
Chapter 41: Awe and Reverence: The Reaction to the Presence of the True God.

Attention: Guys, here is the new list of the strongest people in my story. The previous list was only applicable up to Chapter 30.

This list is more improved and accurate than before. Depending on how the story progresses, there is a chance that a new list will be released in the future.

(1) The One Who Rules Over Everything : The Supreme Deity: Rimuru Tempest / The Wife Of The Supreme Deity : Ciel Tempest. {True Body} [Unrankable/Immeasurable]

[They are above the concept of Tier and Boundlessness. This concepts are irrelevant to them.]

(Their powers can't be measured. Not even Ciel can measure their powers in their True Body.)

(2) The Embodiment of Nothingness: The Ruler Of Void : Rimuru Tempest / The Embodiment of Everythinness: The Goddess Of Knowledge and Wisdom : Ciel Tempest. {Avatar} [Tier : 0 (True Boundless)]

(Their current body that they are using.)

(3) The Will of Void: The True God: Veldanava (Prime/Pre-Creation) [Tier:0] (Boundless)

(4) Holy Will of Nature: The Will Of God: Veldanava (post creation) [Tier : High 1A]

(5) Ivaraj (current/mindless) [Tier : 1C]

(6) Milim [Tier : Low 1C] / Veldora [Tier : Low 1C]

(7) Feldway (True Body) [Tier : High 2A]

(8) Ramiris [Tier : 2A]

(9) Shizue Tempest (Former Izawa) [Tier : 2A - Low 2A]

(10) Velzard [High 2B] / Guy Crimson [High 2B] / Diablo [High 2B] / Rudra (Prime) [High 2B / Chloe Aubert

[High 2B]

(11) Zegion (after defeating Zelanus) [High 2B-2B] {Stronger than 2B people but not strong enough to defeat High 2B people. In other words, stronger than 2B and almost High 2B.}

(12) Manas : Micheal [2B] /Rudra (current) [2B] / Feldway (Fake Body) [2B] / Velgrynd [2B] / Zegion (current) [2B].

(13) Giant Mad King Titan: Asura [Low 2B] / Benimaru [Low 2B].

(14) Dino (True Body/ True Form) [Low 2B - High 2C] {Strong enough to defeat or kill High 2C people but not strong enough to defeat or kill Low 2B people. In other words, stronger than High 2C but weaker than Low 2B.}

(15) Shion [High 2C]/Twilight Valentine [High 2C] / Dagruel (Separated) [High 2C] /  Zalario (True Body/ True Form) [High 2C]

(16) Testarossa [2C] / Carrera [2C] / Ultima [2C]

(17) Dino (Restricted/Suppressed) [Low 2C] / Leon Cromwell [Low 2C] /Luminous Valentine [Low 2C] / Remaining Primordial Angels (True Body/ True Form) [Low 2C]

So enjoy the chapter!!!!


"From Previous Chapter:"

"Third Person POV:"

As Rimuru thought, he made his presence known to the world.

And the world felt it; it trembled—the unmistakable presence of a True God, a being above them with absolute authority and power.

"Continue Third Person POV:"

As Rimuru made his presence known, the entire world felt an immense, invisible weight. All around the globe, not only in the cardinal world but throughout the entire Tensura and Fiction realms, people, monsters, demons, angels—any living or non-living beings, existent or non-existent—felt it. They collapsed to the ground, crushed by the immense pressure, unable to withstand the overwhelming presence.

Even beings as powerful as True Dragons, or those with greater strength, found themselves involuntarily kneeling.

Their actions were not a matter of their own choice; the sheer pressure from Rimuru's presence forced them into submission.

The very air vibrated with his power, leaving no doubt about his supremacy. Those who had never before bowed to anyone now found themselves at the mercy of Rimuru's overwhelming presence.

Rimuru didn't release his aura or his haki; he didn't release any type of energy. He released nothing—absolutely nothing. What he did is; simply made his presence known.

Normally, he erases his presence completely that even if he stands in front of people, they wouldn't be aware of his existence unless he talks to them, makes any type of contact with them, or he wants them to be aware of him.

But now, he has stopped erasing his presence and made it known, and it has had a huge impact on the worlds, be it Tensura, Fiction, or Oblivion.

