
Insulting Wagers

The Totem Rank Giant roared at the Dragon. "Are you looking down on my people? Do you think that I am just going to bring one of my people here to be amusement for the Dragons?"

{We could let them fight.} The Dragon suggested.

"And if he really can kill a Monarch in one hit? What is the difference?" The Giant complained.

Karl was beginning to suspect that this part of the negotiations was actually the most time-consuming portion of the settlement of disputes. 

They all had different ways of doing things, and the Black Dragon served the Death God, so his suggestion was obviously going to always be to kill someone unless there was something more amusing available.

Sure, the Black Dragons upheld the balance of life and death, but where that balance lay was a bit of a murky topic, and one or two dead wouldn't sway things too far.

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