, the next day they met Tracy at breakfast and informed her of everything that had happened. She was amazed by the fact that Harry got a try out, she was impressed by what had happened in the duel and she was laughing by the time they got to Malfoy.

In fact after telling her what happened with Malfoy, Malfoy chose that moment to walk into the great hall although he looked quite awkward as he did so, Tracy and Harry suppressed laughter while Daphne failed at trying not to look proud.

At that point Harry saw Snape at the head table, he quickly excused himself and ran up to the professor. Fortunately for Harry, there was nobody else at the table and he could talk to Snape without being overheard.

"Excuse me Professor" Harry said "I'd like to ask you for a favour"

"What is it?" Snape asked

"I'd like your permission to leave this weekend for a few hours" Harry replied

"What for Potter?"

"I'd like to go and see my parents" Harry replied "I understand that they're currently at St Mungo's and I'd like to see them"

"What do you mean? Are you telling me you never knew where your parents were?" Snape asked, his voice filled with curiosity

"No sir, I had assumed they were both dead until recently when I found out they were in a coma" Harry answered honestly, it was true that he didn't know it until Blaise Zabini had told him about it a little while ago. "With all the lack of mention about where my parents were, I thought they were gone"

Snape didn't know what to think, he couldn't believe that one Potter didn't know about his parents while the other one paraded around like Merlin's gift to wizard kind. This twin was an enigma, one he wasn't sure that he wanted to work out.

"Very well" He eventually said "I will accompany you this weekend, meet me in my office at eight."

"Thank you sir" Harry nodded before making his way back to the Slytherin table.

"What the hell did you do Albus?" Snape whispered to himself.

Quirrell was in his office, marking papers for the snotty nosed brats he had to teach. His office was the only place where he didn't have to maintain that stupid stutter, fortunately Dumbledore didn't suspect anything. But his master had warned him not to underestimate him.

Speaking of his master, his master's behaviour was curious as of late. He thought it was strange that his master didn't seem to care about the boy-who-lived, he wondered why. Sure the boy was an arrogant imbecile but he was responsible for hindering his master the first time yet his master didn't care.

His master was more interested in the other Potter, the Slytherin Potter who was vastly different from his brother. The Slytherin Potter was a handsome and intelligent boy who held respect from his house, admittedly he was more interesting than the other one. Perhaps his master wanted to recruit him, but if that was the case his master wouldn't have ordered him to try to hex his broom.

Ah well, it was not his place to ask his master. Especially after he got that Slytherin girl instead, his master was most displeased by that and proceeded to punish him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his office door close, which was weird as it was already shut. He stood up and saw who had just closed his door, a man about the same height as Quirrell was standing in his office and had just locked the door, he waved his wand around and placed some locking and privacy charms.

"W...who a…are you?" Quirrell stuttered

The man turned to look at him, and Quirrell began studying him. The man was dressed in muggle clothes, black trainers and jeans, a grey hooded jacket, and black gloves. His hood was up and he had a black bandana covering the lover half of his face. What interested Quirrell was the man's eyes which were a bright yellow and slighted, was this person a werewolf? Surely not, the full moon was at least a week away.

The man slid his wand back up his right sleeve, Quirrell was getting a bit unnerved by the man's gaze. Everything about the man screamed dangerous, Quirrell quickly went for his wand but the man wasn't having any of it.

He charged at Quirrell and grabbed him by his wrist and throat and shoved him against the wall, before Quirrell could begin saying anything the man began striking him in the stomach with his knees. Quirrell could barely breath at this point, the man slammed Quirrell's wrist against the wall which caused Quirrell to drop his wand.

Quirrell tried to push him off, but the man responded by punching him in the face before he tossed him on the floor. Quirrell tried to get up when the man kicked the back of Quirrell's legs, then he grabbed Quirrell and tossed him so he was sitting back in his chair.

"Had enough?" The man asked in a deep voice

"Who are you?" Quirrell breathed, forgetting about his stutter.

"No one of consequence" The man replied

"Why are you doing this? I've done nothing to you"

"Not yet at least" The man replied "tell me Quirrell, why did you try to curse that broom?"

"It wasn't me" Quirrell immediately responded

"Do not lie to me" The man said calmly "were you aiming for the girl?"

"I didn't do anything" Quirrell maintained, the man responded by pulling out his wand and firing a cutting curse at Quirrell's left leg.

"I said don't lie to me" The man spoke as Quirrell cried out in pain "were you aiming for the girl?" Quirrell after a short pause, shook his head to say no. "The boy then? You were aiming for Harry Potter weren't you?" Quirrell didn't respond. "I can take that as a yes"

"You know nothing" Quirrell growled

"I know that there should be a cell in Azkaban with your name on it" The man replied "but one thing I really don't know, is why? Why do it Quirrell?"

"Do you care for the boy?" Quirrell asked

"I don't care if either of the Potter twins die" The man responded "what I do care about is why you did it?"

"Let me speak to him" A raspy voice spoke, the man looked around to find the source of the voice.

"Master, you are not strong enough" Quirrell said


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