

Her mouth dropped in shock.

She surveyed the man before her.

He was much more handsome than she could recall.

She shook her head.

She shouldn't be admiring him! She should be running away!

She tried to jerk herself free from him but he held her even tighter.

"Hey!" She said. "Let me go!"

He looked down at her closely.

"I wonder what will happen if I throw you to those men." He said. "They are calling you a thief."

Badum. Badum. Badum.

Her heart raced with infinite speed.

"I've not done anything wrong let me go." She yelled at him as she struggled to be released from his grip.

But he held unto her tighter and she saw the men were running closer.

They would catch up to her soon.

This was a very wicked man!

She should not have saved him from dying!

She should have left him to die a miserable death!

Before she could say anything, he pulled her off the road and against his chest.

And then they were both dragged into a corner.

She was shocked and wanted to scream but before she did, his hands went over her mouth and silenced her.

She remained still and she could perceive his scent.

He smelt like something she had never perceived before.

It was magical and beautiful.

She was so close to his chest as she was only about five foot five while he was over six foot.

Her head was at his chest and she could hear his heart beat.

She heard the men who had been chasing after her pass.

"Where is she?!" One demanded.

"She must have gone that way!" Another said.

"Let's go after her!"

And they ran off.

"You want to keep on staying like this?" The man asked.

Then Mei-ling realized she was holding on to him even though the thugs had gone a long time ago.

She quickly let herself go and twisted her face at him. "What are you saying?! You're the one who held me unto you!"

The man looked at her surprised. "I saved your life. They were calling you a thief!"

She made a silly face mocking him. "I could save myself. And why would I want to hold you! You're not even handsome."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not handsome." He said.

She regretted saving him. He was a conceited little brat!

"Yes. Even if you were handsome you think I'll want to be with a man like you?!" She demanded her hand on her waist. "It would be an embarrassment to be seen with you!"

She should have let him die there.

Obviously he was not the handsome man she would have wanted to have for herself

And moreover he didn't seem to remember her.

He reached out to her and she flinched.

"What are you trying to do?" She demanded. "I still have some Karate from school!"

He looked at her.

"Karate? What is that?" He asked her.

She wanted to bang her head on the wall.

This was ancient China. Karate wasn't yet here.

"None of your business." She said quickly.

Then he still reached out to her head and as she waves her hand is the air trying to fight him, she felt nothing.

She opened one eye and looked at him.

He was holding a feather.

"Hey! What's that?" She asked.

"Chicken feather. I pulled it from your hair." He answered.

"Oh. Hehehe." She said embarrassed.

The Chicken feathers must have been in the chicken cart.

Then she turned to leave.

She couldn't waste her time here.

She had places to be and she needed to return before they noticed she was missing.

Thank you widowsuccubus for the Golden ticket


Moonshine25creators' thoughts
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