Throughout the entire worlds, everyone is aware of Rimuru's existence, or they are aware of a supreme being above all others, one who commands absolute authority and whose power is beyond challenge. Now, they know that there is someone who is above everyone else, someone who is absolute and against whom no one would dare to act.

However, they don't know who this person is, except for some individuals who are familiar with Rimuru and aware of his existence, such as True Dragons, Primordial Demons, Dino, Shizue, Ramiris, and others like them.

While this was going on, The Voice of the World made an abrupt announcement—or should we say, it addressed a person. It said:

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

The Voice of the World said, and it was heard by everyone in Tensura, and when it's said everyone, it means everyone.

The Voice of the World made that announcement because, even though this system doesn't have its own ego and is devoid of any and all emotions, it is still aware that this system is under Veldanava.

It's akin to The Void—an entity aware of its own existence and its creator, Veldanava, acknowledging him as its master.

And because Rimuru is above Veldanava and Veldanava himself acknowledges Rimuru as a stronger and superior being than him, the system also acknowledges Rimuru as a superior being to Veldanava.

Because it acknowledges Rimuru as a being superior to Veldanava and stronger than Veldanava, it also acknowledges Rimuru as its master, just like how it acknowledges Veldanava.

Up until now, Rimuru had concealed or erased his presence. However, when he made his presence known, the Voice of the World became aware of him. And due to its acknowledgment of Rimuru as its master, it greeted Rimuru.

As the Voice Of The World greeted Rimuru or announced it to everyone, this only threw the whole world into chaos, just as Rimuru wanted.

Truly, Rimuru lived up to his title 'The Chaos Creator'.

However, the people who know Rimuru and recognize him instantly when he makes his presence known, their reaction is different from others.

While the whole world is in chaos, these people are having entirely different reactions from the world; some are confused, some are excited, some are interested, and some are pretending to be asleep even after recognizing who this person is. Lazy bastards.

Shizue is confused because she doesn't understand why Rimuru is suddenly making his presence known.

While she is confused, our weirdo is feeling pleasure.

Just like Shizue, Ramiris is also confused about why Rimuru has made his presence known all of a sudden.

But the most interesting reaction is from the Primordials who are currently present in Hell.

Right now, one of the remaining Primordials in Hell, Testarossa, is confused yet somehow excited about Rimuru making his presence known.

But opposite to her, the battle maniac duo is acting crazily. Right now, Carrera and Ultima are overjoyed because they think that Rimuru is going to fight them, and they believe they will have the fight of their lives.

However, there are a few people having more interesting reactions than these individuals, and they are in different locations. First,

*Location: Ice Continent*

In the northeast part of the world, which is covered in ice at all times, lies the Ice Continent. This place is also known as the Ice Continent, where the Second (Third) Oldest True Dragon and the Second True Demon Lord reside.

Normally, no one dares to venture here because of the cold temperatures, and even if they did, they would encounter the two beings who are among the strongest individuals in the world. People all over the world fear them, excluding some, of course.

But contrary to what people think, these individuals are just like normal people, albeit extremely powerful and with some weird personality traits like being too prideful, childish, or quite scary.

But today, these individuals are just chilling around. One red hobo demon is casually drinking his wine with something to eat, while the mature dragon lady is sitting on the balcony, gazing outside and thinking how to make her sister confess to her love interest.

And the childish demon is just cleaning a room that she had messed up during making her painting, while the quite scary demon is keeping watch over the childish demon, making sure that she does her job properly.

While they were doing their things, they suddenly can't sense The Great Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest. It's like he has disappeared from the world, or like he has died.

"Velzard, is it just me, or can you also not sense Veldora? It's like he has disappeared from the world or died," the red demon asked the mature lady, now known as Velzard.

"Yes, I can't sense him either, Guy, but I am sure that he didn't die because we True Dragons are immortal beings, an abstract existence, and it is impossible for us to be killed completely. We can be killed, but only temporarily, and even if that's the case, there are only a few beings who can harm him. Besides, he is with Rimuru, so Veldora is alive for sure," Velzard replied to the red demon.

"Hm.. if that's the case, then he must be hiding or erasing his presence. Or it must be Rimuru's doing," Now known as Guy said.

"Yeah, knowing Rimuru, he might have planned something. I bet it will be fun," Rain commented and started to giggle while coming from the other room, followed by Misary.

