
CHP 32: Family Reunion...

~Jacob's Pov~




This would be a cakewalk, I thought, thanks to Raditz's memories. I recalled the exact location where Goku and the others were staying, and if my calculations were correct, they should be just around the bend.

"H-Hey, mister, over there..." Gohan's voice trembled as he pointed in the direction of the group. I nodded, "Alright, kid, let's get you home safely..."

With a swift charge of my ki, I flew towards the group with faster speeds, my eyes scanning the landscape below. While I was going down, I spotted a few familiar figures, one with a monk's tattoo emblazoned on his forehead, a green-skinned warrior, a blue-haired woman, an elderly man with a turtle shell strapped to his back, and a dark haired orange wearing man...

'Okay, this would take some getting used to...'

It didn't take any of them long to notice my arrival, either... The group's heads all swiveled in unison, their eyes locking onto me with a mix of curiosity and wariness. I could sense the tension in the air from here, they must have been been worried badly...

"Hey!" I called out, my voice carrying across the distance.

"G-Gohan!" I heard Goku exclaim, his eyes darting towards his son as he flew towards us both. I watched as he scooped up Gohan, relief washing over his face as he cradled his son in his arms...

I looked at the scene and cracked a small smile, also trying to reassure him that I meant no harm. Goku's expression had softened slightly, but his eyes still held a hint of wariness. I couldn't blame him, really, I was a stranger.

As Goku flew back to the group, I followed, my eyes scanning the faces before me. Bulma all stared at me with a mix of curiosity and caution. I spotted Krillin and Roshi lurking in the backgrounds, their faces looked much better than I remembered them.

He flew back towards me albeit slightly hesitantly, "Thank you for saving my son, but... Who, are you? What, happened? And how did you get pass Raditz?" He asked the tough questions right off the bat...

I sighed, introducing myself "My name's Jacob Mercer. I was in the area where I saw this guy holding a kid hostage; I took him down of course, and that must have been this Raditz person, regardless, things happened. I saved your son, and now I'm here..."

Goku raised his eyebrow, he must still not be satisfied with my answer, since I dodged on how I took down Raditz...

"Well... My name is Son Goku, and that was my son Gohan you saved... Thanks again for doing so." He bowed his head slightly, then continuing, "But, I'm still wondering how you defeated someone as strong as Raditz, you must be pretty strong yourself!" He scratched his head and laughed. I smiled at his antics as well.

He looked behind me, "Hey... You, have a tail?" He asked, I didn't bother hiding it, since I would transform into a saiyan later on, best to get this out of the way now, "Yes, and no, let's just say it's something I gained after defeating him..." Goku looked a bit confused, but seems to accept it for now, thankfully.

"Oh yeah! I should be introducing you to my friends since you helped." Goku offered, I just simply agreed...


"So, you're the one who defeated him?" Roshi asked, "Yeah, I was the one who took him down, albeit with some difficulty. I took him off guard since he was vastly more powerful than myself." I explained.

"So, you said your name was Jacob, right?" Bulma intervened. Yeah, she hadn't taken her eyes off me the moment I stepped foot on this island. In fact, I swore I saw her drooling at me just a second ago... She was, wild...

Though, despite that, she was extremely beautiful, the show didn't do her nearly as much justice in that matter. In fact, no one here was ugly. The men here had toned bodies and sharp features, with Roshi being the exception to that, hell even piccolo was handsome. It must be some kind of inverse logic...

Regardless of the small details, I nodded, "Yes, my name is Jacob, but that's the least of our concerns. Remember that guy Raditz you told me about, yeah, he's nothing compared to the guys that are above him... He told me they would come in a years time, we'll need to prepare..." I stated as seriously as possible.

"Wha-What? Guys stronger than that are coming here?" Krillin said worriedly, I heard piccolo scoffing in the back at the revelation, while Goku looked dead serious, "Hence we'll need to prepare..." I added.

On the off hand, I could feel piccolo's defence go up, he was pretty smart if I remember correctly and not as naive as the rest, he must have realized by now that my existence is a pretty fishy one...

Still, at this point; goku should have died either today or tomorrow, leaving and training with King-Kai. Learning both the spirit bomb and Kaio-ken too, but since I'm here, I prevented all of that from happening, but, even if Goku won't get those two things, I can help expedite that process...

"A year is a lot of time if one knows what to do with it... I can help you all train since I'm stronger than Raditz, courtesy of my abilities." I offered, "And what could that possibly be?" Piccolo chided, not happy at the idea clearly, but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter...

I smiled, "Something that can help us stimulate our bodies to the maximum possible growth. Preferably a far harsher environment if possible." I put the thought in Bulma's head, as well as goku too.

"Umm... Something like... A hotter atmosphere maybe?" She took it, yes! "That's perfect actually, but we need more." I faked my guesses, only to see goku go up next, "You know, when I was younger, I went to this place that had pretty tough conditions to survive in, heck, I could barely breathe and stand in there, and I couldn't last a month." Goku said, which was good enough. 

I could capitalize on that.

"That sounds like enhanced gravity at it's core, that could help us massively if used correctly... But, how would we even get such a thing? Something that can both withstand high gravity and simulate harsh conditions?" I faked my wonderings, waiting for Bulma to chip in again...

"Wait... I could do it; but... The materials needed to make that thing won't be easy to come by if at all attainable..." She said, taking the bait, she was doing a wonderful job so far.

I smiled, "I carried that guy's spaceship here, maybe the materials there can aid you." I reminded her, her face lit up instantly, "Oh yeah! I could scrap the parts and even learn of alien technology too!" Bulma jumped.

Good, so now we have to play the waiting game... It would likely take Bulma a few months to make the thing if I remember correctly, which is more than enough time to get a chamber that can go up to 50-fold earth's gravity. In the meantime, I can spar with the others, especially Gohan and Goku...

The only problem now... Is that I have nowhere to go...

"Still, we have one more issue..." 

"What's that."

"... I've got no pla-"

"COME LIVE WITH ME!!!! I-I-I-I mean, I have a lot of spare rooms, s-so... You can crash at my place..." Bulma offered, I hesitantly nodded, "Sure... I'll carry you back..."

This was gonna be a long Journey...










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