
Alone on an island

Reggie rounded on Gunther, his face flushed with anger. "Gunther, why'd you have to go so brutal on poor Rico like that? Who knows what other valuable information he might have let slip if you hadn't beaten him down so viciously."

Gunther remained impassive, unrepentant. "Sometimes a gentle touch just doesn't cut it, bro. Rico wasn't playing ball with us, so I had to get a little...persuasive." He cracked his knuckles meaningfully.

Randall nodded in solemn agreement. "Much as I hate to admit it, Reggie, Gunther's got a point. Even when I threatened him myself he wouldn't bulge and you know that using our mind skills to force him into talking might yield only the result we wish to hear and not what we need to know. Sometimes, taking the kid gloves approach isn't always effective when interrogating tough nuts to crack. Sometimes you gotta apply some...firmer methods to get results."

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