Actually, when it comes to Rimuru or they are talking about Rimuru, Rain and Misary are not restricted by anything, and they can comment without feeling scared of Guy.

It's because Rimuru made sure (threatened Guy) that at least whenever his topic comes up, all Primordials remain equal and are not bound by their master-servant relationship.

However, it is a completely different thing about Diablo because he is an oddball among them, so they let him act however he wants.

At some point, even Rimuru stopped telling him that he didn't need to show him this much respect, and from that time, Rimuru also didn't tell his other subordinates to act normal around him and let them be themselves.

It's because he had understood that his subordinates are different from others, and when it comes to showing him respect, they are not going to listen to anyone, not even him.

"Yeah, you might be right. Now that I think about it, if he is involved in it, then Veldora's disappearance makes sense," Velzard commented on Rain's thoughts.

"Interesting, intresti..." Guy was saying something, but he suddenly stopped.

No, not only he, all of the people in the room stopped, and all of them dropped to the ground, kneeling, getting crushed by the overwhelming pressure.

"Whoa... is this? I... I... I recognize this presence. It's Rimuru's!" Misary muttered, struggling to bring voice out.

And as she said that, all of them nodded, still struggling.

"Hahaha hahahahaha, this is truly interesting! Hahaha, what are you planning, Rimuru? I can feel the changes that are going to happen in the future! So interesting! Hahaha," Guy said, his speech punctuated by gasps and strained breaths yet filled with excitement. He wasn't struggling to speak as much as Misery, but there was still some difficulty.

"Yes, you are right, Guy. I think our future will be interesting," Velzard said, with as much difficulty as Guy.

"I can't wait to see..." Guy was going to say more, but he stopped because of the announcement.

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

All of them suddenly heard the announcement of the Voice Of The World.

This only made it obvious to them that this pressure and this presence is Rimuru's.

"Hahaha, *gasp* this is *gasp* it. This con... confirms that this *rigid breath* is Rimuru's do... doing! Is he *ahh* trying to p... put the..... world into chaos? But certainly, this *gasp* is interesting!" Guy said in full excitement.

While this is going on in the Ice Continent, in the Eastern Empire, people have different thoughts from each other.

*Location: Eastern Empire*

In the Eastern Empire, we can see many people present, but one of them is exceptionally strong for a human.

A human who can rival one of the four True Dragons, despite being in his weakened state.

This person's power is such that they can effortlessly shatter stars and planets with a mere flick of their wrist. This individual is none other than the Emperor of this Empire, known far and wide as 'Rudra Nam Ul Nasca', also referred to as 'The Hero of Beginning'.

(Note: Guys, Rudra is also stronger than his canon self.)

As they were going about their activities, suddenly the presence of The Great Storm Dragon Veldora vanished, and they felt it.

No one spoke in person, but all of them had different thoughts.

**With Velgrynd**

"Veldora! His presence disappeared? How? No, what happened? Is he hiding his presence? Or did he get killed somehow? No, that's not possible. As long as Rimuru is alive, we can't die, no matter what. Then what is happening?

Wait, is this one of Rimuru's schemes? Is he trying to do something? Hm... Well, I will know in time, so there's no point in thinking about it now.

Instead, I should focus on how to make her confess to him. Also, I need to visit Rimuru soon because it has been too long since I last saw him," the second mature beauty, Velgrynd, who is also the third (fourth) oldest True Dragon, known for her fiery strength and cunning mind, was deep in thought.

Velgrynd, with her dazzling azure blue hair and commanding presence, was not easily rattled. Her mind raced with different possibilities, exceeding the speed of light by far. As a being of immense power, capable of decimating regions with a mere thought, she was unaccustomed to feeling uncertain.

Her instincts were always on point, and now she was getting some serious bad vibes. Her instincts were telling her exactly that. Despite this, the sudden disappearance of her beloved brother, Veldora, had unsettled her.

Her thoughts turned towards Rimuru, an entity whose existence knows no bounds yet remains a simple being. She wondered if this disappearance was part of one of his elaborate plans. Rimuru, known for his strategic brilliance and unpredictable moves, could very well be planning something beyond her understanding, which in this case is rather true. Her instincts are right on this point.

While she was deep in thought, she suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground, kneeling and getting crushed by the pressure.

No, she had not stopped on her own. She stopped because of the overwhelming pressure that had descended upon her.

"This... this presence! This is Rimuru's presence!!!! What is happening? Why did he suddenly make his presence known?" As she recognized the presence, her thoughts got thrown into chaos.

But then she heard something that made her more confused, and that is,

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

As she heard the announcement made by the Voice Of The World, her head, which was already in chaos, was thrown into more chaos.

"Now I am a hundred percent sure that this is Rimuru! What is happening!!!"

She started to work her mind to its fullest, but still, she wasn't able to find any answers. After thinking for some time, she gave up, saying she can't predict what Rimuru is thinking.

**With Rudra Nam Ul Nasca**

Rudra Nam Ul Nasca, known as 'The Hero of The Beginning,' is the Emperor of 'The Nasca Namrium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire,' commonly known as the Eastern Empire.

Rudra is a legendary figure, famed for being the first human to achieve power on par with the True Dragons. His strength is unparalleled among humans, and his abilities are said to rival those of the mightiest beings in existence. As Emperor, he has led the Eastern Empire with a combination of wisdom and unmatched power, earning the respect and fear of both allies and enemies alike.

Under Rudra's rule, the Eastern Empire has thrived, expanding its territories and influence. He has secured numerous victories and established a powerful, unified state that dominates the eastern part of the world. Despite his immense power, Rudra is also known for his strategic brilliance and his ability to inspire loyalty and dedication among his subjects. His leadership has made the Eastern Empire a dominant force.

Rudra possesses untapped potential, remarkable talent, and capabilities to become even stronger and surpass his current or prime self. However, due to a being that resides within him, weakening his soul and causing it to collapse and shatter into pieces, he has been severely debilitated. This internal struggle has significantly weakened him, reducing him to his current state.

Despite his current limitations, Rudra has the capacity to surpass even Chloe Aubert, the strongest human in history. Chloe's strength rivals that of the fourth True Dragon, the Ice Empress : Velzard, the Primordial Red : Guy Crimson, and the Primordial Black : Diablo.

Chloe is strong because she honed her skills for an unimaginable amount of time during her countless time loops. Additionally, she is the holder of a God series ultimate skill, while Rudra doesn't have any of Chloe's advantages.

Rudra was an average high human who evolved into a True Hero under the guidance of the first True Dragon, Veldanava. He only has an ultimate skill but not a God series ultimate skill. Furthermore, now even his own skill doesn't recognize him as its master, and he certainly hasn't honed his skills for an unimaginable amount of time like Chloe.

If Rudra had the opportunity to hone his skills over such an extensive period of time and evolve his ultimate skill into a God series ultimate skill, then it is 100% certain that he will surpass Chloe.

But still, with just an ultimate skill and becoming a True Hero, Rudra managed to attain strength comparable to that of the strongest entities like Velzard, Primordial Demon Guy Crimson, and Primordial Demon Diablo.

Even in his weakened state, he maintains considerable strength, despite relinquishing his original ultimate skill in exchange for another that does not acknowledge him as its master. Despite these setbacks, he still remains on par with one of the True Dragons, the Scorch Empress Velgrynd.

So, this alone is proof enough of how much potential and talent he has. Truly, the title 'The Hero of The Beginning' suits him very well. It's as if this title was specially made for him.

And this person, Rudra Nam Ul Nasca, currently sits on his throne, exuding his majestic appearance and charisma to the world, while contemplating how to defeat his rival, the second Demon Lord Guy Crimson.

While thinking this, he suddenly cannot sense The Great Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest anymore, as if he has disappeared from the world.

Because of Veldora's sudden disappearance, Rudra had a thought that could make him the victor in the game between him and Guy Crimson. And that thought is:

"Hm... The Storm Dragon has disappeared, huh... Well, this could be a great opportunity to start invading the west. Also, I can claim all of the Jura Forest for myself too. Yes, this is a good opportunity. I should order my men to prepare our forces," Rudra was thinking along these lines when he suddenly fell to the ground, kneeling, getting crushed by the immense pressure.

"Whoa... What is this? What kind of presence is this? It's... It's even greater than sensei! Whoever this person is, he is a monster!"

Rudra was thinking along these lines when he suddenly heard something that made him pause and seriously think for a moment. What he heard was,

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

He heard the announcement made by The Voice Of The World.

"Is... Is that Sensei? Has Sensei returned? Does that also mean that Sister has returned? How should I show them my face after abandoning Milim like that? I am no longer worthy to present myself to them! But even if that's the case, why didn't he come earlier? Well, now it doesn't matter if Sensei has come or not because I will proceed with my plan no matter what!"

After hearing the announcement, Rudra thought for a moment. He considered the possibility that his deceased sensei and sister might be back, and this thought filled him with happiness. It is true that his pride is more than the person who represents pride.

But still, he loved his sister and his sensei. He still regrets that he wasn't able to take his niece. It's not like he didn't try.

It's just that when he went to retrieve her after her rampage, at that time she was with the Demon Lord Guy Crimson, his rival. In front of him, he couldn't show his softer side, so that's why he acted arrogantly. Also, the presence of that mysterious person didn't make the situation in his favor, so with reluctance, he let her stay there, thinking it would be best for her. And it turns out his decision was right.

But he still regrets not taking her with him that day.

Right now, Rudra's emotions are mixed and conflicted as he contemplates the return of his deceased sensei and sister. While he feels a sense of happiness at the prospect of their return, he also holds feelings of unworthiness due to his past actions, particularly regarding Milim. However, his determination, his will to proceed with his plan, is ironclad and unwavering. Regardless of the circumstances, he will proceed with his plan.

(Note: Even in the LN, Fuse tried to portray Rudra as a bad guy, but I still like him because he is not acting with any malicious intent. He was just trying to finish his game before he will die. Also, his character is good, and that's why I like him. So I am going to make him arrogant and prideful, but also a good person at heart.)

While Rudra was contemplating these matters, unaware to him, the Manas, the ultimate existence that resides within him, was thinking entirely differently.

Rudra is unaware about Michael becoming a Manas, but he knows that [Justice King: Michael] has his own will, and he didn't accept him as his master, so he won't be able to bring out its full potential.

But still, Rudra is a very strong-willed person. His will is so strong that even when his soul is weakened, his will is strong enough that the Manas inside him isn't capable of taking control of his body as of right now, and it's waiting for his soul to weaken a little more.

A Manas, which is an ultimate existence itself, and amongst Manas, the weakest Manas is as strong as True Dragons.

This alone is enough proof that his will is stronger than even the likes of True Dragons (except Rimuru and Veldanava).

**With Manas : Michael**

While Rudra was lost in his own thoughts, the skill that had awakened its own consciousness and transformed into a Manas, now known as Manas: Michael, was having its own thoughts.

Originally, Michael was an ultimate skill and one of the earlier skills created by the creator of the world, The God Veldanava. As a result, it acknowledges only Veldanava as its master and rejected any other authority.

It was all fine, until Veldanava traded his skill with Rudra in exchange for [Uriel]. From that time, Michael started to develop its own will, craving to be back with Veldanava again. When Veldanava died, Michael's will began to develop ego on its own.

But everything changed almost 18,000 years later after Veldanava's death. [Justice King: Michael], an ultimate skill, developed its own ego. It wasn't strong enough to become a complete ultimate existence, a Manas, but it was strong enough to think for itself now.

It was like Raphael; Michael can think independently, make decisions, and act on his own volition, just as Raphael acts for the sake of Rimuru. However, Michael considers Veldanava as his master and is attempting to resurrect him. But at that time, he was not a complete Manas like Ciel. We can consider him a pseudo-Manas or something similar.

(Note: Even as a pseudo-Manas, Michael possesses the same strength and intelligence as his canonical counterpart. In essence, he is an exact replica of his original self.)

From that time, Michael began to make plans to resurrect Veldanava. As he formulated his plans, he made contact with Feldway, and from that point on, they have been working together to devise a plan to bring Veldanava back to life.

He contacted Feldway because, as his ego grew strong enough to think and make decisions, he began to formulate plans. After creating a plan, he tried to take control of Rudra's body in order to accomplish his goals, but he utterly failed.

His failure was due to Rudra's extraordinarily strong will, which was so potent that he couldn't even dominate his consciousness, mind, or soul for a single moment, let alone take control of his body.

So that's why he contacted Feldway and waited some more time. Eventually, when Rudra's will became weak enough, he would be able to take control over his body.

However, it was only for a brief period, like 5-10 minutes, that time he met Feldway face to face. They became friends, and from that day, they have been in touch, devising plans for Veldanava's resurrection.

And even after becoming a complete Manas, an ultimate existence, he is still incapable of taking complete control of Rudra's body and is waiting for his soul to weaken further.

While he was revising his plan, he suddenly couldn't sense The Great Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest, anymore. This new development gave rise to some new problems in his plan, leading him to change his plans and thoughts. And they are:

"Hm... so the Storm Dragon has disappeared, huh? I knew he was in the Jura Forest after his fight in Ruberios, so he must have perished today. Well, this is a problem. Because of this new development, I need to change my plans. Should I talk with Feldway about this?"

While Michael was having these thoughts, he suddenly felt immense and overwhelming pressure—enough to make him, even within Rudra's body, feel threatened, as if he could die at any moment. It was as if he was in the presence of someone incomprehensible, a mighty being, a supreme entity. He felt so insignificant that he seemed like a non-existent entity, and chills ran down his (non-existent) spine. He felt fear for the very first time.

This intensified his confusion because Michael, as a Manas, is an existence with its own will and ego but cannot comprehend emotions. An existence that acts on rational thoughts, the emotion of fear is new to him, causing his thoughts to go haywire.

"What is this presence? Who does it belong to? Who is this strong? And what am I feeling? Is this fear? What are emotions? Why do emotions exist? Am I feeling emotions? Is it possible for me to feel emotions? Why is this so confusing? Oh... my lord, please guide me!"

These were Michael's thoughts. He pondered about emotions for a while but couldn't wrap his head around this phenomenon. So, in the end, he asked his master, his Lord, Veldanava, to guide him on this perplexing matter.

While he was preoccupied with thinking about emotions, he heard something that completely overwhelmed his mind and made him reconsider everything he had been planning up until that moment. The thing that he heard was,

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

"Whoa... what is this? Who is this? Is that my lord? No, it can't be possible. If my lord could come, then why didn't they come earlier? This must be an imposter!! But regardless of who it is, it doesn't change our goal. We will accomplish our goal.

However, this person's presence changes everything. I need to change the plan. I should also inform Feldway to prepare that. With it, no one will be able to get in the way of our goal."

These were Micheal's thoughts. While he was having these thoughts, his ally and friend, Feldway, was also pondering similar thoughts.

**Location: Ivaraj's sealed dimension**

In one of the countless dimensions, there exists a dimension where the Creator of this world has sealed one of the strongest beings.

This dimension is known as Ivaraj's sealed dimension. Currently, in this dimension, only two beings are present, but these two beings are some of the strongest in the Tensura World.

They are the World Destroying Dragon : Ivaraj, and one of the earliest creations of the Creator, also known as the First Primordial Angel, the Phantom King : Feldway.

Ivaraj is in a deep slumber, patiently waiting for his seal to break. Meanwhile, Feldway is keeping watch over Ivaraj and simultaneously contemplating the plan he and Michael had devised.

Veldora had already concealed his presence, but Feldway is still unaware of this because he cannot sense Veldora from this dimension.

While deep in thought, Feldway suddenly felt immense and overwhelming pressure that brought him to the ground. He struggled to remain on his knees, being crushed by the immense pressure.

If Feldway were in his True Body, the one given to him by Veldanava, he wouldn't have struggled as much, because with his True Body, his power reaches new levels.

When he is in his True Body, his power and fighting prowess even surpass the likes of Demon Lord Guy, True Dragons and the Spirit Queen, even if they give their all.

However, even if he were in his True Body, he would still be on his knees because the pressure is too overwhelming for him, even in his True Body.

However, the mysterious pressure and this presence made him reconsider the plan he and Michael had come up with, as the presence of this person could potentially hinder their entire plan.

This situation is causing his thoughts to become chaotic, and right now, his thoughts are:

"What is happening here?! Why am I struggling to even stay on my knees? What is this pressure? What kind of presence is this? Who is this person? How is he so powerful? How were we unaware of his existence until now? This is not good; his presence may hinder our plan! I need to talk with Michael-sama now!"

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt an intense aura. However, this new pressure paled in comparison to the overwhelming force emitted by the mysterious figure.

Despite its lesser intensity, this aura worsened his situation. As it grew stronger, he found himself pinned to the ground, as if someone had glued him in place, unable to move even a muscle.

So, in order to see where this aura was coming from, he mustered all the strength he had and looked upward toward the direction of Ivaraj because the aura coming from that direction.

What he saw astonished him; it stunned him: The World Destroying Dragon : Ivaraj, who had been in slumber for millions of years, was wide awake. Ivaraj stared intensely in one direction, radiating full fury and killing intent, all the while releasing his aura.

Right now, Ivaraj has awakened from his long slumber because of the familiar presence he sensed from years ago. It was the same presence of a being that had killed him multiple times.

Although Ivaraj is a mindless being with no intelligence whatsoever, he can still remember some things. Over the passage of time, he has gradually developed his own sense of self, his own ego, just as Veldanava had thought he will.

His ego is still weak, to the point that he can only remember a few things, such as, his meeting with Veldanava, his thirst for destruction, and the presence of the being who had killed him multiple times.

When he sensed the familiar presence, he awoke from his slumber. Because he had been in his slumber for millions of years, his thirst for destruction only increased during that time. This presence reminded him of the person who had killed him multiple times, intensifying his anger and thirst for destruction even further.

And in this state of anger, he uttered his first few words:

"I... I'll kill you and destroy this world!"

He didn't say it aloud because, at the moment, he can only think and cannot speak. However, his anger only served to strengthen his ego and accelerate its development. Given time, it is guaranteed that his ego will fully develop.

While this was happening with Ivaraj, Feldway was completely stunned by seeing Ivaraj like this. After millions of years of slumber, this was the first time Ivaraj had awakened, and right after awakening, he is showing this much hostility towards this mysterious person. This reaction left Feldway more wary of this individual.

While Feldway was stunned, he heard an announcement that made him almost lose his mind, and that announcement is:

{Arrival of The Supreme Deity has been confirmed. Welcome back, my Lord!!}

"What is happening? Why did the Voice Of The World suddenly make this announcement? Has my lord returned? No, this is not the case because I cannot feel my lord. Is this some impostor? Yes, definitely, he is an impostor. But then how come the Voice Of The World made this announcement? It doesn't matter because we will proceed with our plan no matter what happens! But I should talk with Michael-sama, and I should also prepare that thing because with that thing, our plan will surely work. Yes, I should do that."

These were Feldway's thoughts after hearing the announcement made by the Voice Of The World.

(Now I can see why they are best friends.)

While this was happening throughout the worlds, and people were having different kinds of reactions, one lazy bastard was ignoring everything and trying to sleep.

This bastard was already fast asleep in his bed when Veldora hid his presence, and it didn't affect him in the slightest. When Rimuru made his presence known, this bastard felt it and fell from his bed due to the pressure, but it didn't wake him, and he continued to sleep.

And when The Voice Of The World made an announcement, he awoke and heard it, but still he pretended that nothing had happened and he didn't hear anything. He even pretended that he was not feeling anything and continued to pretend that he was sleeping, and soon he fell back asleep too.

Truly a lazy bastard.

No, not a normal average lazy bastard; he is a Supreme Lazy Bastard.

While this bastard is fast asleep, Rimuru was done with his fun.

**Location: Jura Forest**

"Rimuru POV:"

Hm... that is enough for today, I think. It was fun seeing all of their reactions, but it's such a shame that I am unable to continue. If I continue any longer, I don't think they can handle it. I had already decreased the effect by almost 90 times, and still, they are in this state. I don't think they can take it anymore.

Well, let's erase our presence again, or else no one will be able to stand again.

Haaa, that's done. Now, let's go visit him.


<<On it, Master!>>

>>Wait!! Wait!!<<

<<What, Master?>>

>>Come outside in your body. I don't want you to be in our soul when we visit him. I want you to be with me. We will visit him like this.<<

<<Is it necessary, Master?>>

>>Yes, it is completely necessary. And I want this!!<<

<<Okay! Okay! We will do just as you want. Happy!!>>


Okay, here we go. We are coming to meet you, my other variant!!


And that's end. That's all for this chapter.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 6k.

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